Chapter 4

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Alayna POV How dare he?! Do I look or act like a slut I glared at his back as I watched him leave our shop. Accepted he is quite good looking but how dare he think of me as a slut Someone he could pay and f**k for a night?! I might be desperate for money but I am definitely not exchanging my body and dignity for it! "Hey, are you OK?" Rowen asked coming close to me "Yeah I should probably clean this mess before the customers come in" I told him "I will do it, I'm sorry I made you prepare his coffee" Favour apologized. I'm certain they have no idea what was the interaction between the hot jerk and I want to keep it at that. But it was obvious he said something which offended me and I deliberately poured the coffee on him "It wasn't your fault he is annoying. I should be apologizing to you two, I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better part of me" I apologized for my unprofessional act. If I was been honest, I have met guys who are worse than him but something in me didn't appreciate the fact that he did what he did! "It's cool, losing one customer won't make us close the shop" Rowen winked at me before we all went back to our spots. The day went well after the encounter I had with the annoying hot jerk. To be honest, I had tried getting him off my head but no matter how I tried I couldn't He keeps on popping I was on my way to the boutique when I decided to call Lisa, just when I thought it would be going to voicemail she picked "Hello" she answered her voice skeptical. It's no surprise considering she didn't even know who was talking "Hi Lisa, it's Alayna from first choice boutique" I introduced (I know, the boutique name is just damn) "Hey, I was thinking you would never call" her voice changed. Excited even "Of course I would. I was too tired yesterday hence why I didn't call" I was truly tired, after my shift at the club which ended at 2 am, I couldn't call her at such an hour. "You shouldn't stress yourself that much Al, I can call you that yeah?" She asked. I wanted to tell her yes right away, but I couldn't help questioning why she is been so friendly towards me. I mean I am but a salesgirl and she, she is a beautiful, rich classy lady who I'm sure isn't lacking friends. I mean she is too positive So it's kind of suspicious that she is been this friendly When did the high class and middle class become so close?! "" I dragged hoping she didn't notice the uncertainty in my voice. She did drop me a fat tip "I can just call you by your name if you don't like the name" I guess she noticed "No that's not it, I was just wondering why you want to associate with me?" I asked. I mean the world will be freed of issues as long as we open up! She seems too kind to be looking for someone who will lick her ass up for financial gain yeah "Let's do this, dinner together?" She asked So that's the response I get? I rolled my eyes "I will be busy then" I can't make it to dinner, since I need to be home and rest before my duty at the club starts "Busy enough to not eat? That's unhealthy Alayna" she countered me Oh hello mummy! I went ahead to explain to her how I would be home with my family for dinner before getting back to work "Hold on, how many jobs do you do?" She asked curiously. "Three" I can't believe we have been on phone together throughout my ride. I pressed the button to signify I will be dropping off and went down. All this while she was on about how I was ruining my health Congratulations Alayna, you got yourself a new mom! "I have no choice Lisa, we all don't get it easy in life you know" I responded with a sigh I also wished I could be in school right now receiving lectures, having fun, meeting people, and going on dates. Probably I wouldn't have been affected by having an annoying ass give me attention. OK, that's it, get your mind off there! "I'm sorry I made you sad. I was just worried Alayna" she sounded really apologetic "It's cool. I have to go though, I'm at the boutique already". I ended the call after she wished me to have a good day at work. By the time the clock strikes five, I was ready to head out home. I couldn't wait to cuddle my pillow and sleep. I felt drained and all I wanted was good hours of sleep but I knew I couldn't afford such yet. It might be weekdays but the club is always filled up Upon getting home, my phone rang and when I checked the caller I couldn't help but be surprised "Hi" I answered "Hey, I'm sorry but can I join you guys for dinner?" She asked I was now very skeptical about her, I mean even if she has no friends, she has a boyfriend she loves and hopes to marry. She can't be lacking company! "I don't think you can Lisa, I mean I will be eating with my family" I told her in a very calm voice. Chris turned to look at me curiously "OK fine. See you tomorrow" she promised before ending the call. I stared at the phone for a while wondering wtf is going on right now "Is everything OK?" Chris asked with concern. I went on to tell him about Lisa and our encounter and he believed she is either bi and has a thing for me or she just wants to make friends "There are lots of people in the world sis and most of them, well you would have no choice but to wonder if they are mentally sane" he shrugged before going back to researching whatever he was doing. The only valuable we kept was his laptop. I couldn't let him lose that and I'm glad I didn't sell it either "I should probably meet her tomorrow and if she indeed has a thing for me, it would be best for her to know I'm not interested in her that way" I told him "Well it's not like you're interested in anything you Asexual being" he chuckled before showing me his tongue "That's a lie, I am interested in males" I defended wondering when we got into teasing me and my s****l life "Yeah yeah, I know right. The males in your dreams I mean the ones who can't and would never exist" he actually laughed at me this time around "No I met one today but he turned out to be an i***t" I complained. I can't believe how sad my voice was and that got Chris total attention too "Who?" He watched me closely. I eye-rolled him, and went ahead and told him the coffee incidence He listened carefully with his full attention on me "So this is like the coffee girl and the busy boyfriend yeah. I should write you two love story" he teased and I looked around for something harmless I can throw at him "I hate you" was the only retort I could give Laughing he responded "come on you probably won't be seeing him again. And if you do, throw the coffee on his center but he sounds like fun though. Think he is up to making new friends" he grinned and I glared which got both of us laughing "So now you know I got a heart too" I huffed "Yeah yeah yeah. I mean you threw a hot coffee on the first man who made you seem human. A big heart you got there sis" he laughed "I hate you" he mimicked me which got me laughing. "So how is mom?"I asked knowing he must have visited her this evening. "She doesn't look OK to me sis. It's worrisome" he complained all trace of humor was out of his voice. I decided it was time I told him my discussion with the doctor. I had met the doctor earlier and he promised to help mom raise funds from any charitable organization interested in her type of case. Right now I'm here hoping for a positive response from them Indeed mom needs an operation and the earlier it gets done the higher her chances of survival By the time I was done talking to Chris, I realized he was in tears. "Hey big man, stop being a baby. She will be fine OK" I hugged him trying to be strong for us two so I held back in my own cry. "Lay what if.. " he choked in his cry "No ifs Chris, she will be fine" I couldn't help doubting myself too. Would she really? Would she???
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