The new help

1951 Words
Alfred's pov Margret traveled for work and before that, we did nothing but coexist as housemates rather than a married couple. I'd been Missing out on so much s****l action for a month and a half, that I began to dream of the lewd s****l fantasies that kept me going in these difficult times, while also struggling to write; to muster up some kind of inspiration within myself but there was nothing to be inspired by. On a cloudy afternoon I sat at the window of my bedroom and watched the rain pour down heavily. Since Margret wasn't home, I rekindled an old habit of mine which was a little bit of leisurely smoking. The rain looked comforting from were I sat, it looked rather entertaining, as there was no one to speak to and the loneliness slowly crippled my ability to see the bright side of things. I simply saw the rain and the pathetic excuse of a man, I was definitely coming up with something. After many hours of unhealthy sulking, I decided to take a walk in the rain. Another unhealthy activity but I didn't care. I turned off my computer and went through the door way. Strolling carefulin my slippers, I was in no rush. On my way out I came across Margret's room the door was unlocked. I took it as a sign from the heavens, finally giving me an opportunity to peek into Margret's life. I proceeded into her room only after making sure the coast was clear. Her room was clean just as anyone would expect from Margret. There were pictures on the dresser and some on her desk. The first I picked was an old picture from the looks of it, Margret appeared to be in her early teens, there were about four kids sitting on the wide spread of grass land. I could tell the one with the glasses was Margret, she had the same face, nothing changed, infact she looked older as a child than as an adult. I found myself smiling at the pictures before me as though I'd been there when the pictures were taken. In the second picture, she was mounted on a horse in a pink puffer jacket, she looked a lot older than the previous pictures, the third, she sat before a grand piano, in a black dress. These pictures showed me the parts of her, she would never let me see, the playful side of her, to my surprise I yearned for all these sides of her. As I looked through the old photos, the door swung open and Flora walked in with hand full of washed towels. “I'm sorry sir, I was a Instructed by Mrs Hamish to tidy up while she's away. ”Flora said “She lets you clean her room?” I asked, knowing Margret's insatiable love for order and details. “I'm only allowed to clean some places,” she said, placing the towels on the chair. “ She doesn't let anyone into her study.” “How long have you worked here Flora?” I asked, putting down the photo. “I've worked here for 6 years Sir.” “I hate that I have to be asking you for these details but what is she like?” “Mrs Hamish? … well she's very particular about things so people often assume that she suffers from OCD,” I looked away, I was guilty of making that assumption as well, “I only know what she lets me see and honestly it's not much, but I do know she's the nicest person I've ever worked for,” she smiled. It was then clear to me that no one really knew Margret, she had a talent for keeping her distance from people or perhaps it was just me she kept away from. All of a sudden I wanted to know the men she'd been with before me, I wanted to know about the man she smiled at, at our wedding reception, I could feel myself turning green with envy or perhaps red. I shoke these jealous thoughts from my head and quickly excused myself. I remembered my decision to walk in the rain, luckily for me the rain still poured but not as heavily as it did earlier on. I headed out the large glass doors and into the rain. It was colder than I had anticipated, but it was too late to back out. I was already wet and truthfully I found it refreshing, it'd been ages since I walked in the rain and I needed the exercise, sitting indoors all day, left a melancholic feeling in me. My hair fell limp on my face; I repeatedly wiped my eyes as water ran down my face, making it rather difficult to see. I was in the flower garden, the Lilies bloomed gracefully, there were flower pots hanging about. There were also white benches placed about the garden and a swing. The pool was a bit far from the house, when I asked, Flora mentioned it being because of an incident that occurred years ago, which made the Hamishs build a pool away from the house. Though Flora didn't know what the incident was about and as far as everyone knew, Margret couldn't swim for anything. Still it was maintained. I advanced to the pool and to my surprise met a young lady swimming under the rain. She looked like a water fairy with the way she floated around. I did not know who she was but I was fascinated by her looks. Like a picture I stood there and watched this elegantly unreal looking girl swim about in the pool, the rain rolled down her face, down her body, she was naked, her firm breasts floating on the water, the long line that travelled down her back. I tried to look away but could not, I was under some kind of spell that was impossible to break. She opened her eyes and realized that she wasn't alone, gasping in shock, she rushed out of the pool as she saw me staring. The full view of her naked body, her curvy figure, her warm skin tone, her skin so smooth she looked rather mysterious to me. Who is this woman? I asked myself. She searched for her clothes frantically and found them on the other end of the pool. With every lack of etiquette in me, I did not look away, I caution myself but still I watched her rush into her clothes which were also wet. She brushed her hair back with her fingertips and when she was done dressing I realized she had a uniform on; She was a maid just like flora but I was not aware that there were two Maids in the house. Perhaps she was new. “I'm so sorry Sir” she rushed towards me, “I didn't know you were home” I stared at her rosy lips, her eyes, she had a full head of ginger hair. “Who are you?” I blurted out, She stopped for a moment, looking down nervously, “My name is Louie Sir” she answered “ Miss Flora is my Mother.” “Why are you out in the rain Louie?” “I really wanted to go for a swim Sir” she chuckled at herself, her eyes remained on the ground. “Please forgive me.” We had maids in our home as well but with Anna who was a mother figure, I found it needless and difficult to exert any kind of authority on the people that worked for us, as moraless as I was, I believed it was important to treat people as good as I wished them to treat me. “It's alright … please go inside before you catch a cold,” I said nicely. She sighed in relief and sprang away. After that day I began to see more of her in the house, avoiding her was almost inevitable as she was everywhere and anywhere I turned, her uniform was profoundly short, showing off her smooth legs. She cleaned my room while I sat in my favorite spot which was by the window and beside the book shelf. I reminisced over the good old days as I flipped through the pages of my last book. Louie wiped down the dust from the surfaces. “Excuse me Sir … I noticed you only read the Marvin Tide books.” she said, I sat up, interested in what she had to say about Marvin tide as it was my pen name. “I find them interesting and nostalgic,” I replied. “I thought they were sexist and pretentious,” She said, bending to pick the books she'd knocked over from my desk. Her words shattered my perfect misconceptions about my old writing. “What do you mean? ” “Well his main character was about a Veteran who was trying to put his life back together, there was no substance in it, he had no character besides the fact that he had a tough time in the military” she continued “It got worse when he met a woman in a bar, every part of her was described in such offensive ways .” “His descriptions were very detailed, I found the character very interesting” “He was so ignorant of Kaitlin's feelings, he talked about her like she was object to him,” “He loved her very much,” I defended “While fantasizing about her sister .” Her analysis of my best selling book left me speechless, dumbstruck, she insulted my pride in so many ways. “What kind of books do you prefer?” I asked, forcing the words out of my lips. “I prefer to read Andre Richardson,” she smiled, walking towards me, she had a stack of books in her hands. The ones she knocked over, she reached the book shelf right beside me. I did not realize she was barefoot till I felt her feet step lightly on mine,her feet were cold, they were small as well. She did not press her whole weight on my foot, as she arranged the books back into the shelf. With a uniform so short, I could see far into her thigh as she stood on the tip of her toes, I fought the urge to touch her, fortunately she stepped down before I could make any stupid move on her. She pulled out a book and handed it to me. “The Grasslands by Andre Richardson,” I read out the title in tartly tone. “Yes!.. It's about a southern young man who moves into his old family house, ” she explained “So what's so great about this book?” “It's a psychological thriller … based in the twentieth century … if I tell you about it then you won't read it Sir .” I rolled my eyes playfully and she laughed, with all she's said about my book I found it difficult to tell her the book she thought profoundly pretentious and sexist was written by me. “I'll read it.. Just to prove you wrong,” I said. She laughed as she headed out the door. That night in my sleep, I began to see her in my dreams. The first image I had of Louie was her naked body, her wet hair, the water dripping down her pointed n*****s. In this lewd dream of mine, she lured me into the garden in the rain, she was naked just like before.
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