Date Me?

2238 Words
"Hey, you ok?" Gray asked as I continued to stare up at the ceiling, "I'm fine. Did you bring your phone?" I asked, without taking his eyes off the pictures, his hands slipped into his jean pocket, I watched as it took quite some time for him to realise that he didn't have it with him. "Is it bad if I said no?" He nervously laughed, I joined in with him,  "We, my friend, are going to die today." I joked. It went quiet once again, the sound of the trees brushing against each other was growing louder due to the wind picking up. Damn. Should I strike up a conversation, or should I just let myself sleep? "Oi, Erza's birthday is coming up." He walked back towards me, a smile spread across his face, he tapped the side of my thigh before encouraging me to move over, I did so and he sat on the edge, "I have no idea what to get her. Since you're so close to her now that-that-" His smile faded and we were back to square one. Damn, if this is how a broken-hearted man looks like, then it kinda sucks. You poor, poor baby, "Gray. Love is a very complicated.....thing."  Wow! I am great at giving advice, aren't I? "How complicated?" He questioned with a smirk, I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at him with an 'Are you serious?' look, he just laughed and I enjoyed it, I enjoyed that deep soothing laugh, I felt my heart slowly start to beat in an unusual way. "If you're trying to explain the meaning of love, you aren't doing a great job." He leaned closer to me. "Hey-!" I was interrupted by a sudden yawn from my own self, Gray leaned back as he fanned his face, "Seriously....breath mints." he gagged, embarrassed, I raised my hand to hit him on the shoulder but he caught my wrist, "You know, there's a difference between hitting on guys and hitting guys, if you keep this up, you might be single forever." His lips pulled into a sly smile and my face went red. This brat! Oooh, you are so dead! I pulled my hand away but he gripped tighter, "Let go," I warned, he let go with his hands up in surrender. Silence.  It's ticking me off. "f**k it, I'm jumping off!" I shot up from the bed and eyed the window, "Freedom!" I yelled, before propping my knee up on the window sill and ready to jump, If not for the hand snaking around my waist and pulling me back, I would have jumped, my back was slammed back against the bed and I felt the air get knocked out of me, "Ow! What the hell!" He caged me with both his legs on each side of my hips, Gray didn't seem happy at all, in fact, his normal playful smirks were replaced with an angry frown, his hands had a tight grip on both my wrists pinned onto the mattress, "Are you crazy! Do you want to die?" He snapped, "Isn't that what you wanted?" I joked but he didn't seem to laugh at it, Damn, he must be really angry, I haven't seen him this angry since he found out Erza's ex cheated on her. Let me tell you, an angry Gray is scarier than an angry Mirajane. "Jeez Gray, relax." I laughed it off as I tried to get up but he slammed me back on the bed, Speechless, I looked up at him, anger boiling within me, "Knock it off!" I yelled, my chest rising and falling out of breath. For some reason, I was...scared. Scared of Gray, I felt tears brimming and blurring my vision, he seemed to snap out of whatever was happening as he quickly lets go of my wrists, "L-Luce," He stuttered, his hands lingered in front of me as if he was afraid to touch me. I brought my hands up to hide my tears, "Lucy I'm sorry." He repeated, I concentrated on the beating of my heart, slowly calming it down as I feel him, still. Finally, I sighed and wiped my tears, not daring to look at him "It's not your fault. I tried to jump and I'm still intoxicated." my voice cracked, before I can say anything I felt him move, "I'm sorry Luce." he rested his head on my shoulders and I tensed up. I felt his hot breath against my neck goosebumps slowly rising and my heartbeat slowly raised, "It-It's ok." My hand slowly reaches for his head giving it a pat, "You're petting me." He mumbles and I stopped before grabbing his head and pulling it so our eyes meet, "Would you like me to hit you instead?" I ask to which he quickly shakes his head too, "Good." I let out a soft laugh and my hands loosened on his hair  "Wow, your hair is really soft." I stroked it with a smile, "You know what else is soft?" He smirks, my eyes widened as I stopped stroking his head, "Oi-" His leans in and claimed my lips before I could fight him. I stared at him but his eyes were closed. Soft.  His lips were soft, I let out a shaky breath and I closed my eyes. The kiss grew rougher and I felt him licking the bottom lip to which something snapped inside me. I've never done this before! But this isn't right! I gently pushed his chest, our lips were once again inches away from each other "Wow." He whispered, my hands raised as I slapped him."Ow!" He held his cheek,  "Don't think that I'm a replacement for Erza." I bit my bottom lip and turned away.  I'm hurt.  To think he would- My face was then captured in his hands and pulling it to face him, "Luce! I would never do that to you! I'm not that kind of guy, you know me." He said shaking his head. I bit back a sob and pushed his hands away so I could cover my face that's about to pull the ugliest cry of all time. "I know." I cried and repeated it over and over. But, do I? I felt my hands being pulled away from my face and he leans in kissing my forehead, he moved to both my cheeks and even wiping my tears away, "I'm sorry I made you cry." He whispered as he nuzzled in the crook of my neck, not again. I grabbed his face and pulled him towards me again, wanting him to warm my lips.I don't know if it's the alcohol, but I really enjoyed this nibbling at his bottom lip.  "Let's continue this tomorrow." He pulls away before pushing strands of my hair behind my ear.  Aww, What a tease!  He got off and rolled me over in towards the window making room for him to come behind me and pull me towards his chest. I smiled and snuggled into him before letting out a soft sigh as I succumbed to the uncomfortable bed we slept in. I woke up to the sound of truck engines. My eyes were hazy and I felt like utter crap!  "You know, I could get used to this." I blinked away the drowsiness and tilted my head up to see Gray, he looked so .... sexy with his bed head, open shirt, my hand tracing his well-defined abs. Wait! I looked up at him as he smirked, and I quickly pulled my hand away from him,  "I'm so sorry!" I groaned and get up, wincing in pain as I felt my head throbbing. I wavered as I was about to fall back on the bed, a hand snaked around my waist and my head leaned on Gray's shoulders."I..don't feel good."  "Hey! You're heating up!" He brought the back of his hand and placed it on my forehead. I felt his nice cool hand on my forehead and leaned my head against it, loving the cool of his hand,  "We need to get you home." He said as he pulled me onto his lap, I felt his hands scooping me behind my legs and the other hand on my back ---------------------------------- "How is she?"  "She's ok. Just a small fever, here are some tablets make sure she takes two capsules a day. Jellal, she's fine. a good long rest is all she needs."  I know that voice, I stirred in my bed and forced myself to open my eyes. Ugh! I can't see anything, it's blurry!I blinked once, then twice and my visions slowly start to look normal, finally. Pink hair caught my attention  "Aries?" I called out, everyone stopped talking and faced me, Aries smiled as she walked over towards me, she sat beside me and stroked my head,  "Hey, there kiddo. How are you feeling?" she asks I slowly lifted a hand to my head,  "I'm fine." I slowly got up only to groan. Loke was beside me, gently pushing me back to bed  "Don't you even dare, you little terror," He shook his head, "You gave us quite a scare. When we saw you knocked out in Grays' arms we thought something happened." Loke held my hands and gave it a squeeze. I felt tears slowly brimming in my eyes. Loke's eyes widened  "Are you crying? s**t did I say something wrong?" He got knocked in the head by Jellal. "Uh- Ow!" he glared at Jellal,  “You made her cry!” Jellal pinched the bridge of his nose.  "I did not!" Loke interjected the two started quarrelling and I cried even harder. I'm such a brat! My brothers would do anything for me, and I was acting like a little s**t!Aries looked pissed as she turns to the two  "Cut that out before I kick you out!" she yelled, the two stopped immediately and apologized, both my hands raised to the two  "Kyodai!" I cried the two looked at each other and smiled in relief as they both came to the side of my bed and hugged me,  "I'm sorry I'm such a brat!" the two comforted me, "Hey, it's ok." Loke kisses the top of my head,  "We're just being tough on you because you're our only little sister. Now that mum and dad are gone it's up to Loke and me to take care of you." Jellal leaned his head on top of mine and they both held my hands, "I'm glad mum and dad left me with you too. And I mean it.”  They all left so that I can rest, just before I could close my eyes, I heard a soft knock. My eyes darted towards the door to see Gray leaning against the door frame. Why do all guys do that? Can't they just stand up straight?  "Hey." I smiled, "Hi." He replied,  "You really are a handful." He chuckles, I joined and winced feeling the slight pound on my head  "Ow."  "Alright. My job is done here, I have returned the princess safely into the arms of her terrifying brothers and thus this dashing Knight shall take his leave." He bows, I burst into a fit of laughter "God! You're corny." "There we go, that's the laugh I've been waiting for." Gray grinned, I felt a tint of red creeping to my cheeks and I looked away, shy. "I'll see you later. Bye." He waved. Wait! Is he just going to leave? After what happened last night-The memory of the kiss popped in my head and my face went beet red before I flailed my arms to chase away the memory. He can't just leave! "Wait!" I blurted out stopping him from going any further. He turns to face me with a grin  "Yes?" What do I say? What the hell do I say?  "Uh." Really? Uh? Come on! Say something, you dolt! My head was spinning, I have no words to say, I couldn't think with this headache! "Thank you." I smiled softly Gray's lips curled into a smile matching mine my heart stopped as I brought my hand up to cover my mouth and turn away from him. Cute! My brains are scrambled, I see stars for a moment. It's now or never. Say it and let us rest before we pass out from overthinking. "W-would you like to go out with me?" I yelled catching him off guard. "No." Eh? No? Rest in Peace Lucy. I brought a hand to cover my eyes too chicken to look at him, just accept the rejection and live on. "Oi Loke! You have no right!" Loke? Huh? I pulled my hands away to see Gray holding onto Loke's collar. Of course. I felt anger boiling as I bolt up ignoring the ache in my body as I grabbed for something to throw at that another of mine. "Lucy, I didn't say no! Of course, I wanna go on a date with you!" Gray shook my brother and my face heats up once again the tissue box in my hand dropped and I was at my limit, I plopped back onto my soft pillow and brought the back of my hands to cover my eyes an I let out a smile.  "He said yes," I mumbled a smile on my face before I drifted off to sleep. Edited by-clobo15000
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