Chapter Twenty Eight- Emma

1565 Words

Gwen sat across from Deacon upon the small fast food restaurant that held a children's play area along the corner of its construction. The young girl who shared many of her father's features ran throughout the jungle gym with a smile on her face as Deacon took this time to explain the details to Gwen. Although she was relieved to know the truth, she became worried as to why he kept such an adorable and well mannered child so private. But she would soon find out why.  "She is adorable." Gwen commented, her lips curving into a smile as she had glanced over to the young girl.  "Thank you." He spoke, looking to his child with a deep pride when looking to her. Gwen was able to discover, without much investigation, that Dean truly adored his daughter. It had read as a side to Deacon she had ye

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