Chapter 11

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Once they landed in the private airstrip in the United Kingdom, they were ushered into a Limousine by the royal warriors who were waiting for their arrival. Elise felt uncomfortable at first but she didn't say anything as she felt a little groggy from the nap she took earlier. Ezra on the other hand introduced himself to the royal warriors. He always had a thing for meeting new people. Although it was a rare thing back in Ireland as they only leave the territory when it is absolutely necessary, he enjoyed seeing new faces. Elise sighed, her hand going up to the locket that her father had given her. She absentmindedly played with it the whole ride, already missing her parents so dearly. Her grasp around the locket tightened as she felt a painful jab in her heart. Things are going to be different now. She isn't the carefree girl she was back home. Here, she has to be careful and poised all the time. Whether she likes it or not, she has to be aware of her surroundings. This is a castle. Not her home. So that meant, she has to be formal all the time. "Remember, not everyone can know about your powers," Arthur said, snapping her away from the train of her thoughts, "Yes, you will be safe in the castle but your true identity as an earth manipulator shall remain as a secret because of some unavoidable reasons" He continued when Elsie's confused eyes met with his blue ones. She nodded her head even though she doesn't see any valid reason for them to hide her powers, "Understood, your highness" She said. Arthur smiled, pleased with her answer."I will introduce you to my most trusted wolves and they will assist you in everything" He informed her, "One of them will personally train you, teach you all about your powers so one day you will be able to take control of it fully" He elaborated a little so it will be easier to introduce them to her once the get to the castle. "Your brother will take part in some of your training where there are no powers involved, just so you will feel more comfortable with the new faces around here" The king continued, "Is that okay with you, Ezra?" He asked the young lad, for the first time since they took a seat in the car, his eyes flickered towards her brother. "Yes, your highness" Ezra answered the King, "After all, that's why I am here, right? To make her feel at home" Ezra added, his eyes falling on his sister, affection swirling in them. Once again, Arthur was impressed with the heights Ezra would go for his little sister, "Yes, exactly" Arthur said, "People can know that you're siblings. There's no problem in that" He added quickly, looking at the duo if they understood everything he said. "Okay, King" She nodded her head again, without missing a beat. Arthur smiled, "You have to look out now," He said softly making her knit her eyebrows together in confusion before looking out of the window. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. Elise's jaw slacked when her eyes landed on the castle, "We have arrived. That is your new home now" Arthur said, his eyes were watching Elise as the car sped towards the castle. Elise gasped and pressed herself to the car window to take in the beautiful architecture, memorizing the details of the castle as much as she can. This was the first time she was seeing a castle in person. It was astounding, for her at least. Eight thick, round towers surrounded the castle in a perfect circle this magnificent castle and they were connected by towering, solid and strong walls that were made of marble. Elegant windows were thinly scattered around the walls in a symmetrical pattern. As they neared the huge gate with enormous metal doors, Elise could see the well-kept gardens with exotic flowers, gorgeous trees, and some bushes decorating the outside of the castle. Whoever built this castle deserves a standing ovation. The castle was a pure work of art. It was too beautiful to be real. In fact, it looked like a picture on the photocard. The gate opened and there were about ten to twelve guards there, in their royal uniform, loyally guarding the castle. The car sped past the gates, on the slightly narrow gravel road towards the front of the castle. Elise looked around and noticed that there were plain fields of a type of grass on either side of the road, adding to the castle's aesthetics. There was a water fountain at the end of the gravel road and the car rounded around it before coming to a stop. Arthur opened the door and stepped out of the car first before turning to Elise and extending his hand for her to take, "Let's get you in" He said, waiting expectantly for her to take his hand. Elise couldn't decline his hand. He is the King and it would be a death sentence if she did that so she hesitantly put her small hand on his palm and Arthur gripped her hand gently before helping her out of the car. A cold breeze blew onto her the very second she stepped out of the car making her shudder a little, "Wow, this place is so beautiful" Elise said, eyeing the castle up close. She looked up at the towers in interest, "Is that where people always keep the prisoners?" She blurted out, her cheeks flushing in pink once she realized that she shouldn't have said that. Arthur chuckled and shook his head, "No, we don't keep the prisoners in the castle" Arthur smiled at her, half-heartedly letting go of her hand, "We shall head in now" He added, his eyes flickering towards Ezra. Arthur and Murray walked in the front, guiding the siblings towards their room while Ezra and Elise walked behind them, looking at the marvelous interior in amazement. There were some maids and butlers watching them in interest, wondering why the King and The Beta of the Betas are taking two strangers into the castle. "It might take a little while for you two to figure out the routes but once you've walked through the same corridor a few times, you'll be able to recognize it right away," Arthur said as they walked. "I think I would be lost," Elise said, smiling at the people she met on her way. Only that they didn't smile back at her. They were all staring at her curiously. Elise tried not to think much of it. She knows that it is not every day the castle receives a pair of strange people as guests. "Trust me, you won't" Arthur smiled to himself. His voice was so low that only Murray heard him, making him smile as well. He knew what that meant. A loud caw was heard from far away and Elise's steps faltered a little, "What was that?" She asked, looking at her brother in bewilderment, "Did you hear that noise? It sounded like a caw-" Elise asked her brother, her eyes darting around frantically to spot anything strange. Arthur and Murray stopped walking at once. They both turned around to see Ezra shaking his head at his sister, "No, I didn't hear anything" He answered his sister's question, his face was scrunched up a little in confusion. That's impossible. Nothing gets past a werewolf's sensitive hearing. "Are you sure you didn't hear that?" She asked, her eyes shot up to look at her brother again. Ezra simply shook his head at her. Arthur and Murray exchanged a meaningful glance. It would be interesting to watch Deja's encounter with Elise. But that can't happen now so that's why Arthur had specifically asked the royal warrior to keep Deja away in its room so it wouldn't scare off the newcomers. "The castle is just a mile or two away from the forest so it is normal to hear other animals now and then," Murray said smoothly. It was true, though. "Okay" Elise nodded her head in understanding. The four of them started walking again and eventually entered into a spacious elevator, "I thought castles don't have elevators" Ezra said as the doors closed. Murray chuckled softly while Arthur watched the young man in amusement, "Well this castle does. We renovated the castle a few years ago. It is important to keep up with the trend" Murray said. Elise noticed that Murray is talking more than a few words in a sentence now. When he was in Red Pride, he always gave one-worded answers and keeps on brooding the entire time, unlike the King who looked carefree. Maybe he is comfortable by only revealing his true self in the castle, Elise thought to herself. They walked out of the elevator and towards the corridor, passing several arrays of rooms, "I assume that you two probably feeling tired so for now you shall rest in your respective rooms before I send up someone to you to join us for dinner" Arthur said, coming to stop in front of one of the rooms. "This is your room, Elise," He said, gesturing his hand to the room. Elise nodded her head at him in acknowledgment. "Ezra, your room is right next to her room," The King said, gesturing his hand to the other room. Ezra also nodded his head at the King. "Thank you, King," He said, grateful that the King has not been only kind enough to let him go with his sister but also made him comfortable to be around here... All of them heard a pair of heels clicking against the tiles and snapped their heads towards the direction of that noise, "Oh and this is Nadine, the healer of the Kingdom" Arthur smiled fondly, recognizing the scent of that werewolf immediately, "She will be with you if you need anything" He added just as the beautiful woman appeared in the corridor. The woman had dark hair and it was pulled into a ponytail, revealing her strong features. Flawless skin, long lashes framing her eyes. She looked like a goddess living in the twenty-first century. Anyone would be enchanted with her and forget themselves for a second, lost in her beauty. Nadine was smiling as she planted herself in front of the group, "My King" She bowed her head respectfully in front of the King before looking up to meet Elise's eyes. For some strange reason, her eyes held recognition as she took in Elise. The way Nadine was looking at Elise was so full of emotions. As if she was looking at a long-lost friend, " Nadine..." Elise tested that name on her tongue for the first time, feeling like she knew Nadine from somewhere, "It feels like I have seen you somewhere else" She said. Arthur and Murray exchanged another meaningful glance while Ezra stared at Nadine, completely at loss for words. His brain lost the ability to function properly for a few seconds as he took in her beauty. Nadine rearranged her features, remembering what the king had said, "Really?" She smiled, "I feel the same" Nadine nodded her head, her smile turned cryptic. Of course, she will feel like she knew Nadine from somewhere. After all, Nadine was her best friend in her past life. 
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