chapter 12

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Marius fitzy narrating: I had been awake for some time, I almost couldn't sleep at night because I was anxious. So after I've done my hygiene, I left my room and I went to Victoria's, she was already awake feeding the little pink thing. Little Helena looked so hungry, it took my breath away to see the little girl sniffling as she buried her face in her mother's chest. — Good morning — I said, drawing her gaze. —Good morning —she replied and went back to caressing our daughter's hair. Our? I met her yesterday, and I'm already coming to terms with the idea of ​​having a daughter, I should be freaking out about this. — In a little while we will leave for the clinic —I warned you— breakfast is already on the table. — All right, can you hold Helena, so I can take a shower? — she asked. — I don't know how to hold it, I can drop it — I said scared. —Just sit here, I'll be right back — she said. I walked over to the bed where I sat, and soon she approached, she quickly taught me how to hold her and then put the little pink thing in my arms. — He's already back — so she took one of the clothes I had bought and left quickly. I look at the little girl in my arms who squirms a little but stays still as if she enjoys being there. Just yesterday I was waking up at my parents' house to go to the company where I would have several meetings with men in suits, and this morning I'm wearing sweatpants, shirtless and with a baby in my arms that could be my daughter. And you know what's weird? I was enjoying. I felt something wet on my chest and saw that the little pink thing was suckling on me, my eyes widened. — VICTORIA — I shouted scared. — What's it? —she responded. — Helena is sucking on me, run — I said, trying to push her away, but she made a crying pout— she's going to cry. I hear her laugh, and then she comes out of the bathroom dressed and with the towel in her hair. She picks up Helena, who starts to cry but soon shuts up when her mother put her to breastfeed. — That was a strange and traumatic experience — I said, getting up. — It was funny — she said, smiling, and I caught myself staring at her smile. —Her smile is beautiful — I said, and at the same time I saw her cheeks turn red— I'll wait for you downstairs. I left her room and went to mine where I got dressed and went down to have breakfast, I sat down to eat and after a few minutes, Victoria went downstairs with Helena, the little girl was wearing a little pink dress. —Hold her, so I can eat —she said, already putting Helena in my arms. — You trust me a lot — I said rocking the baby. — She likes you —he said— it seems that she already knows that you are her father. — We don't know yet — I said. —I already know, Helena too —she said while sitting at the table— only you need to be sure of that. I hear the doorbell ring and I walk to the door. —She's open — I said, I only had two arms and both were holding the baby, I won't risk dropping the little pink thing. — Son you... oh my God — I looked at my mother who looked from me to the baby. — I'm holding Helena, look how good I am at it — I said proudly. — The girl is all crooked — she said, getting closer— to give her to me here. I didn't question it because Mom was already taking her out of my arms. — It feels like I'm holding you when I was a child —she said, enchanted with the little pink thing. — Mom, we still don't know if she's my daughter — I spoke, but the words came out bitter in my mouth. — We don't know but that he looks like you — he said and at the same moment Helena opened her beautiful little blue eyes— he really does. — I'm ready, —Victoria said, approaching us— oh, hello. — Hi, I'm Crystal, Marius' mother — said my mother approaching. — I'm Victoria — she smiled politely at my mother. — Let's go — I said and they nodded. We all went to my car, Victoria went first with Helena and my mother followed. [...] As soon as we arrived at the clinic, we went directly to speak with the doctor who would collect our body fluid. We chose to use saliva, we could also use other things such as blood, fingernails and hair. After we had already finished the collection, the doctor came to talk to us. — How long does it take to get the result? Victoria asked. — At most two weeks, — said the doctor — We will call you to let you know when the result comes out. — Okay, if you can speed this up — I said and the woman nodded. —We'll do it as soon as possible— she replied. After that conversation, we left there and walked to the car. — I'm hungry, —said my mother— how about we all go to lunch at my house? — We will — I said, looking at Victoria. — Honey, you will love Leonor's food —said mom getting closer to Victoria— can I get it? The brunette nodded, and my mother took Helena that she was behaving very well. — I don't want to upset Crystal — Victoria said. — It doesn't bother, —she said— Anton will go crazy when he sees Helena. — Daddy loves babies — I said, smiling. — But what if Cristian is there? — Questioned Victoria — I know you already know that I don't get along very well with your son, I want to avoid confusion. — Cristian traveled —said— today for tomorrow, he called me and told me. — So let's go? — I asked and they nodded. [...] — Make yourself at ease, dear — said mother, giving way to Victoria. Dona Crystal still had the little pink thing in her arms and she didn't let go of it at all, she really liked it. — Your house is very beautiful — said Victoria delighted, looking at everything attentively. — I'm glad you liked it — Mom said. We walked to the table that was already set, my father already sitting at it, he seemed to notice our presence and looked at us. His gaze goes from Victoria to my mom with Helena in her arms, he already knows everything because mom doesn't hide anything from him. I know that we should do this in secrecy because we can become attached to the baby, and if the paternity test is negative, we will be disappointed. But Victoria attracted me, she has something special, and there is little Helena who enchanted me the very moment I laid eyes on her, I feel that I am doing everythIng right, and even without knowing it, I hope that all this is true. Is that what I was missing? How can something that happened in such a short time seem so right...
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