Big day at work

2006 Words
I stood from my seat nervously and walked to the screen, Mr Cole glanced at me once when I began my presentation he was staring pointedly at me. my shoes no longer gave me any balance as my legs wobbled where I stood. I cleared my throat, hoping I would not forget everything I'd practiced. “My theme for this is Jones bond ... like James Bond ” I laughed. “A young girl loves the toy store. To her the Toy Store is like a world on it's own” “Another kid hands Jones a letter ” I clicked the remote and the screen changed into a young girl in a spy gear, my graphics were digitally drawn, thanks to Vivian as I was unable to draw as much as a spoon. “She is given a special mission to protect the toy store from its enemies” The next picture was Miss Jones fighting toy robots and shooting lasers out of a toy gun. “She defeats the evil Dr ferocious and saves the day .” I ended with a smiled, proud of my courage to finish without any awkward mistakes and stutters. Mrs Hemming's partner leaned over and whispered into her ear,she turned then turned back to me with a promising smile, Mr Cole was anxious as well, I could tell by the way his eyes widened as she opened her mouth to speak. “Very have such amazing workers here” she said to Mr Cole. “Thank you Mrs Hemming,” “Please call me Doris,” she chuckled. I returned to my seat quietly with my fingers crossed. Joanne stood and walked to the screen, she commanded so much authority in her elegant strides, her confidence made her so much taller than anyone else in the room. She was a little older than I was and made it her life's mission to boss me around. Denis had given a captivating presentation but Joanne was my real competition. She wore a mint green jumpsuit a colour she'd never worn before. Mint green was my go-to colour and she knew it, I took it as a warning to stay out of her way, sadly I had planned to be nowhere but in her way. “I titled this enchantment,” she said And immediately Mrs Hemming's eyes lit up. “A lonely little boy runs off to play in the park with his toy monkey … Its gets late but he doesn't know where he is anymore … he's lost .” My eyes opened wide as I realized that her presentation was an idea of mine a few years back. On the screen was a picture of a frightened child holding on to his toy monkey, the next picture fire flies surround them both and the toy monkey opens it's eyes. “The toy monkey comes alive, holds him by the hand and leads him back to his family, who are worried sick about him .” she finished. Mrs Hemming stood immediately, frantically applauding her. I fought the urge to jump over the table and attack her. “Enchanting!.” “We've chosen,” her partner announced, joining her to applaud. Mr Cole stood as well, he appeared proud. I could feel myself turning red with anger, she'd beaten me so effortlessly and I detested her. I returned to my desk afterwards in a glowering mood, I was hardly comfortable in the dress I had on, it itched in places I couldn't touch. With very little to do I rested my aching head on the table, over all the files and paperwork. The office phone on my desk suddenly began to ring, I sluggishly picked it up still resting my head on the desk I placed the phone on my ear. “welcome to Wadford agency how can we assist you,” I said “Well.. Miss Dalton you can start by letting me treat you to dinner sometime,” The voice answered, I lifted my head in shock as I soon realized who the voice belonged to. It was him it had to be him, I peeked over my cubicle, peering into his office, he was sitting with his legs crossed and a phone by his ear, he looked up and our eyes met, he had a pleasant smile on his face one I'd only seen in my imaginations. I quickly returned to seat clumsily juggling the phone between both hands as it nearly dropped, I took it back to my ear and calmed myself. “You look lovely today Miss Dalton,” he mentioned in a soft spoken tone. I wanted to ask who the lady he was with was and what she meant to him but instead I sighed and said, “” “So do have an answer for me?” he asked “what?” I looked around to make sure no one was watching. “I can only treat you to dinner if you have an answer to my offer?” “I…I haven't decided yet” I found it difficult to speak to him in the same playful manner which he spoke. It was new to me, he'd never spoken to me so informally before especially at work. “How much longer do you need?” “I don't know … I don't think we're supposed to have this conversation at work sir” “You're right so we'll have this conversation over dinner at my place on Sunday .” “wait … I didn't… ” before I could complete my sentence, he had already hung up. I returned the phone back in it's place and leaned my back on the chair. I was a bird in a cage, surrounded by hungry cats with no where to run, in the cage I was hopeless and outside it I was doomed, why did I ever get in this mess? I asked myself, blaming my faulty car, the subway, the elevator, the weather I blamed everything and everyone along with myself. In the sub train I stood holding onto the hanging strap. I had only one thing in mind, I wanted to go home to my parents, at that moment I chose mother's incessant nagging over anything. After the dreadfully long train ride I walked home that windy evening watching the clouds gather into thick folds of a threatening storm, the wind blew my hair about my face making it rather difficult to see. In my struggle to pick my hair out of my face, I noticed Matt and Sharon walking together in the distance holding hands. They were heading in my direction, with no other way avoid them both I decided to face them instead. Sharon was once a close friend of mine, she imitated everything I did, Vivian said Sharon adored me but in truth Sharon simply wanted my life, she got the same car as I did, she went and got a similar origami wall decoration to the one in my bedroom and even wore leaf coloured clothes, Whatever I talked about doing, Sharon would do beat me to it but I never knew she would involve my boyfriend in her terrifying game of imitation. We soon reached each other, but none knew what to say to me. “Gina darling!” she spouted, acting as though she had just noticed me. “Hi Sharon,” I said looking only at Matt. “I have great news Gina!” she giggled frantically, one would almost think she was being tickled somehow. “Matt and I are getting married!” she announced, throwing herself into his arms with a wide devious grin on her face but I knew her and I knew her intentions were only to show off that she'd beaten me to it yet again. “Congratulations Sharon … and matt” I included “you both deserve each other .” “Gina I want you to be my maid of honor .” My head went pitch black at her intentions to hurt my feelings. “Yea sure, ”I blurted out loudly to get her out of my hair. Matt stood stood frozen, he wanted to say so much but didn't get the chance or was just to ashamed to face me. Sharon notices his pleading stares. “Thank you so much Gina” she said as she pulled him away like a dog on a leash. I decided to need no one in my agonizing life, I had to be as heartless and unapologetic as Mr Cole and all the insensitive men in my life, I'd have to do the absurd. The next day at work, I sat in my cubicle typing down my report. When suddenly a person came jumping in unexpectedly I was incredibly startled but I held back my scream, it was Joanne, the last person I wanted to see. “I really liked your presentation Regina,” Joanne said “Thank you, I thought yours was just as Mrs Hemming said. Enchanting!” I forced my lips in to a smile, giving her the affirmation she needed. I peered into Mr Cole's office, eager to give him my well thought answer but he appeared to have company. Seeing Matt and Sharon led me to the conclusion that I couldn't survive being soft hearted. I stood without a second thought and marched to his office, despite the people with him, I barged in and everyone stared at me, the surprised looks on their faces especially Mr Cole's. “I accept your offer!” I announced, Joanne was standing amongst them, her eyes widened in shock. Mr Cole looked about the quiet room, he cleared his throat before speaking, “forgive me Miss Dalton, I don't quite know what you mean” he said “what is this offer you speak of?” His act of confusion, broke my confidence, the one I had summoned before marching into his office, I began to stutter. “Umm one that.. ” I looked at all the eyes peering at me, except for Nathaniel whose eyes were not planted on my face but on my boobs. I reminded myself of my decision to be unapologetic and bold. I stood up straight and maintained my tone. “Well.. You mentioned earlier that Joanne's presentation and mine were equally good, you offered that I direct the commercial a long side Joanne with whatever location of my choice .” I said. His remained seated with his eyes wide open, and his mouth speechless. I could see Joanne fuming were she stood and it gave me great satisfaction. “Thank you Sir,” I turned to the door with no expectation of an answer from him, his expression was more than an answer and the game was only beginning. At lunch a sat with Paula and Andy. “I heard Joanne screaming in the bathroom … what did you do? ” Paula asked tapping my shoulder playfully, “I just wanted to teach her a little thing I call pay back. ” “you she devil,” Andy laughed “you know that getting lost in the park thing was my idea, a while ago … she just changed a few bits here and there and tried to run me over with it .” I smiled stuffing my mouth with my lunch. “I like this new you,” Andy said, staring me down with a smile on his face, not long ago you were here worrying whether to f**k your boss or not. “shut up Andy.. You loud mouth” I chuckled softly pushing him by the shoulder. “Andy's right … I'm proud of you” I thought of what they would think of me after I told them about my night with our boss, so I decided not to tell anyone, knowing all the judgment I would face from it.
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