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Early in the morning, Arcana looked so stressed because of the recent visit of the crown prince. Everyone in the manor is busy because today is the day that young master Arcus Arkwright will come. He is Arcana's cousin. The mood was sour the moment Arcana saw him. His green hair flutters like he was a tree, and his bright confidence surrounds him, which made Arcana's mood sour. "What are you doing here, Arcus?" and raised her left eyebrow. "Well, I heard the news and wanted to check on my dearest cousin," he said, and Arcana rolled her eyes. "There is nothing to confirm, so please get out now," she said irritatedly. "Oh, don't be too grumpy!" he said and went to her and put on her table a basket of bitter gourd. "This is my present to you, fresh from the farm! And here is my newest innovation, the ampalaya chip! Try it!" And her face looks so awful now. She remembers the last time he visited, and offered her a bitter gourd juice! "NO!" she said and pushed it away. "You really make my blood boil. Get out, Arcus!" and massaged it. He chuckled at her remarks. "No, no no! At least try to taste it! Promise this is different from the last time!" he pleaded and Arcana rolled her eyes. "Opil!" she shouted, "Get Arcus out of my sight!" she said. When Opil had stopped and nodded at her. "My lady, there is a guest waiting for you in the drawing room," the butler said and paused. "Who is it?" "Lady Monica Florent," he said and nodded. "WHAT?" she asked and walked away. "Who's that?" Arcus asked while chewing one of the cookies. Opil did not dare to answer him but he was waiting. "She was an adopted baron's daughter from the countryside, My Lord" "And a lady like her can make my dearest cousin run like that?" and raised his left eyebrow, curious about her, and so he stood up and rushed into the room. He knew Arcana so well, she would not make an appearance just like that. When he entered the room, a beautiful pink-haired woman was sitting. She is very beautiful, causing him to stutter. Arcana barged in and saw his cousin inside. "Greetings my Lady," she said shoulders and Arcus shrugged his shoulder before sitting shoulders on one of the sofas. "Greetings, lady Arkwright and forgive me for the sudden visit," and smiled so innocently. She scoffed off. She is really pretty, but the moment she saw her she could feel the blood boil in her veins as well as the hatred buried deep inside her heart. 'I should control myself. I am not the real Arcana.' and tried to hold her reins and smiled at her sweetly. Arcus was taken a back at her reaction. She is not the playful type, because she was spoiled by her father so much. "It's alright..." she said and asked the maid to serve the refreshments, "Pardon me for having my cousin, you know, he is so stubborn to leave." and sipped her tea like nothing. "Arcana!" he said and was embarrassed, but the young lady just laughed it off. "It's fine..." and moderately smiled. "So, the reason I came here..." 'She will not introduce herself?'Arcana asked in her mind and stared at her. 'Well, everyone knows her. She does not need to.' "That's rude," Arcus smiled, "Won't the lady introduce herself first?" 'He clearly wanted to dig for information. Aha!' and Arcana grinned. "Oh, forgive me, that was rude of me," and it seemed that she was irritated by that remark. She is a noble after all, while the Arkwright family is rich, they are still commoners. She stood up and gave a curtsy even if it was against her. After all, Arcana is the crown prince's fiancee. "I am Monica, the first child of Count Florent. Nice to meet you." and bowed. Arcana could not hide her amusement at how perfect and radiant she was at that moment. She clenched her fist and smiled. She stood up too. "Nice to meet you too, although I know you know me, I am Arcana Arkwright," and gave her curtsy. Monica smiled and sat down. "Now, shall we proceed to our discussion?" 'She sure is straight to the point.' Arcana had been wondering for a long time. His lover is a daughter of the country, even though they are rich and have a lot of ark, they are still commoners. And someone like her is a great asset and support for the crown prince. She got her answer the next moment. "Will you please leave us alone, Sir Arcus?" she smiled so blindingly that Arcus was plastered and did not even notice that it was sarcasm. "Arcus," Arcana said, and met the eyes of Monica. "y- yes! Yes!" he immediately said. "Then, I shall take my way. Have a good day, my ladies," he said and bowed down. The moment he got out of the door, Monica's expression had changed. From a fluffy and innocent girl to a murderous one. "Well, it seems that the rumors are true," she grinned and crossed her legs, "How dare you plot another scheme to get Daniel?" she asked. Arcana tilted her head and wanted to confirm something. "Do you love him?" Arcana asked and she flinched. It seemed like every word that came out of Arcana's mouth was like venom to her. She did not answer, and Arcana stood up. "Then I think our talk is over here," she grinned and a devilish smile flashed across her face. She turned and was about to take her leave when she heard Monica scoff off. "Hah!" Monica looked at her and gave her an envelope with a royal seal. "I'll see you at the Royal Banquet then," she stood up and mocked Arcana, "And we'll continue our talk there." Arcana smiled and accepted the invitation. That is because they can just refuse a royal invitation like that. "Thank you, Lady Florent," she said and grinned. They look at each other as if they are going to kill each other when the door opens with Arcus in it. The two ladies immediately smiled and gave pleasantries as if nothing had happened. *** Meanwhile, on the carriage while going back... "That wench, when did she learn to give pleasantries like that?" she said and gritted her teeth, "She's just a lowly countryside commoner who does not know a thing!" Yes, the Arkwright family are considered commoners even though they have vast wealth. And the Florent family is the Count's family. They are not on the same level. But even so, Arcana is the crown prince's fiancee. Monica grinned after realizing the plot she had laid out to get Arcana. "I'll show you who is the real crown princess at the banquet then!" *** Imperial Capital, Kaleidoscope "Greetings to Your Grace, Duke Weinstelt," and the butler bowed down to him to pay his respects, along with all the maids there. They took his coat and hat and entered the huge mansion with the red carpet laid out on him. Inside was a man in his thirties waiting for him. He sipped from a cup of the aromatic rinded coffee beans with lots of honey. "How did the mission go?" he asked, waiting for an answer. The duke closed his eyes. "Is that the first thing you would ask me after a long journey, my dear little brother?" and sat on the sofa near him. "Yes?" he asked and grinned, "So, how is it?" The Duke grinned and looked at him with disbelief. "The Crown Prince is an easy-go-lucky asshole. We can easily invade the capital could have his coronation," he said and closed his eyes, "Plus, he had a wonderful crown princess," and grinned. The latter chuckled at his crazy remarks. "You really are amazing, to think that you had contact with the crown princess," and shrugged his shoulders. He stood up and tapped his shoulder, "Then I should go and prepare too." *** Meanwhile, in the imperial carriage... "How dare that ordinary woman treat me like that! Although their family is wealthy, they are not nobles! She is nothing but a countryside girl!" she said and gritted her teeth, "And she is calmer than before. Etiquette, huh? She was nothing like that a week ago!" and started biting her nails and aggression. That is true because she was from a country's family. She is also famous in high society and everyone expected her to be the crown prince's fiancee and they are all shocked when they announced that Arcana was engaged to him during last year's banquet. For the moment, her coachman is calm and continues moving the carriage. She then remembered the royal invitation she gave a while ago. "Hah! Then see you at the royal banquet, Arcana! I'll show you who is real worthy of becoming a crown princess!" and start laughing like a mad woman. "I'll destroy you, Arcana Arkwright!"
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