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THIRD PERSON POV “How is your sister, Luna?” Charlotte Sena asked. “Getting better. Luna is the reason that I asked the two of you to breakfast today.” Cataleya Volin replied while cutting a piece of bacon on her plate. “Oh, this is rare. You never asked for our help before. What changed your mind?” Swan Clarkson asked while pouring a generous amount of syrup on her waffles. “Well, sometimes, I do need some help. I need your help to find this man who hurt my sister. Luna said that he has a distinct feature and the Volin Guard manage to draw his face based on my sister’s memory.” Both Charlotte and Swan take turns to look at the sketch of a man who attacked Luna, Cataleya’s sister. “Charlotte, your father, might be hard to coax, but I bet your mother can talk to your father when it comes to borrowing his intel. I can ask for help from grandmother Althea but- she will be worried, and it won’t do her any good. Yes, I can ask for grandmother Irina's help, but as you both know, she tends to be extra. I want to settle this matter without the public’s attention.” Charlotte hummed. “I get the reason behind this sudden meeting with us, but what can Swan do for you?” Charlotte asked. “Swan can help me when it comes to handling the media. Her family do its magic and stop rumours from circulating. And Volin will do something about the evidence if it’s come to that. Luna- she was in critical condition. I- I want to avenge her pain. That man- he must be capture.” Charlotte and Swan looked at each other before nodding their head. “We will help you. Just tell us what you want us to do.” Swan said which earned a smiled from Cataleya. “First, I need you to create an opportunity and spread this sketch throughout the media- make it go viral. Next, I’m sure this man will come forth and threatened your family to get the sketch away from the public attention. If that happens, Charlotte will have to take over and use his father's influence in the army to capture him. If he still refuses, Volin Guard will take care of the rest. I will decide what happens after that.” Cataleya had planned a thorough plan for capturing the man who assaulted her sister. Charlotte and Swan thinks it over and said, “It’s a thorough plan, that’s for sure. But after we caught the man who hurt Luna, what will you do?” Cataleya shrugged her shoulder. “Buried him alive- throwing him into a pool filled with flesh-eating piranha; I don’t know. But I want him to suffer as Luna did. That man dares to hurt a member of the Volin family. Should I keep my mouth shut for such atrocity?” Charlotte sighed. “We understand. Swan will make some calls. Since Swan can influence the entertainment circle, I’m sure it won’t be hard for her to get this man’s attention. And I will call my mother- she will know what to do.” Cataleya chuckled. “Thanks, guys. I promise I will be there when you need my help.” *** DAWN’S POV “Is it okay for me to be here, Dawn? The greenhouse has always been a forbidden place for any students to be in. No one is supposed to be here regardless of the family they came from. The only people allowed to be here is the Volin family.” Medea is worried about nothing. “Don’t worry. I told the principal beforehand. She said it’s okay after she knows the person whom I intended to bring in here.” I smiled. Although I’m curious; why did the principal say it’s fine in the end after I told her Medea’s name. Medea is quite mysterious. Students often stuttered whenever they talked to her in front of me. I know that she came from a well-off family but just how much higher status is hers than the Volin, Sena, and Clarkson family? Even the seniors show respect for her whenever she’s around. “Medea, is there any reason for everyone to be lost at words whenever you’re around? And I’m not talking about your beauty and all- don’t get me wrong. You’re one of the most beautiful ladies in this school, but it shouldn’t be for that reason alone that others see you differently.” Medea smiled as she walks around the greenhouse. “I am just a daughter of a businessman- nothing more, nothing less. But if you have to compare my family to the Clarkson- I don’t think we have that much of a difference.” Medea chuckled. Whoa! Really? But why do the seniors treat her differently though? “Do you remember what happened at the cafeteria? A third-year student was about to bow upon seeing you, though.” Medea waved it off. “That student was just bending down to take her belonging that fell on the floor. Where did you get the ideas that that girl was bowing at me?” Medea chuckled. Perhaps I was too silly about this. “Maybe I was delusional. Anyway, do you have any siblings, Medea?” Medea nodded as we admired the exotic flowers in the greenhouse. “I have an older brother and sister. I am the youngest in the family. My older brother is married, and my sister is still searching for a perfect partner. Of course, our parents tend to find a suitable partner for my sister, but she refuses.” I see. “I have a question if that’s alright,” Medea nodded. “Why do people from the higher status doesn’t allow the children to find their partner? I mean it’s their children who will have to spend their life with this partner. Why do they have to arrange a marriage for them?” I ended up asking Medea about this. Medea chuckled and said, “Because they were also part of an arranged marriage by their parents? My parents were also arranged together with my grandparents. My parents weren’t in love when they got married, but those feelings change in time. Sometimes I do envy those who came from a family who has no attachment with their family business. They are free to do whatever they want without worrying about everything that they do will affect their family’s reputation.” What Medea said made me realised something. Although they’re rich, the students in this school don’t have much freedom when it comes to their future. Does that mean Senior Cataleya, Charlotte and Swan also doesn’t have much say when it comes to their life? “What about you, Medea? Do you have the freedom to do whatever you want to do?” Medea smiled at me before bending down to smell the flower. “I was trapped inside my parents trap before I met someone. But now, I am an eagle that will soar the sky.” Whoa. Even though I have no idea what she meant, it sounds so cool. *** CATALEYA’S POV “Leya? Is that you?” I looked up from my phone and smiled at Luna. “It’s me. Do you want something?” My sister shakes her head, no. “Leya- is it true that mommy orders you to find the man who hurt me?” I placed my phone down on the side table before I nodded my head. “Will you- will you kill him?” That’s a good question. “Depends on what he says. I am a reasonable person. If he wishes to atone for his sins, I will do as he says by ending his life quickly. But if the man continues to act coy and thinks that the world revolves around him, I will make his pain last forever.” My sister chuckled. “Either way, you will kill him?” I shrugged my shoulder. “Leya, are you okay with this? You’re only sixteen-years-old. What kind of sister would I be if I let my sister face death?” I smiled. “You’ll become a great sister who let her little sister face death. I choose this profession myself, Luna. Don’t blame yourself for what I’m about to do to that man who hurt you. Besides, we like to ignore that our mother used to be an assassin before marrying daddy. Why can’t we ignore the fact that I am going to work for Volin once I’m eligible to enter Volin Women’s Academy?” My sister sigh. “I heard that you helped Aurora with her trouble a few weeks back- is that true?” I nodded. “What did you do that poor guy from Larove?” I shrugged. “I told him that the Larove used to be one of the influential family in this country. I mean, everyone knows the stories of the three sisters. They build their family name for their future descendent, but it all turns ruin once they’re gone. It is a pity that the former financial hub in the country suddenly falls from its rightful place.” I help my sister to a sitting position before placing more pillows on her back to lay back and relax. “But what did you do to him?” Should I tell her in detail? “I pulled out his teeth one by one when he refused to apologise to Aurora. After that, I used a plier to pulled his finger. It was a slow process, but eventually, I manage to pile all ten fingers easily.” My sister was speechless. “You’ve grown to be like our grandmother day by day. Where is that charming and cute little girl who always followed her older siblings around?” My sister reached out to me, but I grabbed her hand instead. “That child has grown and promise to protect her family from harm. I understand our family’s situation and every day is a challenge for us. That is why I will do my best to find that man who hurt you. I’ve asked the Sena and Clarkson family for help. If things go south, I will ask for the Bridget family to assist me.” My sister’s reactions were priceless. “Leya- I-,” our conversation was interrupted when the youngest member of the Bridget family walked into my sister’s ward with a basket of fruits in her hands. “Am I interrupting?” Medea smiled at us. This girl- although she is only fifteen-years-old, she has achieved many great things. Her influence alone can’t be compared to mine, Charlotte, and Swan’s even if we combine our forces. Medea Bridget- the president daughter who officially engaged to a foreign prince; if this girl wishes for the world, with the prince's influence, he will do whatever he can to achieve that. My mother was quite surprised when Medea took an entrance exam into Volin. This girl must have her reason to go against her family's wishes. “No. It’s a pleasure to meet you, lady Medea.” I stood up from my seat and bow to Medea. “Leya- we’re all friends here. There is no need for you to show such courtesy for an old friend. Besides, I’m older than you.” I politely decline the offer. “I rather keep my head attached to my body, lady Medea. If the prince knows that I’ve acting rude in front of his bride, the punishment will be severe.” Medea placed the gift basket on the table. “The prince's only choice for my family's financial backing. And for the prince to beat his brothers for the throne, money is an important asset. So, in the end, I am merely an accessory for the prince to gain more followers.” Lies! There is no doubt that this girl will come to the future queen. Although the prince is the third potential candidate for the throne, he has gained more supporters and trust from the people of his country and court members. For Medea to say that she’s only an ancestry, is preposterous. “So, Luna- how are you? Have you caught the one responsible for your pain?” Medea faces me. “I will have that man in my custody soon. But if he’s from that specific family, and yes- I would like your help, Lady Medea.” Medea finally catches on. “Oh- is there a reason for you to suspect that this man is from the Enigma Clan?” I turned to Luna and ask for her opinion if I should say it out loud. “That man violated me. When he removed his shirt, I saw the same tattoo the members of the clan have.” Medea was shocked to hear Luna’s words. “We have let the Enigma clan off the hooks for far too many times. It’s time for us to take action against them. What is Irina been doing this whole time? I thought she said that she would take action before her retirement?” Medea is pissed, but when it comes to grandmother Irina, even we don’t know what she’s doing. “I’ve been setting several traps here and there. Young one, you should know better than to question a veteran assassin like that.” When did this old woman walk into the wardroom? I didn’t even notice her. “You’ve gotten rusty, seraphim blade. You let your granddaughter be the victim here. How should you act now?” Grandmother turned to face Luna. “I have no words to describe how sorry I am that my incompetents led you to such a state. But I’m almost done setting traps for our enemy. Leya will do the rest when the time comes.” Of course, she will pass handed over the hard job to me. Why didn’t I see this coming?
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