Back with the boys

2017 Words
It was a late Saturday as a single man earlier on in my life, I spent all my Saturdays in a strip club with my friends and this Saturday I decided it was time to relive some of those old moments, I advised myself to have just a few drinks and to stay off women no matter how irresistible after all the idea was to finally spend time with my friends. The good old Bloom strip club was overflowing with drooling men and eye catching pole dancers who a few pieces of clothing away from being entirely naked. They were dancing on platforms which were an inch away from the tables, so close you could reach out and cop a feel from your seat. Some actually wore nothing at all besides the jewelry on their waist and tassels on their n*****s. Money falling down like snow and the bass of the booming music vibrated the tables a bit. The boys and I were seated at a table with a dancer in front of us. As expected Hunter pulled out a wad of cash from his man pouch as he called it and rained money on the dancer, who was encouraged enough to let him bury his face into her giant boobs and laughed holding on to the back of his head. “Yo how was your honey moon mehn?” He said gasping for air after being stuck between her air tight boobs, he returned to his seat. I was quiet for a moment, I knew I could be honest around them and hoped they wouldn't judge me for the questionable decisions I made at the resort. “It was okay! ” I shrugged, returning to my drink quietly making sure I did not lock eyes with them, the had a way of pulling information out of me. “Is it that it? ”Huey asked calmly taking his cup to his mouth, they all peered quietly, waiting for me to burst out the truth, I had a record of dragging complications with me where ever I went and it would be impossible for me to not f**k up at some point , and from their eyes I could tell that they were knew I was hidding something, after a few awkward sips from my glass, I decided to say what they wanted to hear. “Look margret didn't speak to me most of the time,” I started and Jimmy adjusted into his seat. “So what did you do then?”he asked. “I didn't do anything mehn… I barely saw her exept for the night we tried to have sex.” “Tried?..what happened?” “She came up to me and then before I could even go any further....she was out of it.” I angrily slapped away the slice of lime on my drink. Surprised by my anger towards the issue, I took another glass from the table but poured the entire content into my mouth instead. “Slow down I'm not gonna drag your wasted ass home,” Hunter snatched the bottle from my grip. “she's definitely mad at you, did you at least apologize to her?” I paused to think “The thing is I slept with someone else after she refused me.” The table became silent as everyone turned from face to face expressing shoke and then faced me again with disappointment in their eyes. “Wait…you did what!?” Huey broke the silence with a hysterical roar. “Don't look at me like that Huey.. you're a self proclaimed playboy” “With me it's an understanding..both sides agree to just have s*x for a night with no strings attached…I don't go dating everyone at the same time and cheating on all of them.” “So you're calling me a cheat?”I scorned. “you did kinda cheat on all of the women you've had in your life.” “things have changed Fred you're married now, it's not cool never was.” Huey continued “You need to man up and stop f*****g made a commitment.” The others nodded in agreement, my pride was injured by their words. Huey had a girlfriend once, before she became his girlfriend he pretty much obsessed over her. He said he was really inlove. Then one day she ran off with his close friends from his work place and he was torn apart by it. Afterwards he did not wish to be committed to anyone but his s****l needs. He started having sloppy one night stands with random women he could no longer remember in morning. Hunter was more pretenscious than the others. The thing is that Hunter had been with the same woman for years but they refused to label their relationship as anything regarding commitment, they would sleep around with other people and then run back to eachother afterwards. Then one day he realized he didn't want to continue the cycle of messing around with other people so he asked her to marry him and she refused, they remained together but became like roommates instead of lovers. Jimmy on the other had was the most lucky one in the group, he had the woman of his dreams even though she was everyone else's nightmare, loved her to death and we often hoped she wouldn't kill him with her excesses. She always checked his phone and his call logs, she didn't want any other woman to speak to him, she was like a prison sentence and he never seemed to notice how tightly she had wrapped him up in her web, they all had complicated issues but acted as though I was the worse in the group. “Look mehn I have to agree with Huey on this….you're a husband now, and you need to see that..we don't want you to go back to messing around with every woman in town you're only gonna keep embarrassing Margret,” Hunter mentioned. “She doesn't deserve that..You don't have to love her but at least try to respect her.” Jimmy said patting me on the shoulder They were all right about one thing, I was now a married man, something I'd refused to let myself see all this while and getting advice from Huey made me feel idiotic, he was a well known playboy but knew where to draw the line a trait I did not possess. “Ok ok fine… I messed up!” I sighed. Jimmy was a bit restless. Wiping his forehead with his flying collar, when he wasn't even sweating. “What's up Jimmy you Haven't drank anything yet.” I asked noticing the ice in his drink had melted, making it a watery mess. He took a deep breath before speaking. “Kimberly's 12 weeks pregnant,” he said motionlessly, barely moving his lips. “That's big mehn congratulations,” Huey cheered and pulled him into a hug, “You're gonna be a dad!” “I'm just nervous,” Jimmy muttered, finally sipping his drink, he shrugged at the taste and poured himself another. “well when you have a girl like kimberly you've gatta be scared, she's like a dictator,” Hunter laughed boisterously, Jimmy's countenance fell as he laugh continued. I stumped hard on Hunter's toe and he winched loudly, jerking his legs up, he bumped his knee against the table from underneath and sent an empty bottle toppling over. “what was that for?” he turned to me. “To shut you up,” I said sternly. he comported himself and lifted up his glass. “let's make a toast!” He spouted happily, “To the future dad!” We all laughed and joined our glasses together. “Hopefully she doesn't leave you before then” he teased again but was quick enough to move his feet from our reach, knowing he'd get a kick on the leg, he bent his legs behind the seat. “Don't you people know how to take a joke anymore?.” he yelled. “I don't know how you do it” I said “Do what?” Jimmy asked taking his eyes away from hunter and turned to me, there was a certain light up in his eyes, he didn't seem so afraid anymore but assured perhaps assured that he would never be as daft as Hunter who was sitting across the table. “How do you chase after the same woman since highschool.” “What can I say.. I guess that's what you do when you love someone,” Jimmy's lips stretched into a satisfied smiled, the others rolled their eyes sarcastically and laughed. I wanted to know what that felt like, what it meant to love someone and remain with them but could not give myself the chance. The pole dancer returned to her post which was right in front of our table, she crawled towards me. Her eyes watched me like a predator watched it's prey, she moved closer and closer, arching her back as she crawled to me, I could hear her purry breathing like that of a cat, she only wanted me this time m, ignoring all others at the table, she reached forward and stroked my chin gently as our eyes met in a short stare, she rolled over spreading her legs wide open, she had nothing but a gold colored thong on, it sank into her ass cheeks, and went between the folds of her smooth p*ssy. The color lights shining over her created a beautiful silhouette image of her movements. “what's your name pretty boy,” she whispered coming closer again. “Alfred but most people just call me Fred.” “How about I call you Freddy instead?” “I wouldn't like that all, ” I smirked “so whats your name?” “I'm Denny” she answered in a singsong tone. Resting her chest on the table in front of me, her boobs pressed against it, She was close enough for me to look between her boobs without stretching my neck for a peek. There were rolls and rolls of money fastened between the sides of her thong. I lost all Composure watching her sway and bounce, my c**k grew erect, it had been a long while since I was there. I finally regained my awareness as I was bopped in the head by Hunter who noticed me in my lustful frenzy, I was indeed beyond help. I took my coat from behind my seat, covering my erection I marched out and searched for the nearest bathroom with much haste and locked myself in, taking very shallow breaths I took out my c**k and stroked it angrily, the anger of nearly being embarrassed in front of my friends, certain of what they would say if they noticed my boner. But wasn't that the point of strip clubs, to feed the eyes lustfully and embrace the s****l healing obtained, they were my friends but I felt the driving need to impress them and always look my best. After some minutes I was relieved. I headed back into the club but was blocked by an unfamiliar man, he had on a black track suit on. Crossing his hands over his broad chest he asked “Do you remember me?” “I don't think I've ever met you at all my friend” truthfully i did not know, but my answer seemed to anger him as his eyebrow wrinkled into a frightening scowl. “Look I'd really love to catch up but I have to go now .” Before I could make any attempts to walk away from his presence, he lifted his clenched fist and lunged it across my face with brute force. I collapsed into the nearest table, and sent all the drinks on it crashing down. “Brandon?” I asked, holding on to my throbbing face, he'd punched me so hard I immediately remembered who he was.
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