Chapter 9: Training Kylie

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Next day in the dark forest I hopped off my horse and told her to stay. I used a magical item I bought that let me know if I was being followed and I wasn’t. I walked to the door of Jenny's cottage and knocked on the door. Jenny opened the door and smiled. "To tell the truth I wasn't too sure you'd show up." She opened her door wider. "I'm glad you did." "Well, I am returning a favor." I smiled, walked in, and closed the door behind me. "I never asked but why can't their dad teach them?" I asked tilting my head off to the side slightly. Jenny frowned and shook her head slowly. "He's not around..." "Oh... I'm sorry. Where are the twins?" I changed the subject. I wonder what she meant by 'not around,' dead, lost, or abandoned them? I'm going to assume dead for now. Kylie ran up to me with a smile on her face. "I knew you'd come back! Kellin didn't think so, but I did!" She grabbed my hand. "Let's go!" She dragged me outside to the field. "Kellin is still asleep so this is going to be a one-on-one session." "Okay. Let's start with meditation, it's like stretching before you run." We sat down and I led the meditation. After we meditated for a little while we stood up and jumped around together a little. "Now, I want to see where you're at. what can you do?" I just hoped she's not too far behind because I already have to get Kellin to tap into his magical ability which who knows how long that will take. "Okay." She sat back down and concentrated on a little bit of the ground. She made a flower grow and bloom but when she was done and moved her hands it withered. She frowned while staring at the dead flower. I still smiled at her for encouragement. "I think I see where you're struggling." I sat down facing her and I closed my eyes. "I'm focusing and visualizing the clear glass field, now I'm visualizing what I want to create. Elven magic is all about creation." I opened my eyes slowly and the clear grass field was full of bloomed flowers of all colors. Kylie looked at me amazed. "Whoa. You only moved your hands a little." I nodded. "That's the point I'm trying to make. You're focusing on making your hands do the work. Your mind needs to send out the mana. You can use your hands as assistance for visualizing but that’s not where the magic is coming from. I'm so well trained that my mind can directly do the work. We both need to use our minds. Visualize, don't put too much focus on your hands. Try again." She closed her eyes, and I could tell she wasn't as worried about her hands, but she still used them which was fine for now. She needed to leave it to the imagination. I didn’t expect her to actually learn this fast. She needs more meditation and practice, so I was shocked when a few fully grown trees sprouted from the ground. "Kylie..." She opened her eyes slowly and one at a time. "What?" She looked around. "That was me?” She laughed in joy and looked at me. "They didn't die!" She jumped on me for a hug. "Thank you!" I hugged her back. "No problem. Were you trying to grow trees?" I asked worriedly. She got off me and shook her head. "I was thinking of a few flowers." We both stood up. I took a look at her, and her magical energy level was high. Not as high as someone trained. Think of it this way, I'm a level 14 magic-user. When I met her, she was level 2 but now she jumped to level 8 after just one lesson. The thing is she still couldn’t control it. I didn't do anything except show her how to meditate and flow the mana more properly. "Let's take a break on actual magic and I'll teach you stuff about Elves. How does that sound?" She nodded fast with a smile. "Sounds amazing." I stretched after being in one place for a while. I was getting pretty impatient as well. "I want your brother here for this, so I don't have to repeat myself." She walked to one of the trees she grew and there were flowers of her creation in it. She pulls a bunch of the lower ones down and walked to me. The flowers all bunched up together looked like a bouquet. "These are for my mom." She looked up at me "For finding me a teacher." She smiled and held my hand. "Like an angel." I've heard that before, but the difference is I was the one saying it. I told Bailey she was my angel when I was about Kylie's age. She must think of me the way I think of Bailey. She must think I'll protect her and teach her like a sister. I smiled down at her as we walked. "Challenge accepted, I will be your guardian angel. I will protect you from danger and boys of course." We laughed. "Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked. Why did Scorch pop up into my mind? I shrugged not sure what I should answer with. "Sort of. There is a lot about me you do not know. I'll explain everything later one we will bond. I'll tell you about me, my love life and you can tell me about you." She looked so happy. "That sounds perfect!" We arrived back at the cottage and walked in. Kellin was on the couch. Kylie sat down next to him as I stood in front of them. Kellin sighed, he obviously didn’t want to learn about elves, but I know his mother is giving him no other choices. "So, I will start with some basic facts. As crazy as it sounds Elves evolved from nature. We are nature. Though we call our abilities magic it's not exactly. We can't do most of the things mages or witches can do. We manipulate and progress nature." I explained with a smile of joy. I glowed as I talked about my people. "Any questions?" Kellin scoffed. "That's stupid. We were not made from nature." He challenged with doubt. I gave a chuckle in response. "Bet," I smirked. "Once upon a time, mother nature took on a human form and had s****l relations with a dwarf -being why we are so short- they had a baby and the first elf was created, elves are much taller than dwarfs but shorter than the average human. No, we are not considered dwarfs. Technically part dwarf but no one really acknowledges that because we’ve evolved and don't share as much DNA anymore to be considered dwarfs. We have the abilities of mother nature on a smaller scale, we are her children. She is nature as we are." When I finished the story, Kellin seemed more interested in his elf side. "Okay come on that's enough history for today. I want to show you guys something cool." We left the house and walked to my horse. Kylie's eyes widen. "Oh. My. Gosh." She giggled and started petting my horse's head "Yes. I'm Kylie." She smiled big. "Tomato? That's a strange name for a horse." I pouted at her words. "I was four when I named her." Kellin was the only one confused. He tapped his twin on the shoulder. "You two know she can't understand you and you can't understand her, right?” Kylie turned to him. "You can't hear her?" She looked at me. "I thought this was a talking horse?" I shook my head. "Elves can talk to animals. Their language is translated in our head, so it sounds like they’re speaking our language. Kylie's natural translator can work because she's tapped into a lot of her abilities." Kellin crossed his arms because of jealousy. "A load of crap." I shrugged. "You'll be able to one day." I looked at my watch. "Ugh I should go, or people will worry." Kylie frowned. "It's only been an hour, play with us." She pleaded. "Fine, race you to the fields," I say and we all started running. I played with them for another hour, then I went home to the castle. I could probably keep up teaching them for a few weeks before my father and Bailey got specious. I wouldn't mind doing this forever.
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