1970 Words
    I was awoken to mom banging on the bedroom door I pulled my blankets and groaned as I got up and opened the door. "Yes, mom". Not bothering one bit about my annoyed tone. Like seriously I'm sleepy. "Happy 18th birthday Anna, your dad and I made you breakfast, can you come down soon," mom said slightly taken aback by my sudden attitude, and then she sniffed the air around me and entered my room if I wasn't a werewolf I would've freaked out.  "Sure mom I will b----", I was cut off by a fuming mom, now I know she isn't my real mom but when she's mad she is scary. "Annalise Elizabeth Shaw, where you drinking and did you have a boy in here". she screamed at me and on cue, my dad came running up the stairs and then it all clicked."s**t," I murmured remembering last night with James, the drinking, the talking and then the ring I looked at my finger and I still had the ring on.  "What's going on here?". Dad came into the room. s**t, s**t, s**t, think of something anna, I keep saying looking all over except my parents' face. Ah ha an idea pops up in my head, sorry John you gotta help me out I said to myself. "WHAT no why would I be drinking and I don't know any boys remember", I let out a loud sigh trying to put my lie together and not making any mistakes. "Someone spill alcohol on me in front of the gym, and the scent is from a guy I spar with yesterday, kelly came late so John put me with someone else, by the way, how can you smell the guy my clothes is in the laundry basket", I said knowing that will shut them up a bit. Dad looked at mom shaking his head like she gave out a big secret making her look at the ground. "Don't worry about that anna, be down in 30 mins we have something important to talk about, and your mom is going crazy with all the cooking and you know she doesn't like cooking so this has to be special", dad said earning a slap from mom I couldn't help but laugh. "Ok be down soon", I said watching them leave the room "Gosh that was too close Anna, by the way, do you remember anything from last night",  "No Nova hold on I'm going to call James". I know I shouldn't of let my guard down last night, but I was feeling safe and it doesn't happen all the time. Looking at the bed for my phone I saw a glass of cold orange juice by my nightstand with a note. Dearest Anna,                                                                                                                                                                            I heard your parents woke up and I knew they would smell me in your room so I left, I'm sorry but your uncle will kill me if he found out I was in your room. After drinking your wine asked me to help you inside and you went to bed I stayed just in case something happened while you were asleep. Enjoy your day and no matter what call me and I will be right there.                                                                                                             YOUR BEST FRIEND,                                                                                                                 JAMES.         I looked at the note in awe and smiled how was I so lucky to get such a good friend, putting the note down I sigh and took the orange juice and drank it, it was still cold meaning he just left. After taking a shower and changing into jeans and Thor T-shirt as I said, I really love marvel movies and white flats I began to feel light-headed and lay down falling asleep immediately. When I opened my eyes both the moon goddess and her granddaughter were waiting for me. Her granddaughter whose name I found out was Eve was training but always bought her grandmother when coming to see me. "Hi did you just knock me out", I asked  "Yep", Said Eve who was jumping up and down like a little child while the moon goddess was just shaking her head. "I just learn to do that and I was super excited to try it," she said smiling ear to ear, I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. "What's up why did you bring me here", I said gesturing to the forest, Eve came and sat next to me and took my hand, oh god this isn't good I thought to myself and Nova agreed. "Well you know you're meeting your grandfather today, and we think it's time to tell your parents and grandfather that you are aware of what's going on. The rough alpha has gone dark and even if grandmother created all the wolves, we can't find him anywhere so we need you protected at all times, this isn't even the war that you were meant to fight but the supernatural is pretty messed up right now," she said sighing loudly like a heavyweight lifted off her shoulders. "OK," I said instantly, I really hate lying but I knew I had to at the time and who knows I can train with my parents now. They both look at me like I had something on my face, then an idea popped up in my head. "Can I leave now I'm sure they are waiting on me", I said with a smile on my face. "Sure and whatever your think about that's just wicked", Eve said returning my smile the moon goddess just looked at us and then to the ground shaking her head saying something's about us being spoil.  As I opened my eyes I headed down knowing full well what to expect, as I made my way to the kitchen I caught the most amazing smell ever cinnamon and coffee, looks like mom really went out of her way. "No you i***t our mate is near," Nova said pacing in my head. "OH HELL NO, I DON'T WANT A MATE RIGHT NOW THAT'S JUST A DISTRACTION", I shouted at her. "Funny because he's outside I can sense him", she said in a 'you don't have a choice tone'. " Whatever, that won't do me anything and besides you're ruining my plans for my parents and grandfather, go hide somewhere until I finished ok." I snapped at her. "NO I WANT TO WATCH", She cried more like winned, I have to say she is stubborn just like me. " Ok let the fun begin". As I sat at the table my grandfather walked through the door and stopped to look at me, I don't understand what I'm feeling, my emotions at the moment was all over the place, I happy because I didn't have to lie but also angry because he never came to look for me, well at least I don't think so. He was a tall man with salt and pepper hair, his age surely showing on his face, it could be stress I don't know, he has the same eye color as mines and wore a perfected fitted dark blue suit. He slowly made his way around the table and sat next to me putting a blue box with a red bow in front of me. "Amm H-happy B-birthday Anna", He said, like he was scared I will scream or run away or something. But before he could continue to speak I spoke, "Thank you, grandfather, and thank you for finally coming to look for me I thought you won't make an appearance", I said smiling at the shocked faces of my parents and grandfather, hahaha that's what you get for lying to me. He turned to my parents and gave them a death look that pissed me of immediately. "Don't look at them like that, you may be my grandfather and Alpha but you don't disrespect the people that took care of me when my parents died", I said with anger rolling off me, I closed my eyes and breathe for a minute and the opened them to see the most shocking faces ever, I loved it, I'm evil I know. I took out my phone and called uncle Kylen telling him to come now, James informed him last night that I was moving to the packhouse, so uncle Kylen said he will be close just call when I need him. In a minute he was by the kitchen back door coming inside. The look on the three faces looking at uncle Kylen and me was priceless, looking at the scene in front of him and then uncle Kylen turns to me with a hard look on his face. "What did you do"? he asked  "Nothing much as yet" I answered  "How long have you known," my grandfather asked looking at me like he has seen a ghost. "Since I was 13, and before you start, my parents didn't tell me anything I found out on my own and this, by the way, is my mom's brother uncle Kylen a vampire", I said while opening the box in front of me and pointing to my uncle. "Anna you broke the wolves, look at their faces I should get a picture'', Uncle Kylen said, laughing hard making my parents snapped out of whatever world they were in, but what broke me was the locket in the box it was a gold locket with the same design as my ring and had the same color stones as well. I started to wonder if James had known about the locket when he bought the ring, as I open the locket I saw a picture of a couple smiling happily I looked at it for some time not realize that everyone was looking at me. "Cleo" was all that came out of uncle Kylen's mouth before a tear starts running down his face, before I could even ask, he rushed out. I turned to look at everyone at the table and then my grandfather took my hand. "They are your parents, Liam and Cleo, this picture was taken before she got sick, they were having a birthday party for your cousin Colin he was like a son to your mom and dad". he said with a sad smile." I'm sorry we lied, but you need to understand why we did that", he said looking at me, but all I could do was think about how happy they were and if I wasn't born they would have still been alive and happy. I looked up at my parents or more like step-parents and the tears started falling, maybe they are in danger because of me as well I don't think I could lose them as well. I could see the question in their eyes but they didn't say anything. I got up wiped my tears and put the locket on, I shouldn't be crying I'm strong and I can't change the past, the three of them got up looking like they were expecting a war or something. "Thank you, for the breakfast and the present but I should go I'm getting late for school", I said walking towards the door. "Anna, can we please talk I know you're hurting but please let's talk", my mom said running behind me, I turned and hugged her taken her by surprise. "I'm fine, I will talk to you later", I said before walking out of the house, as I close the door I close my eyes and inhaled deeply, and that cinnamon and coffee smell was all I needed to calm down, as I opened my eyes I was looking straight at three unbelievable handsome guys leaning on a black SUV like seriously it should be a crime to be so good looking.  MATE, MATE, MATE  was all Nova was singing in my head.  OH SHITTT  
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