I want you to want me back

1767 Words
“I knew that was gonna to jog your memory,” he grinned. The crowd gathered around us. “I really wish you had aimed somewhere else” I groaned painfully still spread uncomfortably over the broken table. “You're right..I should have aimed for your crotch,” he said tartly,“That's for stealing my girlfriend you piece of s**t!” he spluttered “I didn't steal Maria?” “It's Melissa!” he snapped, marching towards me, he prepared his fist to strike again when Huey rushed to the rescue, standing between us. He said no words but instead greeted Brandon with an expected blow and brandons friends hurried to the scene and it escalated into a nasty brawl with my friends against his, sadly it was somewhat a fair fight but no one was as eager to fight as Huey was, he'd been itching for it and his wish became reality but at the expense of my face, my most crucial instrument. Brandon appeared to have come prepared given the fact that he was buffer than I remembered, most likely gyming the whole time in preparation for his cold revenge, made it difficult to recognize him. Many broken tables later We were all badly banged up and thrown out of the club like old rags by their hefty security. “hahaa I still gat it” Huey laughed, bouncing with both fists clenched like a boxer, I was baffled by his overflow of energy especially after the head turning battle. “s**t… it's late I gatta go.” Jimmy said panting heavily, he flexed his bruised knuckles. “I'm sorry I got you guys involved in all that,” I apologized, holding Huey up with one hand. “you should be sorry…but still I couldn't have let them beat you up even though you deserved it ”Jimmy said gesturing to my busted up face. as he hurried away with Hunter and they went their separate ways and I was left to drive Huey's very drunk self home. He lived in a comfortable apartment, after a stressful elevator lift, I struggled to carry him out of the elevator as he blacked out on the way up. I wad able to reach his door and I began knocking till a subtle voice answered from behind the door, “Who's there?” “ Lola It's me Alfred.” I answered, still struggling to pull him to his feet. “Alfred!?..” she jumped, “Is he drunk again?” “Very drunk” She quickly unlocked the door and welcomed us in, she assisted me with Huey, taking off his jacket she laid him gently on his bed and covered him up. Lola was Huey's third sister, the only one who could tolerate him enough to live with him, she was seventeen, still had braces in her teeth, she wore a lot of colours and often looked like a flower of many colors with her hand knitted beanies and socks, she wore the oversized sweatpants and had her hair wrapped in a messy bun. Lola reminded me so much of Regina, though Regina had no sence of style, they were both remarkably imaginative. I lurk around the room quietly, peering about , he still had the same faded posters of sexy girl groups pasted on his walls. “You didn't need to fight for me anymore,” I muttered. “I guess old habits die hard,” he laughed. “ look at you”I said tartly“You look worse than I do.” I gestured to his black eye and the throbbing bruises on his face. “I only got hit once” “You sure? Cause you look like you got run over by a truck.” “So what?.. We've been friends since boarding school. If someone tries to fight you..I'm gonna step in no matter what.. the bottom line is I got you Covered.” “we didn't make a good tag team there..cause you like to butt into everything alone.” “Whatever mehn.” he chuckled, turning over on his side, his knuckles looked red and painful, I only had a little scratch from the first hit mostly because the others jumped in like personal bodyguards. Huey couldn't change no matter what, he'd been the same since we were in school together. I was a lot small and timid, he was loud but a lot smaller than I was and yet he was feared cause of his loud mouth and he was really fast as well, so he always starts fights and knew just how to escape, he was almost like a bodyguard, he fought for me cause I didn't know how to fight for myself. Truthfully I was glad to have him by my side, I had an exciting night with them, something I'd been missing for a while, I waited a little while till Huey was fast asleep, I trotted out of the room and I headed for the door,pass Lola, who was watching the television with a ball of yarn extended across her thighs to the ground. “Good night Lola” I said advancing to the door, she jumped out of seat quickly and ran to me. “Thank you for bringing him home, Alfred,” she said, squeezing something into my hand. I opened my hand to see a knitted sunflower with a rope attached to it. “You should hang this in your car, it's a good luck charm,” she explained “It'll keep you safe whenever you drive.” “You are the loveliest person I've ever met Lola,”I smiled “Thank you lola” I held back my tears and pulled her Into a hug. I got home worn out and exhausted, Feeling nauseous. I longed for a good night sleep though it was already six-am In the morning, Margret was up as she had a habit of waking at obscene hours of the day making it difficult to avoid her, she calculated every aspect of her life down, and followed it strictly, when to wake, eat and the precise thing to it along with its nutritional benefits in mind,how long her drive to work is and she even counted her steps. The temperature of her coffee and the specific drink she had only get at a particular, if it wasn't available she simply wouldn't drink anything. “What happened to your face” she asked, walking towards me, She reached to touch my face, “It's nothing, I'm going to bed now” I sighed, dragging my feet tiredly to my room. I collapsed on the bed like a falling tree nodding off immediately. When I finally woke up I opened my eyes to find Margret standing over me with a cold substance wrapped inside a napkin, she placed it gently on my throbbing cheek bone, I jerked at the unexpected cold from the napkin. “I don't want you to turn purple by the end of today,” she said with no emotion in her voice, I sat up to face her properly, she leaned over and sat beside me, she was still in her night dress, metalic silk it hugged her on all the places I desperately desired to touch. “You look horrible,” she said rubbing the cold napkin on my swollen face. “You think I look bad. Well You should see the other guy,” I joked. Still starting lustfully at her cleavage, her curves, the way the silk entered between her thighs are she sat beside me, unable to hold back, I placed my hand on her thigh, I wrinkled the silk between my fingers, Caressing passionately. She paused, watching my curious hand travel up her thighs to her stomach, she trembled at my touch, unable to concentrate on my throbbing face, I said no words but watched her react. Margret could no longer continue as I leaned closer for a kiss, Shocked by my attempt to kiss a woman in the lips I hesitated for a moment. I then took my lips to her neck instead, kissing slowly and passionately, she gripped my arm the was wrapped tightly around her waist.“Wait!” she said jerking back as my hand massaged her breast. She melted in my arms. “No” I replied, I saw the opportunity to finally have my way and I couldn't let it go. Engulfed in her smell I had forgotten all about the throbbing bruises on my face instead i felt a different kind of throb within myself, i was filled with untold excitement , I wanted more than she let me have I wanted all of her to myself. She locked my hand between her thighs, they were warm and pleasant, She let out an unexpected moan as I continued to kiss her neck all the way to her ear. She grabbed my hand and moved it away from inside her dress, she cleared her throat and said “ You reek of alcohol and You need to rest ” she pulled herself from me and stood. “You should be hungry… I'll have flora bring you something eat.” flora was the maid. Margret picked up the wet napkin now dripping from the melted ice inside. “I am hungry but not for food” I said staring pointedly at her, she turned away to hid her face burning red with embarrassment. “Why do you run from my love?” I asked, she was startled by my question, standing for minutes without a word she finally said “Cause..Alfred your not ready to give any just yet.” “Margret.. ”I sighed “Please excuse me.” she turned to the door and made her way out quietly. She still hadn't forgiven me for the wedding and the vacation. Later that day I decided to walk around the house, pass the kitchen with Miss Flora preparing me something to eat, watching her brought back memories of my self as a little boy, hiding behind the kitchen counter just to watch Anna cook. How simple it was to be a child. I reflected on what Margret had said about me not being ready to love anyone, I was just a man who loved to satisfy myself but my instinctive actions amass so much judgment from everyone. I had my late breakfast alone, Margret had already gone to work. I felt home sick or perhaps it was just the hangover creeping in.
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