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COLIN POV    Wait what, Did I hear that right? Did he just say I was the mole?. How stupid does he thinks Anna is to believe that an alpha could be a mole. After Anna step-parents left my office that day we haven't heard from them, Kelly have been keeping me up to date on there progress which is ok, but I would of liked if they had come to me instead, I knew they wasn't going to sit and wait, that's why they are the best worriers in the pack, I could always command them to do it, but I know they where hurting and I didn't want to put more pressure on them especially at the time. Yesterday while going through my email and sorting out our business accounts, elder Phillip called and told me about a request to an alpha challenge by a one Caleb Reed which was strange because he wasn't around at all, so I knew he was going to challenge me, but then after talking to my grandfather about it, he said that Anna might challenge Jackson for the title and that's when it all made sense, she was trying to get information from the vampire before she challenged Jackson. I knew I had to be there so I called back elder Phillip and asked for the location, of course it was at the same location Austin told us about, if they had only listened to me in the beginning she wouldn't have done that. I called Austin and asked if he could go back and gather some information for us, but I can see that was wrong, judging by the amount of blood on his clothes they beat him up bad. Both Kelly and I snuck in and was hiding in the trees looking at the scene before us. First Anna came out in a beautiful white dress and after a few moments on the stage she challenged Jackson for the his alpha title, we stood in the tree line and looked at the fight, she was good and so was he but when he stabbed her, I picked up my phone and called James and Kylen to meet us here, apparently they where close because they where standing on the side of us in just a few minutes.  Now, all of us where standing here, Kelly, James, Kylen and myself and listening to that i***t saying I was the mole, if he had ever stayed in a real pack he would of known that an alpha can't betray his pack, but the question is does Anna believe him and how can he say I did that so easy. As we all stood there watching Anna lifted the knife without using her hand and send the knife flying toward Jackson, he fell to the ground and she leaned over and whispered something to him. Kelly was about to go to her friend but James grabbed her hand earning a growl from me. "I don't think this is over, just wait a little longer", said James as he released Kelly's hand. He looked forward at Anna, her mom and an unknown man talking before he spoke again," have anyone of you seen Damien here, that's his vampire coven surrounding the ring so where is he, something isn't right, so lets just stay here and be the back up they need when the time is right". He was right, I was so focus on the fight I lost sight of Damien after he took Austin. Turing our attention back to field we see Anna walking going somewhere, we all followed her in the forest trying to not get caught, and there we saw Caleb, her step father and Austin, you could smell the silver in Austin as we got closer, that explains why he wasn't healing, he was indeed in a bad state. We were all standing listening to what Damien was saying, I knew he was putting her in a bad position because those three men hold a special bond in her life. Anna, however, shocked all of us by answering him back, knowing that she could possibly put there life's in danger, anna started transforming in front of us and I was shock to see what was taking place, as far as I knew that hardly ever happen, then the unthinkable happen Damien slit Austin throat, I ran out of the forest to go to him but I saw Damien leaving and followed him instead, James, Kylen and Kelly followed behind me. Kylen ran forward and tackled Damien holding him down, while James tried fighting of the vampires that was with him, soon Kelly joined James in the fight, leaving me and Kylen to deal with Damien.  "Alpha Colin how can I help you this fine evening", Damien said, he had a smirk on his face, he looked rather pleased with himself but if he thinks I would just let him go he had another thing coming.  "Why did you kill Austin?, you could of left, Anna had so much going on already, Why did you add to her pain", I said to him growling at the end. He looked at me and smiled before he answered, I didn't know what he was smiling at until I looked back and saw some vampire's holding down Kelly and James, there where so much vampires here I didn't realize he had re-enforcement, I looked around and realized we were surrounded. Kylen must have noticed this to, because he let go of Damien before I could tell him to. Damien stood up straight and smoothen the front of his suit, he walked over to me and smile before he started talking again. "Alpha Colin, you are young and immature, I on the other hand have years of experience, so when Anna told me to use hypnosis on the guards that gave me a great idea to cause a little trouble. When we left the witch bunker, I may or may not have used hypnosis on Jackson to trick his mind into thinking you and your mate was the mole, removing the real identity of the mole, I caught him of guard before he went to collect Anna, you see I have plans as well and before I expose our existence, I need to remove the one person who can fight us and that dear Alpha is your cousin, now I'm not going to kill you as yet but deliver this message, I will give you peace for one year, no attacks, no interference, nothing at all as a payment for all Anna did for me while I was locked up". Damien said, I was shock I couldn't believe he would do something like that, but little did he know that anna and I where closer than that, nothing Jackson said will come between me and my cousin.  "Your mistaken Damien, what makes you think she will believe Jackson, I'm her cousin and Kelly is her best friend, you played the wrong move". I said looking at him, feeling more courageous and confident of our relations because one thing, I knew anna valued was the truth. Damien however just laugh at me, Kylen looked at me unsure of what going on.  "It doesn't have to be true to put doubt and suspension in someone mind. Like I said young and immature, anyway I would love to chat but I have to go, Colin, James, miss Kelly and Kylen I will see you in one year", Damien said and then he just disappeared leaving a cloud of black smoke, all of his vampire re-enforcement left as well leaving the four of us standing looking at each other, we all knew what we had to do without saying a word and, that was to prepare for a war and protect Anna. Now all we just have to convince Anna that Jackson was lying. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ANNALISE POV Just as everything went black, I found myself in the forest with Eve and her grandmother, I close my eyes and cry like I never cried before, Austin, my friend was gone, I will never see him again, I will never see him get a mate and be happy or even have pups, all those thoughts made me cry even harder. After crying for a while I felt a hand on my shoulder, I opened my eyes to see Eve standing in front of me. "Why? Why did you take him?" I asked while wiping the tears of my cheek. Austin was there for me, he was someone I could count on no matter what the situation was. "I'm sorry my dear", Eve said as she rubbed my hand trying to comfort me key word TYRING. "NNNOOOO I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOU'RE SORRY BRING HIM BACK, PLEASE I WILL DO ANYTHING ", I shouted as more tears came down. "Anna he isn't gone completely, he is still between your world and the sprit world, if you want him back you will have to give up one of your powers, that is because it takes a lot of power for what we have to do, doing this is going to take a lot out of you as well, giving up your power is going to drain you, so think wisely and remember you still have one more big war coming up, so think WISELY", Eve grandmother said very sternly not like the kind warm woman I knew, I didn't even need to think about it, I said no one is going to die because of me and I sticking to that.  "Ok, go ahead, what power do you want", I replied full of confidence, I knew what I was giving up but knew I would always find another way to deal with the war.   "We I gave you the power to control the wind, that being an element is a strong power so I will take that back and bring back your friend, so wake up now and take out some of the silver from his blood stream and he will wake up",  "Ok and after that he will be ok? "Yes and Anna this is our last visit to you, good luck and even though we won't be visiting we will be watching", Eve said before she and her grandmother faded away, as they faded away I blinked a few times to see Caleb in front of me and both my parents holding my hands, I looked around looking for Austin and there on the ground was Colin and Kelly sitting next to Austin body, wait, when did they get here, what the hell is going on, I looked behind to see James and Kylen arguing about something I couldn't focus, I quickly jumped to my feet and ran over to Austin, I dropped down to the ground and grabbed his face looking to see if they made him ingest the silver but no his mouth was clean, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Colin with tears in his eyes, why the hell is he crying if he was the mole of the pack, before I could ask he spoke,  "I'm sorry Anna he's gone", Colin said looking down at me,  "No, just help me find out where the silver entered his body", I replied, I know I should be mad at him but that's for later as of now I have to bring Austin back. "Anna, what are you doing he is dead", Caleb said trying to grab my hand, but that just got me more angry, I pulled back my hand from him and looked at him.  "CALEB, don't say that, is either you help me or stay out of my way", "Here, look at the puncture marks and discoloration, they injected him with a needle", Colin said as he moved Austin neck to show me what he was talking about. Right now all I have to do is get this silver out.  "OK move back everyone give me some space",  I knew silver wont affect me, so taking out was no problem, but how, I can't cut him and let him bleed out the cut could be dangerous for him. I wonder if Nova knows what to do. "Of course I know what to do dumbass, I was waiting on you to ask", "Wow, Nova, what's with the attitude" "Well for one you traded OUR power with out asking me, and second you will have to bite him and suck out all the silver, the puncture mark is close to his marking spot so yea I'm MAD", "I'm sorry about that we can talk about it later, but for now let us save him please", "Fine" I looked at the puncture mark and lowered my head to his neck, I could hear Caleb growl in the back of me but before he could do anything I bit down and started sucking the sliver out of Austin, I grabbed hold of his hand and felt the power leave my body an onto his, as I sucked out the silver I put my head on his chest to hear if his heart started beating, after a few minutes I heard it a faint heart beat, I stood up and looked at Austin his color was coming back, he was breathing again and he looked like he was sleeping. I turn to see everyone watching me, I looked at Caleb and I could tell he was upset but I will explain everything later, what I need to do right now is get Austin to the pack hospital, talk to Colin and address the pack. I walked up to Caleb and wrapped my arms around his waist gave him a hug to relax him before I do anything he put his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. The place was silent no one said anything and in there defense what can they say, I looked at Caleb and gave him a nod, without word Caleb already knew what to do, I turned to Colin and Kelly and spoke to them. "Colin, Kelly, I would like to speak to both of you, can you both please go up to the office and wait for me, I will have a pack member show you where the office is", "Sure" With that out of the way I made my way back to the stage to face my new pack, I'm not naïve I knew some of them wont like the change in the alpha, but this was easier than a war. I looked out to the crowd thinking carefully how to address them, I looked at both young and old pack members, I could see the uncertainty in there eyes, I saw my parents stand in the back and immediately I thought of my real parents, they where different and they made it work, this may not be my father pack but I'm sure I could be a good alpha and with Caleb on my side I'm positive I can do this.  "Firstly can someone escort Alpha Colin and Luna Kelly to the office and take Austin to the pack hospital," as I said that the guy who said he was the beta walked over to Colin and bow his head, he then called to other guys to take Austin to the hospital before walking inside the house. Right, now for some more important matters. "I know a lot of you are probably worried about your pack, but you have nothing to be worried about, I will not put anyone out nor will I force anyone to stay, you have that decision to make. I will be doing a lot of changes to the pack, this pack will no longer be a rouge pack, this pack will no longer fight for the wrong reasons, this pack will be powerful and fierce, this pack will also be filled with love and laughter," I said letting my alpha aura show, I know getting through to his pack will be hard but I need them to see I'm fair and no a push over," but before we get into the changes, Does anyone wish to challenge me for the Alpha title?" I stood there with my head held high waiting for someone to accept the challenge, from the back I could see the beta walking back from the house towards the stage, lordddddd, me and my big mouth, now my tired ass have to fight again, he came up on the stage and walked over to me with a smirk on his face, he look at me for a minute like he was reading my face, what he did next shocked me the most, he took my hand and lift it up and shouted,  "LONG LIVE ALPHA ANNALISE".
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