Chapter 12

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Elise woke up from her nap when she heard someone knocking on the door. She pulled herself into a sitting position and looked around in confusion for a few seconds. For a second, she completely forgot that she was in a castle. The King had left her and Ezra after showing them their rooms. Nadine and Murray left with him as well but not before telling her that their luggage would be sent to their rooms in a short while. The last thing Elise could remember was she shut the door after the luggage was sent to her room. She went to lay on the bed for a bit. And that's it. The next thing she knows is she waking up from her slumber with someone's fist pounding on the door. "Miss White, the King is requesting you to join for the dinner," The person from the other side of the door said in a soft and gentle tone and Elise immediately assumed that it was a woman out there. "Ah, yes" Elise answered the woman outside of the door while plopping her back on the bed again, "I will be there in a few minutes" She added quickly, not wanting the woman to wait for her to get ready. "Okay, Miss" Elise heard the woman answer her before her light footsteps thudding away from the front of her room. She sighed and once again looked around the luxurious room as she felt the mattress laying on with her hands. She must have fallen asleep right after her head hit the pillow. She couldn't help herself as the pillows and the mattress felt like clouds, lulling her into slumber right away. The fact that she spent the previous night tossing and turning on her bed back home as she had a lot of her mind resulted in her getting only an hour or two of slumber. So she wasn't really surprised that she napped twice today to catch up with her routine. The room that she was given by the King was twice the size of her room in Red Pride. It made her presence feel much smaller here. She didn't explore what's behind the wardrobe doors yet where the King had stocked up various kinds of apparel for her. Her favorite thing about the room was the window seat where she can see herself sitting there to read a book or to simply watch the breathtaking scenery from there. The room was painted in light brown, giving a warm feeling to it. And the fact that brown is her favorite color made her feel relaxed immediately upon entering the room. Exhaling sharply, Elise threw her legs off from the bed and begrudgingly went to her luggage that she is yet to unpack. Deciding to get a quick shower before going downstairs, she took out all of her necessities before slipping into the bathroom. She only washed her body and face, as she had taken a shower in the morning. She quickly got dressed in a simple knee-length dress and clipped her hair into a bun before exiting the room. It didn't cross her mind that she didn't know where the dining area is actually located until she stepped out of her room. She looked around the corridor to see if someone is nearby, in hopes to ask for directions but no one was there. Remembering her brother was supposed to be in the room next to hers, she rushed to that room at once and knocked on the door, "Ezra, are you there?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows together when she didn't hear a reply. She tried knocking again and gave up when she didn't receive any answer. Her brother has always been a light sleeper so she knew that he wasn't in his room. She assumed that he must be in the dining area as the King must have requested him to join as well. She slowly walked towards the elevator she had come from and pressed the button, deciding to go downstairs so she will bump into anyone that will take her to the dining area. She quietly stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to take her to the ground floor. Once the door opened, a woman dressed in the maid uniform was about to step into the elevator but froze on the spot she was standing when she noticed Elise. "Oh, Miss White. You must be looking for the dining area" The woman said, a smile curving at the corners of her lips as she took a step back to give Elise the space to walk out from the elevator even though she didn't have to do that. Elise nodded her head right away, glad help found her before she could look for it, "Yes, can you take me there, please?" Elise asked her politely, "If you're busy then telling me the direction would be more than enough," Elise said, eyeing the basket that the woman held gingerly in her hands. The woman shook her head, "No, actually this can wait. Marie, please can you take this to the third floor. I will be right there in a few minutes" She called out to the other maid who was passing her. Marie took the basket and stepped into the elevator without any protest. "This way please," The woman said, gesturing her hand at Elise to follow her. Elise quickly followed her. Turns out the dining area wasn't actually far away from the elevator and she was glad that she had come down to the ground floor. Apparently, that's where the dining area is. Elise tried to memorize the way to the dining area as she walked. She knew that she can't always ask for help from anyone to get there. "The King has been waiting for you actually," The woman said snapping Elise's attention back to her, coming to a stop in front of a door, "There you go," She said, gesturing her hand for Elise to get in. "Thank you" Elise thanked her before stepping into the room. And just like that, three pairs of eyes shot towards her way just as she stepped in, "I am sorry that I am late" She apologized right away, closing the door behind her back. Her eyes went to the table and she noticed that none of them have started to eat yet. They have been waiting for her and that made her instantly feel guilty. Perhaps she should have skipped the shower and came down right away. Arthur watched her and it didn't take him even a second to figure out that she is beating herself up, "That's alright, Elise" He comforted her right away, "Come on, take a seat and let's start our dinner" He gestured to the empty seat between him and Ezra. Arthur didn't fail to notice how ravishing she looked even dressed like that. Her hair was up on a bun, showcasing her slender neck where he would mark her when the time is right. Arthur's wolf growled inside of him, not liking the idea of waiting but Arthur easily kept him in check. After all, he had thousands of years of practice to calm his wolf whenever it is needed. It was hard at first but as time goes on, he was able to do that effortlessly. Elise rushed to the chair not wanting to make them wait any longer and grabbed Ezra's hand out of habit and she was about to grab Arthur's hand as well when she froze suddenly, "Um, sorry" She said, retracting her hand before it made contact with Arthur's skin, "It is a habit, your highness" She explained it when the king raised his perfect eyebrows at her in question. She forgot again that she was not in Red Pride. Ah, Arthur almost forgot that once he did a prayer at Alpha Christian's residence after Luna Tessa served them the food she made, "Seems like a good habit. Please, I would be delighted if I could be a part of the prayers as well" He said, extending his hand for her to take. Murray and Ezra looked at the King as if he had said something in a foreign language but Elise's face brightened up like a kid on a Christmas day, "Sure" She said, grabbing the King's hand, "You have to hold Murray's hand and Murray has to hold Ezra's hand" She smiled, waiting for the both of them to link their hands. Arthur's eyes shot towards his beta and he almost wanted to go back on his word. But he didn't have the heart to tell her that so he hesitantly grabbed Murray's hand, ignoring the amused smile on his Beta's lips. Murray joined hands with Ezra and Elise smiled in approval, "Now, let's take a moment to thank the Moon Goddess for letting has an opportunity to have this dinner" She said, her eyes fluttering close. This is how her mother had taught her and she was happy that she can do that here as well. Sure it isn't the same when she was with her parents but this somehow made her feel like they are very near to her. A second later, her eyes fluttered open again and her grasp around the King's hand loosened, "There, now we can eat" She said, smiling at each and everyone present at the table, letting go of Arthur's hand. Arthur smiled and then turned his face to Murray who was still holding his hand. Arthur's eyes narrowed at Murray and Murray let go of his hand right away, offering him a sheepish smile. The four of them started to eat their food, "So how you two liking your rooms so far?" Murray asked Ezra and Elise, cutting the meat so gracefully with the knife. "Um, it is a nice room" Elise answered, "Thanks the King" She added quickly, remembering her manners. "I am glad you like it" Arthur smiled. A comfortable silence fell upon them after that as they finished the rest of the meal, savoring the taste of it. But still, Elise missed the food that her mother made back home. Of course, it is much simpler than the variety of food that she had tasted here but something was missing. Perhaps the 'love' her mother usually adds when she cooks. "The food was great, your highness," Ezra said, "Can I get to see the rest of the castle after this? If that is okay that is. I am a little curious" Ezra said, scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably. He felt like a school kid in the museum. Arthur nodded his head at Ezra, a small yet breathtaking smile curving at the corners of his lips, "Murray, can you please have someone to give him the tour?" Arthur asked, his blue eyes flickering towards the Beta of the Betas. "Of course, King" Murray agreed right away, "Would you like to look around as well, Miss White?" Murray asked politely but Elise shook her head at him with a polite smile on her face. She felt a tad bit tired of that. Not physically but mentally, she was drained."I'll do that tomorrow" She said. "Oh, speaking of tomorrow," Arthur said suddenly, gaining her attention, "Your training with the Royal Warriors will start sharp at eight in the morning. Nadine will be there to take you two to where the warriors train" He informed them, leaning his back on the seat. Ezra nodded his head, "Understood, King" He said. He couldn't wait to meet the Royal Warriors. This was a once in the lifetime opportunity and he will be forever grateful to his sister and the King for making it possible. Elise bit her lower lip in uncertainty but nodded her head at the King anyway. She hoped she will fit among them well. She doesn't want to be the outcast. She hoped the Werewolves in the Royal pack accept her the way the Red Pride has accepted her. "Alright, Ezra" Murray smiled, "Let's look around the castle," He said, getting up from the chair, "I'll see you later, your highness," He said, bowing at the King in respect and the King nodded his head. Murray then started to walk towards the door. Ezra stood up and respectfully bowed to the King as well, "I'll see you in a bit" He whispered to Elise, too excited to notice the uneasiness on her face. "Okay," She sighed and watched her brother walk away from there until he disappeared from the line of her sight. It was just her and the King. Elise felt uncomfortable again. She looked around the dining area, taking in the interior of it for the first time since stepping into the room. She tried to stall her time as much as she can, pretending to be interested in her surrounding but at some point, her eyes landed on the King who was watching her the whole time. "Do you have any plans for tonight?" Arthur asked her when their eyes met. After a century, he met her again and he wasn't going to let her go that easily. He wanted to cherish every moment of it. He wanted to get to know her more, like the way he did with Eliza. Elise shook her head, "No, your highness" She said without thinking much about it. She was supposed to call her mother later though. The King looked pleased with her answer and Elise immediately regretted telling him the truth, "Then will you take a walk with me at the gardens?" He asked her, his eyes burning into her. He gracefully got up from the chair he was sitting on held out his hand at her. Elise didn't have a choice but to accept his hand, "Yes, your highness" She said in a low voice, placing her hand on his and letting him pull her to her feet.
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