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HEY ALL JUST WANT TO LET YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS SOME s****l CONTENT AT THE END, JUST GIVING A HEADS UP IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ THOSE STUFF.  THANK YOU.... "LONG LIVE ALPHA ANNALISE"   The beta shouted, Anna was so surprised, she didn't know how to react and then the crowd shouted, "LONG LIVE ALPHA ANNALISE" , sensing her confusion, the beta took her to the back of the stage to talk to her, "I'm sorry about earlier, I thought you where going to banish the pack, but clearly I was mistaken, I'm Kevin by the way, I know I may not be your beta but I will help you until you chose yours, Alpha Colin told me to be by your side to help you until you figured out what to do", Kevin said, but Anna was confused if he was indeed the mole to the pack why would he want her to get help. Anna was standing there thinking about how to talk to Colin her cousin, who is like her big brother and Kelly her best friend who is like her sister, even though Jackson said it was Colin, Anna still had her doubts, she wasn't going to trust the word of a power hungry alpha. Anna was so lost in her mind thinking that she wasn't paying attention to Kevin who was trying to get her attention.  "ALPHA", Kevin shouted while snapping his fingers in front of her face. "Y-yes sorry I was lost in thought", Anna replied feeling somewhat guilty about not paying attention, "Yes, I could see that, I was trying to tell you that Jackson lied, Colin isn't the mole", Kevin said looking at her, from Anna reaction he knew she was thinking about it, "What, how do you know that?"  "Well firstly, I have never seen Colin here, I have an Idea who the man is, if I see him I could point him out and second and alpha can't betray his or her pack it will kill them, you will understand once you are swore in",  "I knew he was lying but why try to put Colin and I against each other", "I don't know, but right now I think you should start meeting your new pack before everyone starts to panic", Kevin said chuckling, trying to lighten the mood, Anna looked at the crowd and realize they where starting to look a bit panicked,  "Right, well tonight you will be my beta, so would you walk with me and Caleb", Anna asked Kevin smiling, "Sure, alpha you don't have to ask", Replied Kevin They started to walk around and talking to various people, Anna quickly learned that most of the people here were taken from there pack, they were basically traded for peace so that there mates and family members could be safe, so it wasn't a hard decision for her to make when they asked if they could go back to there mates and there packs, after walking through the crowd and meeting the pack member, Anna meet the warriors, they however, lost everything so they where staying and pledge there loyalty to her, Anna was pleased and she knew that thing will be better but there was still a lot more to be done, especially with Damien being free. After meeting everyone Anna asked Kevin to to have Jackson room properly cleaned and prepared for her and Caleb, now its was time for her to face Colin and Kelly.  In the office Colin and Kelly was seated next to each other on the white leather couch holding hands, they didn't speak only enjoy the silence while waiting on Anna to arrive. After a while the office door open and both Caleb and Anna walked in, Anna took a seat next to Colin while Caleb locked the door, Anna took Colin hand in hers and looked at him. She could tell he was stressed out and he lacked sleep, from the bags under his eyes, she looked at Kelly who looked exactly the same, she knew they where looking for her but she didn't expect them to wore them self out like this, but before Colin could start talking Anna started, "You guys look like s**t", Anna said laughing a bit, trying to lighten the mood in the office, "Your not mad at us?, I mean you just heard Jackson said we were the mole, the same mole you where looking for", Kelly said looking at anna, Kelly knew her best friend, she knew when anna sets her mind to something she wont stop, although they haven't decided if they where going to tell anna about the confrontation with Damien, Kelly need to know how Anna truly feels, "NO, I'm not mad, I was confused because I wasn't expecting him to say your names, but I couldn't fully believe that both of you would hurt or betray me like that, but at the end of the day I did all this and still have no idea who it is, I just don't know what to do, I'm not an alpha I'm just me, but Jackson did have some points and I do need to change, I have a pack to run now and a lot of people lives in my hands",  Anna said as he took her hand away from Colin and walked by the window, she didn't think about the aftermath of the challenge, running a pack, training for a war with one power down, working on her relationship with Caleb, it was all to much.  "Anna, listen I have an idea, but I'm not sure you all will be happy about it, but as of now its the best salutation, why not make this pack the new blue moon pack that way you won't have all the responsibility, it will be shared, the pack will have an Alpha and Luna, together we will get this pack up and running", Caleb said as he looked at Anna for her reaction, he knew it was asking a lot of her, she have no idea on how to be an alpha so this is the best option, the other option is letting Colin pack join his pack, but that is never going to happen if they can't trust the people in that pack.  "Before we make any decision, I need to know, How did you find me?" Anna asked,  "Elder Phillip, he send a message out about an alpha challenge, so I called and he gave me the address, but I do have to apologize, I'm the one that sent Austin here to see what was going on, its my fault he is in this state", Replied Colin the guilt of seeing Austin dead on the ground was almost to much at the time.  "Its ok he will be ok, the moon goddess and I made a deal to bring him back", "What kind of deal", Asked Caleb as he stood in front of her, "I gave up one of my powers to bring him back", Anna replied, she knew this is going to cause problems, Caleb was always accusing her of putting Austin first, "You did what, are you crazy, Anna is something going on with you and Austin for you to make sure a big sacrifice", Caleb said still in disbelieve of what he heard, " Wait, before you answer, just know if it is something going on, let me know, I will leave one time I can see how much you care about him, don't worry about my pack we will fine somewhere to go", Caleb said. "There is nothing going on between us, he is dear to me just as Colin and Kelly, but Caleb your my mate I will trade all of my powers if something ever happens to you", With that Anna kissed Caleb, it started out slow but quickly turn to a passionate kiss both forgetting that they had company. Colin wasn't finish talking to Anna he had a lot more to inform her, so he cleared his throat to stop the heated kissing sessions in front of him, causing both anna and Caleb to snap back in to reality.  "Are you both finished we have more pressing matters", Colin said raising an eye brow at them, Kelly on the hand rolled her eyes at her mate. "Right, where were we?" After explaining everything to Anna about Damien and what he said he did, Anna was more upset, she knew her cousin and her friend wont betray her like that. After talking and making plans, they all agreed that anything related to Damien will be discussed at the new blue moon pack house. Anna still had a lot to do before she could call it a day, but Caleb had other plans, ever since they found out they were mates, they haven't gotten much time together and there was no way he was going to let that happen again. They all left the office to announce to the pack of the new name and merge, as they walked outside she saw her parents talking to James and Kylen, Anna went to them hugging them and thanking them for being there, after informing them of the plan to merge the packs her parents and James said that they will be staying with her in this pack to help build it up, Kylen said he will send some of his worriers to help with bother patrol and training. It was now time to announce to the pack of the changes. Anna, Caleb, James, kylen and her parents walked onto the stage, "Can I have your attention please, I would like to announce that this pack will be merging with the blue moon pack, like I said before I'm not forcing anyone to leave or to stay, but I'm mated to the Alpha it is the best decision at this time", Anna said but before she could continue Caleb stepped forward, Anna watched him wanting to know what he was doing but all he did was wink,  "Right, so we leave the pack in the hands of Kevin for the night, Anna is pretty tired so we will continue this tomorrow, enjoy everyone its a night of celebrating",  With that Caleb turn to anna picking her bridal style causing everyone on laugh at them, Anna hide her face in Caleb chest, she was pretty sure it was the color of a tomato. As they got of the stage Kevin informed them that the room was ready and he will send food up as soon as its ready, Caleb give him and approving nod and took Anna to there room, once they where in the room Caleb placed Anna on the bed and turn to lock the door, after locking the door he walked over to her, she knew that look he had on his face, he wanted her just like she wanted him, he leaned down and she closed her eyes anticipating him to kiss but instead he was by her ear,  "Tell me its ok before we get carried away, I have lost you way to much time to let it happen again, so tell me anna do you want me as I want you", The feeling of his breath on her ear and the skin of her neck was sending her crazy she could feel the desire building in her all she could do is answer with a quick nod, Caleb took no time and lay her on the bed and he kissed her like his life depended on that kiss.  ANNALISE POV OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, its finally going to happen, Caleb kiss was setting my body on fire, he kiss was more demanding and his lips was guiding mine, he was taking control his tongue traced my bottom lip and I granted him access, a moan escaped my lips as his tongue explore my mine, on instinct my hand found its way in to his hair pull him more to deepen the already heated kiss, the sparks was sending my body crazy, he moved from lip to my jaw and then to my neck where my marking spot was, I knew he wanted this a long time so I moved my head to the side so he mark me, he looked up at me to ensure I was ok, I nod and  then he planted a kiss on the spot before I felt his teeth sink into my skin, I groaned out in pain and then it quickly turned to pleasure, now for sure I want him, he moved his lip back to mine, our hands started exploring our bodies his touch was sending me crazy and I wanted him, I knew he was just as affected me, he slip out of his close and remove the robe I was wearing, the skin to skin contact felt amazing it send a shiver down my body, Caleb lips moved from mines to my n*****s hardened it with the slightest touch, a moan escape my mouth and I could see Caleb smiling, he moved his hand down the side of my body unto my already wet heat, he trail his kisses from my breast to my stomach and then to my heat, the flick of his tongue send my body in a world of pleasure, and I knew it wont take long for me to c*m, I could feel the pleasure building and Caleb relentless torture with his tongue was sending me over the top, I felt my legs started to shake as I release my o****m screaming his name, I was a panting mess, he stood up spread my leg further and looked at me, "You sure your ready" "Yes", I said, ensuring him I was ready, resting on his elbow he put his tip to my entrance and slowly started entering me, it hurt like a b***h, but he kept kissing me and slowly thrusting, when he was fully inside he stilled for me to get comfortable with the fullness, I lifted my hips up to let him know I was ready, he started thrusting slow at first, he placed his hand my hip and started thrusting faster I could feel another wave of pleasure coming over, as I came down from my high I could feel Caleb release with a moan escaping his lips, then he collapsed on me.  "I love you" "I love you too", I said with my eye lids closing drifting of into peaceful sleep. 
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