The Obsession

1907 Words
It choked my words right back into me and at that moment seeing her stare wishfully at the water gave me an unusual kind of satisfaction, perhaps I wasn't as unlucky as I thought. Though I'd already seen her countless times, I couldn't help but want to see her again, in a much closer light. I closed my computer and Marched out of my room. Down the long wooden stairs, passed the grand piano that no one ever played, the livingroom and out the back door which led to the small garden. The sprinklers were spraying water about, and made the atmosphere abit foggy. Finally I reached the pool and stood behind Louie, she had drifted so far in her thoughts, that she didn't notice me standing there “You really like to swim don't you?” I said, finally reaching the pool, I stood behind her. She turned, startled by my sudden presences. “when I was little, I couldn't swim. It was like trying to get a rock to float,” Louie chuckled, her hair slid from behind her neck and fell in her face. “I can't say the same for myself, I could swim but I never quite liked getting wet,” I smiled and moved closer. “One time my father paid this lady to teach me how to do swim, she was a our neighbor's house sitter, Sarah? Yea her name was Sarah,” she said and turned to me with a thoughtful expression on her face. “On one very lovely morning, She took me to a public swimming pool, it was just us, cause we'd gotten there so early, plus it was a week day. ” “I'm anxious to hear what happened next.” “She kicked me into the pool and assumed that I would miraculously learn to swim by drowning first.” I threw my head back in laughter, I tried to reply with words but all that came out was more laughter, my shoulders bounced with even cough. I could hardly recall the last time I'd laughed so hard. “Was it at least successful?” I asked wiping my eyes with the bad of my hand. “After a few minutes of intense struggle and agony, She finally realized that her method was not as efficient as she thought, so she jumped in a pulled me out a wet rabbit,” Louie shook her head, “It was the worst day of my life.” “I'm sorry you got saddled with the best teacher in town,” I chuckled, she turned slowly as she realized that irony in my words, “It's not funny,” she disagreed. “Admit it Lo, it's quiet funny.” Her eyes widened as she expressed shock and at the same time excitment, “You just called me Lo,” she mentioned with a bright smile on her face. “No didn't!” I responded quickly, “You did! You said Lo.” “Whatever!” “I kinda like it,” her lips stretched into an embarrassed smile and her face burning red. I'd gotten so caught up in our conversation I didn't realize when I uttered her name informally, but what did it matter, we'd already slept together a couple of times and passionately, more than I could say for any other woman of recent, most likely cause I hadn't been sleeping with any woman besides her. There was a long silence afterwards, I resigned my eyes to stare only at the water. I cleared my throat and asked, “How did you learn to swim in the end?” She seemed rather disappointed by my question, her bright expression deemed a bit, and her mouth open but only stutters came out before the actual words, “You really want to know?” she asked “Yea” She stood up and took off her uniform, pulling it over her head easily, she was remarkably flexible. As her dress lifted up, I could see only a pair of black lingerie underneath. I quickly peered around to make sure no one was coming, “What are you doing?” I asked with my eyes wide open. “I'm showing you how I learned to swim, ” I replied nonchalantly and jumped into the pool. Her dive sent water flying around in a splash. She brought her head up and shook off the water on it, “Calm down no one's gonna see me,” she smiled, her hair looked thinner when it was wet. I rolled my eyes and remained where I stood. “Some years after that, I had a crush on one of the life guards at the pool, his name was Marvin. I let him teach me how to swim cause I wanted him to touch me.” she explained, “Sounds shallow doesn't it?” “Not at all ” I chuckled, “But did he touch you the way you wanted?” “No, unfortunately he only agreed to teach me how to swim so he'd get my cousin's number.” “Now that's shallow!” I announced loudly and we both laughed, “Swim with me,” she said splashing the water towards me, “ No I'm good just watching you.” I politely declined, still looking around. “I'm gonna swim to the bottom and not come up till you join me,” Louie shook her head stubbornly, “What! Don't do that!” before I could say anymore words she disappeared into the water, after a minute I got worried, “Louie come out! this isn't funny! ” I yelled. Another minute passed and she still hadn't come to the surface, I took off my jacket and moved closer to the edge, I reluctantly jumped in and brought her up to surface. She laughed boisterously at her successful attempt to get me in the water. “Are you out of your mind!” I raised my voice in anger, but she still laughed and laughed even harder. “I'm fine … calm down, I can hold my breath for at least five minutes,” she replied. “Just don't scare me like like that next time.” I paused and stared at her; her lips, her eyes, her smooth and her slender collar bone. I couldn't bring myself to worry about the water or the fact that I was soaking wet, but it all felt refreshing some how. She moved closer slowly, as if waiting for a reaction but I said nothing and did nothing as well as she took her arms around me. “I'm sorry,” she whispered, It could tell she was making another attempt to kiss me but I hesitated again, I instinctively resigned myself and hugged her instead. “What am I doing?” I asked myself. She held me closer till her n*****s brushed my chest, I could feel them through my wet clothes. I could also feel my myself growing hard in arousement. I hated being in water but with her it felt soothing and somewhat romantic. Finally she released me from her arms and I hastend out of the pool with her tailing behind me, water poured dry down the soaked clothes leaving a trail behind me. “Why do you constantly refuse to kiss me?” she asked curiously, standing naked before me. Her wet body glistened as though she was dipped in oil rather than water. I hadn't realized how toned her body was till that day. I looked down and noticed my erection growing bigger till it created a bulge in my wet pants. “I … I, ” I still couldn't figure out the words to say. “Do you not like kissing?” she asked another question regardless of the fact that I had not answered the first. “I don't know, its just always felt odd to me, ” I answered. Louie rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh before walking to me. she placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled. “I don't mind waiting you know.” “Waiting for what?” “For you to love me back,” she replied, I stared down at her, startled by her words, I simply couldn't find a suitable response, I stood there frozen and still like a blick of ice, she turned around and shuffled back to where she'd dropped her uniform. She slipped it on hastily and walked away. After a short while I regained myself and hurried inside for a change of clothes, on the way up I ran into Flora, she was dragging along a mop bucket absentmindedly. “My goodness!” she exclaimed “What happened to you Sir?!” “I … I went for a … swim,” I answered scratching my wet head. “A swim? But you're dressed! ” her eyebrows lifted skeptically. “Please continue the good work, I'll go get changed.” I said and quickly excused myself. A few days after I tortured myself by recounting Louie's words, so many times I began to play out in my sleep like an endless loop. I no longer knew how to feel, it was suffocating but the worse kind, this time I knew just the cause but did nothing to free my conscience instead I roped myself in further by sleeping with the help, not only did I sleep with her I also enjoyed her and did it again and again, in the bed and on the ground, even on the shower. She took me into her mouth, welcoming me with her tongue, In the cold shower I was warm between her legs. I bent her over and traced my c**k around her folds, and rubbed it against her c******s, it was pulsating at my touch. She braced herself on the glass door, her moaning breaths clouded the glass. I put my c**k into her wet p*ssy, immediately her knees trembled and she let out a loud whine. Every stroke created an unexplainable sensation in me, like a charge. I picked up the pace and began to slam into her, her ass giggled and bounced recklessly and so did her breasts. I placed both hands on her ass, I caressed and parted them open. She let out a faint moan, under her breath, “Ahh! … don't stop.” “I'm gonna write my name on your insides,” I grunted heavily as I brushed my wet hair away from my face. I turned her around and picked her up in my arms, she wrapped her arms around my neck for support. I fit my c**k back in and resumed. My c**k grew heavy and hard as I continued, it felt as though I would burst. Her ass slapped against my thighs in our passionate frenzy and squelching Sounds of my c**k pulling in and out of her p*ssy. In all of it I reminded myself that Margret was doubtlessly doing the same with Richardson, it was apparent in his words and even in his work that he was sexually involved with Margret. But what was the point, I already knew just what to do. I'd end things with Margret and live as free and guiltless as I once did. I really didn't need love when I could make it in bed.
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