Chapter 1.

1481 Words
"Ashley…. Ashley…. Ashley….." Was the voice of an angry male screaming as he came banging on the door which he came to stop in front. It is Mosley Sawyer, the King of Erellan kingdom. He was full of anger as he continued to shout out the name while banging the door. "Ashley…. Open this door. Now is not the time to start this conversation again. Don't get me angrier than I already am. You only have till the court of three to open this door, else I am going to break it and you will not like what I will do to you." He kept ranting. "One….. two….. three…." He was about to break because he had run out of patients when he heard another voice asking him from the corner. "Father, what is going on again?" Mosley paused from breaking the door and looked at his son, Grant who asked him the question. "It's your foolish sister again! Her husband is waiting for yet she has refused to come out from her room and she knows that it is not good to keep the dragon King waiting, else he will lose his temper and shape shift into his other form." At once Grant joined his father and since he had his father screaming for her to open the door, there was no need to talk much, he smashed the door open only for their eyes to behold that the person they were looking for was not in the room. This sight almost gave King Mosley a heart attack, as he knew what would become of his kingdom if he were to go out and tell the dragon king that his bride had escaped. "It's okay father, I'm going to find her," Grant promised as he helped his father. Then they heard the sound of a horse and the voice of Ashley, who they were looking for, so Grant took action to chase her immediately as he said to Mosley. "I'll bring her back, just get the dragon Lord talking till I return." There was no time for him to start coming out of the room to pass through the main exit, so he followed the window of the room, grabbed a horse and went after his sister Ashley. He was used to riding a horse better than Ashley, so it was quite easy for him to catch up with her, as he pushed her off the horseback as it ran at full speed. Ashley was a beautiful damsel, she is twenty one years of age, having long brown hair with cute eyes, and pointed nose. Her beauty alone made every man that set his eyes on her to develop feelings for her. Her beauty was such that it could be attributed to that of a goddess. "Ouch!" She screamed as she fell from the horse, then the horse of Grant began to walk round her as she began to stammer in plea. "Please… Grant…. Remember that we are siblings… don't allow father to give me over to that monster…. You and I know that he is not someone I can get married to…. He is way older than I am and would kill me for any slightest mistake…." "Quiet!!!" Grant scolded her. "Your pleas would not change anything." "Please, Grant. Whatever I have done to you please forgive me. Let me go and tell father that you couldn't catch me. I know you don't like me and want to get rid of me, so I promise to never come back to Erellan ever again. Just do me this one favor." Ashley was begging with tears on her face as she crawled on her knees, turning with the horse that moved around her. "Why am I even listening to you?!" Grant's anger grew as he detest seeing Ashley. So he alighted the horse, holding a rope in his hands as he tied Ashley's hands together. "Are you going to ride on your horse or will you have me drag you back to the palace?!" He asked this question with seriousness as he frowned his face. He was full of determination that if she doesn't comport herself and get on her ride, he would climb on his horse and drag like the slave she had always been taken for to palace. Ashley made some delay as she looked into the eyes of her brother to be sure whether he really meant what he said. All her life she had been treated like trash as though she was not royalty, yet she kept believing that one day her father and brother would stop all the ill treatments they were giving her and learn to love her as a member of the royal household. But with the present situation of forcing her to become the second wife of the brutal Dragon King, she knew that those dreams would never come to pass as they were finally getting rid of her. At this point in her life she was beginning to regret why she hadn't taken her life many years back. She could no longer cry as her eyes could not produce tears again. "You are wasting my time here!" Grant said as he ran out of patients. With anger and hatred for her, he climbed his horse, ready to act according to the second option he gave her. It was now that Ashley struggled on top of her horse that had stopped after she was pushed down. She had twisted her ankle after the fall, so she was in pain. With the rope still tied to her hands, Grant took her back to the palace to meet his father and the dragon King, who is to become his wife. ***** In the palace of Erellan, Mosley Sawyer was still sitting with the dragon king, Raymond Parsons of Ocalis kingdom. They have been talking about a series of things that do not matter to Raymond as Mosley was the one bringing up the topic so as to kill time while he waited for his son who had promised to catch and bring Ashley back to the palace. Raymond had been conversing with him all these while but that was not his intention, he was running out of patients since he had come there to take his wife home. So he had to stop all the unnecessary discussion which Mosley was bringing up. "Can I see my wife now? I'm beginning to lose patience here!" The dragon said with a ferrous voice. It was not his regular voice but that of the dragon in him. As Mosley heard these words with the terrifying sound which it came with, fear gripped him as he thought of what to say to Raymond. Yet there was no reasonable thing for him to say, he could tell that in a very short while, if he didn't see Ashley, he would shape shift and destroy the kingdom just as he had done to several Kingdoms before now. Mosley was stuttering, trying to find the best words to emit from his mouth. "Can't you talk again?!" "She is here," Prince Grant barged in with Ashley. He had untied the rope which he tied her with but was still holding her firmly so that she would not run off again. Then Raymond turned to the direction of the voice as he looked changed by her sight. He wore his best smile putting aside the anger of the dragon. "It's been a long time my love." Mosley was not concerned about those words, as he read nothing strange in them. Since he had wanted to get rid of Ashley for a long time and even the dragon king whose presence made him uncontrollable, he said. "I believe there is nothing else expected of me? You now have your wife and can take her home." "Yes," Raymond looked at Mosley, "You have done noble by keeping her safe all these years. I shall be leaving with her now." He takes her by the hand to leave the palace and kingdom of Erellan back to his kingdom, Ocalis. "Lord Raymond, please do not forget our agreement?" Mosley begged. "I won't. You have my words." He replied sharply and left Mosley and his son in the room. Now those last words of her father made Ashley understand that there was something her father was not telling her concerning her forceful marriage to the brutal King, in addition to that was the incomprehensible words of Raymond. She did not understand anything that was going on again, now could she ask Raymond about it because she feared him in the same manner which the world feared him because of his brutal, cruel and ruthless character. The only thing that was coming into her mind was how she was going to escape from the hands and watch of the dragon.
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