chapter 13

1250 Words

Victoria Becker narrating: I was just a stranger who claimed to have a daughter with the eldest son of the fitzys, they didn't know me, but they were treating me super well. They are filthy rich and treated me with humility, I can't understand how Cristian left with that personality. Now I was at the table with the fitzy family having lunch, Helena wouldn't let go of Marius, I already tried to catch her but that naughty girl changed me. I suffered horrors to put her in the world, and now she is there, all full in her father's arms. Marius still has doubts about the discovery of having a daughter, but it seems that he liked the idea, I know this because I am very observant, That little girl has already conquered him, and he doesn't even realize it yet. I hear footsteps on the stairs,

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