Unexpected Luncheon

2145 Words
DAWN’S POV How did I end up having a luncheon with Medea and her family? This morning I was shocked to see Medea standing in front of my door with a smile on her face. All I remember from that sudden visit was that her family is hosting a small luncheon to celebrate her mother’s birthday. I understand that I am Medea’s classmate but to have a luncheon with this group of influential people- I am appalled. And did I mentioned that Medea is the youngest daughter of this country's president! Medea noticed how uncomfortable I am and ask, “Are you nervous? Don’t be. Everyone here is a close friend of my family. My mother told me to invite my friends, but the only true friend I have is you. And don’t worry about your siblings- my niece and nephew will take care of them.” I’m not worried about my siblings since Medea’s sister in law seems like the right person. I am more worried about my action in front of the people. Not to mention the president has been keeping an eye on my every move. “I have never seen you in any social gathering before. Are you a student from Volin?” The president suddenly diverted his attention to me. And here I thought I don’t have to say anything in this luncheon. “And you dressed casually for a person who attends this luncheon. Which family are you from?” I don’t know what to say when Medea’s mother asked me right after the president. “Dawn is a scholarship student who manages to enter the school without any help from her guardian. I’m sure everyone here aware of the new project Swan Clarkson proposing. Among thousands of applicants for the scholarship, Dawn is the only student who passed the entrance exam.” Please don’t tell everyone here about it. To be honest, I don’t even realise that I’ve taken an entrance exam. “Oh. So this girl a genius among geniuses?” I- I decided to let Medea speak for me. “Is that friend of yours mute, Medea?” Medea smiled. “Dawn is a shy person. Even though we’re the same age, Dawn had to go through what most adults don’t. After her mother abandoned her, Dawn had to step up to raise her siblings. Not only she worked in a convenience store, but early every morning, she had to run around her neighbourhood, delivering newspapers.” I hate it when adults get sorry for me. “I’m fine now. The principal helped my family by letting me working in her greenhouse. The pay was generous. It’s enough to pay for my sibling's tuition and our everyday necessities.” The president smiled. “I like a hardworking individual. You’ve made a good friend, Medea.” Everyone at the dining table agreed to what the president said. “Finally, you made a decent friend this time. I’m positive that Dawn will not use you for your influence in society like your former friends.” Huh? “Honestly, it’s the other way around. Dawn is friends with Charlotte Sena, Cataleya Volin, and Swan Clarkson.” Why did everyone gasp at that? “You’re friends with those girls?! How?! You’re a commoner!” Medea glared at the person who comments on my origin. I never would’ve imagined that such a beautiful girl could muster such a terrifying expression. “Did you just commented on my friend’s background, sir?” Medea asked which make the man quiver in his seat. “I’m not, lady Medea. I was surprised that your friend manages to gain the attention of the three gems of Volin. They’re hard to approach, and those who manage to be their associate can consider themselves above the rest.” What? How is that possible? I earned myself a stare when I laughed it off. After realising that I’m rude, I said, “We’re just friends. I am not the type to use their influence for my gain. Even though my mother abandoned my siblings and me, our neighbour is a nice lady who taught us how to be human.” Medea smiled and said, “This luncheon has been such an eye-opener to everyone. I implore that this will change your perspective on commoners. Not everyone out there it’s goal is to get you. Some are just trying to get by while just wanted to be respected.” Medea sips her drink. “What are you trying to say, Lady Medea?” The man from before asked. “I’m just saying. We judged someone based on their appearance without knowing their true self which is no right way to know somebody. For example, a former friend of mine bullied our classmate who just wants to be accepted. Even though he has no background and he lives in an orphanage, he was the best friend I’ve ever had.” Medea placed her glass down. “Right before our final exam, a student found him hanging in one of the toilet stalls. I was angry when a group of students best my friend before deciding to end his life that day. Upon knowing that I lost one of my best friends, I decided to help him by hosting a memorial. That was the worse memory of my middle school days.” I- I never knew Medea had to go through such an experience. “Do you wish to know what I’ve done to those bullies?” Medea asked. The president wanted to stop her from continuing, but it was too late. “I hired Cataleya Volin to put an end to their tyranny. Starts with their parents, their siblings, and last bit of course, not the least, the bullies themselves.” I- I am speechless. This person is not the Medea I know. “I know what your children did to my friend on her first day of School. Your all-called perfect kids ganged up on her and made a fool of themselves when Cataleya rushed in to help Dawn.” Wait; what? “Our children apologised to her.” Huh? When? “Did your attacker apologised to you, Dawn? Do not lie to save them.” I never planned to lie about it in the first place. “No. They refuse to apologise to me even after Cataleya forced them to.” The guests suddenly stood up from their seats and apologised to me. “It’s our fault for not be able to teach our kids properly. We’re sorry, Miss Dawn.” Now I feel bad. I shouldn’t let my elders do this, though. I kept a nonchalant expression and said, “Let bygones be bygones.” *** “That is one beautiful Salvia Splendens. It seems the principal likes to collect rare and expensive flowers.” I said to no one in particular as I water the flower bed. “I never thought you are the person who likes to talk to yourself.” I was surprised to see senior Cataleya walking towards me. “Senior? I thought I was alone. I’m sorry.” I apologised for- I’m not sure why I apologised to my senior. Senior Cataleya smiled and said, “Are you busy after this?” The senior asked while I water the plant. “Not really. I was planning to buy some grocery before going home. It is Lily’s birthday today. And I want to make someone good for her.” Senior Cataleya stood behind me. “Why don’t you bring them out to eat? Isn’t it easier for you?” I shake my head no and said, “But it’s exciting to cook something for your family. Don’t you like it when your mother cook something on your birthday?” The senior laughed at me and said, “My mother doesn’t know how to cook.” Ah- that explains it. “My father does. Before becoming the school superintendent, he has a dream to be a chef.” Oh- I didn’t expect that. “My father is a bisexual man and when I saw he likes to cook- he loves it. And my father is the type that earned happiness when someone praises his cooking.” Wow. I wonder how it feels to grow up with loving parents like that. “Anyway, since you need to prepare a delicious feast for your sister, let’s leave this place.” Huh? But my job is not done. “I have to water the rest of the plants-,” senior Cataleya grabbed the can from my hands and placed it on the ground. “Let’s leave and shop.” Senior Cataleya grabbed hold of my belongings before dragging me towards the greenhouse entrance. “But the principal will get angry at me for not watering the plants. What if I lost the job because of this?” Senior Cataleya smiled. “I’ll take care of that. Don’t worry about it.” I- what should I do? I don’t think this is a good idea. And what if the principal saw us? It will not be suitable for my record. “Luckily I drove a car this morning.” Senior Cataleya chuckled as she led me to a bright red sports car. “This car looks like one of my brother’s hot wheels toys.” My remark made senior Cataleya laughed at me. “I take that as a compliment. Please, enter.” Senior Cataleya opened the car door, which made me baffled at sight. “Now it reminds me of Star Wars.” I chuckled before getting inside the car. My God- this car looks like it came from the future. It made me wonder what does the red button do. “Oh! Don’t touch the red button. That is for emergency only.” Senior Cataleya said as she entered the car. “First stop, the grocery store, correct?” Senior Cataleya asked while touching the screen, which brings her the map. “There’s several grocery stores that are near your home. Which one is it?” I pointed out the store which I often went to. While we’re on our way to the store, my mind suddenly remembers my conversation with Medea after the luncheon. If I recall correctly- I should keep a distance from Senior Cataleya because she tends to be dangerous. But the person beside me right now is far from the dangerous persona Medea told me. “Have you ever kill someone?” Senior Cataleya was surprised. Even I was surprised. Why would I ask such question to someone I don’t even know? All I know about senior Cataleya is her name. “Yes. Are you scared of me now?” I shake my head, no. “Why? You should be afraid of me. I am a killer.” Hmmm- I know I should be afraid of her, but after learning the real nature of Volin High; it’s normal for me to sit next to an assassin. “I don’t think you’re a bad person.” Senior Cataleya laughed at me. “Really? Well, I am a kind person. So don’t worry about me killing you or anything. I only pick up a weapon when someone I care about is in trouble or because someone hires me to kill someone.” Should be I grateful? Soon, we arrived at the store, but something is not right. Why do I think that the surrounding people watch me? Is there something on my face? Or is it because I got out together with a beautiful woman? “Dawn- you forgot to remove your apron.” My apron? Oh- my- God. I that why everyone was looking at me?! I turned around with my reddened face and removed the apron. “Why did you tell me sooner?” I accidentally talk informally to my senior. “Because I thought you would notice it by now. I’m sorry. And please talk to informally. It’s better than way.” I didn’t say anything as we walked towards the store. “So are you going to talk to me informally now?” I mean- should I? Since we’re not in school. Should I call her by her name? “I feel bad, Senior,” I said while grabbing a shopping basket from the counter and went to the deli. According to my experience, I need to snatch a couple of slices of good quality meat before the others will. “But you used to called me informally.” Why is this girl so adamant about the way I called her? “That was before I know my limits. I’m sorry for being rude before. Now, senior, are you going to join us for dinner? Because if you do, I need to make an extra serving.” Senior Cataleya nodded and said, “Yes, I’m staying for dinner. Will that be okay?” I nodded. Lily would like that since she’s been asking about her. Luckily I got my salary yesterday. That means I can buy a lot of things for my siblings and our daily necessities. “I’m looking forward to this dinner.” Huh? Why? It’s just regular dinner made by me. There’s nothing to be excited about. “I just ordered the cake. There’s no need for you to think about the cake.” Eh, that was fast. “Let’s continue shopping.” I didn’t get to say anything when senior Cataleya took my shopping basket from my hands. “What are you waiting for? Come on.”
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