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ANNALISE POV Three months later,     Its been three months and things have changed a lot. Caleb and I are basically no more, we haven't rejected each other yet but I feel he is doing it to hurt me, he said he couldn't believe that I would betray him like that, Caleb had asked Colin to lock up Austin, but I fought them all saying he had changed and wanted to make things right, Caleb however said I should of supported his decision because his pack and people would of been together and safe if it wasn't for Austin. He left my room that night after a heated argument, dad, James and uncle Kylen had to intervein. We haven't spoke to each other since, we stay under the same roof so I see him all the time, the first date Caleb and Ashley went on broke Nova and I to a point where Nova sprit leave my body was standing in front of me, today he and Ashley are going on a romantic dinner date, according to her so I left the house and is currently hiding in the forest. Nova and I have a lot of emotions to express but we keep it for training by the lake. Austin, however, left a month ago to back to the rogues to get information, I told him to link me only if he is in trouble, we had made a blood oat so he could link me anywhere he was. Our training changed a lot with all the new power, with Nova being able to leave my body I can be a full vampire, John had asked me to move into the room upstairs the gym so I wont be feeling uncomfortable but, Colin, Kelly and my uncle Logan was against it. With my new power I can sense vampires entering the territory and Nova senses the rogues, so we stay in the forest most days just killing them out without anyone knowing, it was our way of letting go of all the pain and heart break. Nova and I are currently sitting in the forest, killing time waiting on the vampires they always come at 3pm, I can feel Nova's anger knowing the Caleb with be with Ashley again tonight, they haven't slept together or do anything physically because I felt no pain, its just the idea of him being in her arms and not mine hurts like hell. At 3pm I sensed five vampires and Nova sensed six wolves, we combined our sprits and readied  ourselves for a fight.  Coming out of the woods I saw five wolves in front and four vampires making a big circle around us. I didn't need to worry because I wasn't feeling any sort of danger, I was looking at them without any emotion I just wanted to rip there heads out, out of no way a gust of black wind stopped in front of me and I felt hands on either sides of my hips pulling me into a solid chest, I pushed away and stepped back to see none other than Damien.  "What are you doing here Damien?" I said rolling my eyes. I knew the fight would come but not so soon, good thing I was training hard for this. "Someone is rather feisty, and I see you have grown powerful in a short period of time." he said looking at me from head to toe with a huge smile on his face. "Look I don't have time for this s**t, are we going to fight or not?" I asked knowing if I don't fight soon Nova will run back to the house and rip Ashley piece by piece  "You will really make a great queen my love," he said stepping up to me, 'queen', 'love' what the hell is wrong with him. I should let him know his place and stop whatever he has going on in his head.  "To bad I like being an Alpha" I said with a smirk. "Well I asked nicely but it look's like I will have to take what I want, I will really enjoy hearing you scream my name after all this fighting is done", he said moving back behind the circle "ATTACK" he shouted and the wolves came forward in attack stance.  "Nova, spit you take the wolves and I will deal with Damien once and for all",  I said, as nova stepped out she charged the wolves and I ran towards the vampires, I didn't take my eyes of Damien, I wanted to hurt him bad, I wanted to feel his blood running through my fingers. I didn't need to use my powers because these idiots was simple to take on hand to hand combat, as the go high I go low, when they tried holding me down they hold the wrong places, easy for me to use my legs and kick them between there legs it was almost to easy, Damien however was ready for me as I took the last vampire down, I looked over to Nova who was sitting waiting for us to merge, as she re-entered by body I ran towards Damien, I punched him to face for hard he stumble back, he stood and put his hand on his face and smiled at me, he charged forward and layering kicks and punches I managed to doge some, but when I couldn't take it anymore I shifted and stomp on him sinking my teeth into his sides, in one quick motion he pushed me down and straddle me on my back, holding my head pulling me back, I shifted back into human and pushed him of but as I was about to charge forward I felt a sting in my neck, when I looked over to Damien he was holding his neck and falling to the ground, as I hit the ground everything went black. When I woke up I was on a bed, I checked my surrounding and realize I'm not in the pack house, I was about to move when I realize I was chained to the bed. I looked at the chains and noticed it’s silver, I am immune to silver, I don’t know how but it’s a blessing seeing that silver weakens a wolf, I was about to break it when the room door suddenly opened.   "Austin" I said relived to see him. "Hurry Anna, you need to leave the rogue alpha kidnaped you", he said trying to remove the chains, now it all made sense. Vampires won't attack there leader but why would he attack when he have a Damien by his side.  "Wait, Austin, something isn't right, where is Damien?" I asked placing my hand on his making him stop what he was doing. "Why do you care about Damien Anna?" he asked pulling his hand away. "I don't, I just don't want someone killing him before I do, now why am I here?", I questioned him, as he was about to start back on the chains I stopped him. "WHY AM I HERE?", I asked using my alpha tone, Austin looked into my eyes and I could see he was struggling but no one can go against there alpha. "Alpha Jackson or the rogue alpha or whatever you call him is going to call Caleb and trade you for his pack members", he said but I can see there is more, I took his hand and looked at him assuring him its ok, "there is another mole in the pack, he have been reporting on the events for the last two weeks, he knows you and Caleb are not together but not why, I'M SO SORRY ANNA PLEASE LET ME GET YOU OUT OF HERE", he said and I could feel the panic in his voice, I'm not passing on this opportunity to get the members to safety. I let out a sigh and squeezed his hands. I know what I'm about to say won't sit well. "I agree to the trade, no need to call anyone I'm giving up myself but, before anything happens I need to speak to the alpha", I said moving my hands away from him. Austin stood up shaking his head saying no but one stern look from me made him bow his head and left the room. Now that I'm alone I need Nova. "Nova, are you ok?"  "Yes, I’m surprised though I thought I would of been weaker, but I think this should be our secret for now, we could use it to our advantage, what do you say?" "Ok great,I'm putting my plan into action, as long as the alpha agree", "Anna all we need is few days, we need some information on the mole, I mean we could end this now but staying here will help with gathering Information", "OK so in one week time we will execute our plan", "Agreed, We will be stronger by then, and when its all over we will deal with Mr. Caleb and his Ashley, I'm out for blood Anna and I'm going to get it", "Woah, there lets deal with this first, you can have as much blood as you want while we are here", As I finished my conversation with Nova my mind run on Damien, they ruin my revenge they took it from me but I won't let them kill him not yet at least. It didn't take long for Austin to return and by the way he was looking I could tell the alpha had agreed to meet me. I was looking at Austin when I saw him come in, his alpha aura was strong I could tell he had powers from the moon goddess. He was a tall strapped man surprising young and good looking I was expecting an old man, he had moss green eyes and dark brown hair, he was clean shaved and was waring a dark blue suit. If he wasn't an asshole I would of found him attractive but all I want is to rip his heart out. He was stand there looking at me as I was looking at him, when he snapped out of his gaze he turn to Austin and spoke. "LEAVE" "Alpha, she is a trained Alpha wolf, are you sure you don't need protection", Austin said and I know why he asked that but before the Alpha could answer I spoke. "Your Alpha spoke to you boy, listen or be punished", I said, causing the Alpha to smile but Austin was shocked, gosh these guys need a class in acting. "Austin, what the hell, I'm acting here can you please leave I'm fine", I said through out link. He nod and walked to the door, but before he close the door, he took one last look and I gave him a small nod.  "Well young lady, you are adapting to the Luna role quite fast", he said as he sat on the bed taking my hand into his, his hands were cold not warm like Austin or Caleb hands, I wanted to snatch it back but I have to keep my role if I want the people freed.  "Well, first of, I don't have a choice and you could of asked instead of shooting me, that hurt, and what the hell is with the chains, like seriously how do you expect for me to reach the bathroom", I said in one go causing the alpha to laugh, I knew I need to buy time I cant afford any slip ups.  "Ok princess I will let you free if you promise not to fight", I looked at him and nod saying "I promise". "Now, my beta said you wanted to talk to me", he said and I knew I have to play this right. I need to buy one week. "Yes, I will stay with you but first I have some demands", I said sitting up straight, he looked a bit amused but said "go on", I didn't like the how he was starting to move close to me, but I had to play it out, I need to be strong. "First Let the people of Caleb pack go, second let your beta go, he is rude and doesn't obey orders, thirdly I want a phone call, lastly I want to see Damien", I said, keeping my composure I knew that mentioning Damien's name will stop whatever he was planning to by coming so close to me. He stood up and walked to the window that I now realize was there.  "That's not a lot of request, but some hard ones, I will how ever let the people and my beta go, but the phone call and the matter with Damien I need to think", he said as he turn back to me, I nod but an idea pop up and I decided to go with it.  "Ok, but don't be long because I want a Luna ceremony a week from now",  "What?" he said walking back to me sitting on the side of me, and now we are almost face to face. "Y-yes I thought that's why I am here?" I said, as he moved his hand up leg to my back, then back of my head holding a hand full of my hair. I froze I don't want this but, I feel like this is a test and IM going to have to stick it out, He moved his head close to mine and grazed his lips over mine almost making me throw up. " Of course, I just wasn't expecting it so soon, what are you up to?" he said pulling my hair back, exposing my neck, leaving wet kisses from my jaw all the way down my neck, as he was about to reach the mark area, I put my hand on his chest but he just continued kissing going lower to my breast. I stated to feel disgusted with myself all I can think about was Caleb, I'm going to need a hot shower to wash his stink of. I said the only thing I knew he wouldn't question me about.  "Nothing I'm just fed up of being rejected, two times is enough as you may already know", I said, and he pulled away looking at me to see if I'm lying, after steering into my eyes, he got up and walked to the door, but before he leave he turned around and said "we will see, I have food sent up". I watched as he left and let out a breath, this is going to be a hard week.  A few hours later, the door open and the alpha waked in, holding a change of clothes, food and a phone. He placed the items next to the bed, kissed the top of my head and inhaled my scent. "The pack member's and Austin left already, and you will see Damien tomorrow, now eat, take a shower and make your phone call, I will be back later", he said, and then walked to the door, is this another test why is he leaving me with the phone alone.  "Wait, your leaving me with the phone, aren't you afraid I called someone to get me", I asked but he turned looked and me and smile. "Do you even know where you are", he said and walked out the room . I quickly picked up the phone and dialed the only number I know of hand, the phone ring once and I hear a raspy voice that made me smile instantly,  "WHAT" "Caleb" "ANNA WHERE THE f**k ARE YOU?"
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