Greenhouse Angel

2237 Words
CATALEYA’S POV “Why would you go that far to help her? I thought you said that she is just a junior from school.” I ignored my sister’s remark while driving home. “Leya- are you falling for your junior?” I face Aurora who’s trying to dig as much information regarding my private life for our mother. “Aurora, did mommy asked you to find out what is happening in my life? Because if she did, you’re doing a bad job.” Aurora shrugged her shoulder. “Leya, the only thing that our parents want us to have is happiness. If this junior makes you happy, then you can do whatever you want. But do remember that that junior has her own family and consent. Don’t be a creep.” I chuckled at my sister’s words. As I was about to say something, Aurora’s phone started to ring. My sister answered her phone and I noticed that her tone of voice changes. “Is that man still in the club?” My sister asked through the phone before changing the GPS location in my car. I nodded when Aurora tap on the screen, telling me that I should drive towards this place. I wonder what happened. Aurora ended the call but she kept her thoughts to herself. “Leya- are you qualified to protect a client?” I nodded while driving my car. “Good. I want to hire you to protect me. When we arrived at the club, do whatever it takes to make sure I walk out from the club alive. Is that possible?” I’m not sure why my sister would say something like that but the reason why I trained myself in various martial arts is to protect the people I love. And even though my sister can be such a b***h sometimes, Aurora is still my family and I’ll do anything to protect her and the others. “What happened? Tell me the reason so I can prepare myself.” Aurora sighed. “Some back alley thug entered the club and demand their right to do business inside my club. Business is going fine but if these thugs keep messing around in my territory, I would have to take countermeasures because they’re destroying my source of income.” Aurora unlocks her phone and sending texts to someone. “I’m telling aunt Hynera that I’ll be using your service. It should be fine.” Aurora said while looking at her phone. “If it’s just some thugs, I can handle with no hassle at all. There’s no need for you to get all excited. And if they go against the rules, we can just use the Volin Guard. As we all know, Volin Guard is exempt from any national rules of this country. We can do whatever we want.” And Volin Guard is only one call away. It didn’t take long for us to arrive at Aurora’s club. Because I am a minor, we decided to use the back entrance. “Lady Aurora! Thank God you’re here. I apologize for not stopping those thugs from entering your office. I am powerless against them. That is why I decided to call you since the situation is not in our favor.” Aurora raised her hand before she walks to her office. My sister is the type of person who will not feel threatened even though the situation is not in her favor. Sometimes I do tend to get worried about her boldness but what can I say to change my sister’s perspective in life? “Look at what the cat dragged in!” Aurora announced herself while kicking her door open. I was surprised to see a man sitting on my sister’s chair. “I should say the same thing to you, my dear Aurora.” So they’re acquainted with each other? And what’s with this man calling my sister as ‘dear’? “We only slept once and you were bad in bed. What gives you the right to call me dear and sat on my seat? Do I need to remind you how low your status is when compared to mine? Your family is dying because of people like you. I wonder how will your ancestor react to how horrendous the Larove family state is now.” The man stood up from my sister’s seat. “Don’t mock me, you filthy harlot! I am here to claim my part of the bargain. You said you would give me a share of this club. But you didn’t! You’re a lying bitch.” I was about to do something when my sister stopped me. “What do you mean by that? I never agreed to any of your claims before. Please, don’t embarrass yourself by claiming something that a woman build on her own. You’re a man who came from a once respectable family- don’t you have any sense of dignity?” The man was about to touch my sister but I manage to grabbed his hand. “Do not touch my sister with that filthy paws of yours.” I thought this man would know his place but I was wrong. Without hesitation, he reached out his hand to hold one of my breasts. Perhaps he thought that I would react to what he’s doing. “I am not that kind of woman. But if you do continue to touch my breast like that, your hands will be gone.” I warned him. Even after that warning, he didn’t retract his hand from my chest. “Suit yourself. Don’t blame me for protecting my chastity.” I use my knee to kick his middle and watched him groaned in pain on the floor. I pushed my sister to the walls when his friends launched their attack towards me after seeing how powerless their leader is. Little did they know that they would also be groaning in pain on the floor. “You think just because of their huge physique I would be scared to my wits? You have no idea what fear is!” I grabbed onto his collar and repeatedly punching him in the face with my fist. “Fear is when your grandmother pour barrels after barrels of the poisonous snake into a small pit because she thought it will help you to strengthen your immune system. Because of that, I ended up in the hospital and bedridden for several weeks!” I don’t know why I decided to express this pent-up anger in me. Maybe because this man just about to hurt my sister. “Fear is when you have to diffuse an active bomb without any proper safety gear. One wrong move will cause your life! And you think grabbing my breast will make me falter? You’re a sick bastard, that’s for sure!” I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder as I continue to punch the living daylights out of him. “That’s enough. He’s unconscious.” I let go of this man’s collar before wiping my fist from the blood. “What-what happened here?!” Several Volin Guard suddenly barged into the office with astonished looks on their face. “Leya beat them up. Also, could you deal with these dogs? I want to be alone with my sister.” The Volin Guard takes care of unconscious intruders with ease by dragging them away. “Leya- what kind of monstrosity that you face while in boot camp with grandma Irina? Do our parents know about this? How did Grandma Althea react to it?” Hmmm- how should I explained to my sister that the boot camp is nothing compared to the real deal. “It’s nothing too bad. Honestly, it’s fun” I smiled and I am serious. Boot camp was fun since I get to hurt real criminals. *** It’s been a week since Dawn started to take care of the greenhouse on campus. My mother often praises her job since she knows how to take care of each flower. And here I thought that all we have to do is water them and make sure the soil is wet- and it’s done. But no! Every type of flower has its specific care and it’s making me dizzy just listening to my mother. Today, I decided to have a look at the greenhouse and make sure that Dawn is okay. After I’m done with school and free from all responsibilities, I made my way to the greenhouse. On my way, I can’t help but notice a few juniors also going on the same path as me. The juniors greeted me and then continue the same path to the greenhouse. Did something happen? Even one of my classmates is going to the greenhouse. “Hey! What happened? Why is everyone going to the greenhouse?” I asked after grabbed a hold of his collar and pulled him closer. “One of the guys saw an ‘angel’ inside the greenhouse. It started a week ago. After hearing such a story, we were curious at one time and decided to wait for the ‘angel’ to come. What we saw that day left a huge impact on us.” An angel? The only person that is allowed to be inside the greenhouse is Dawn. Why would they say she looks like an angel? I released his collar and continue to walk towards the greenhouse. Unlike the other students, I am allowed to be inside the greenhouse. Perhaps I would meet this angel myself. Walking up towards the entrance, I couldn’t see any sign of other people inside. As I entered, I could hear a faint sound of music coming from a phone that was placed on the table. “Dawn?” I called out. “Yes?” I heard Dawn’s voice behind me. But the moment I turned to face her, my heart skipped a beat. It’s no brainer to why the students called her an angel. “Oh, senior? Hello. Do you need me for something?” Dawn asked while wiping her sweat off her forehead. Why do I think this girl looks- cute? It’s no given that she looks extremely cute wearing her hair in a high ponytail and wearing that cute little white gloves as she works. But what makes me want to keep pinch her cheek is the way she tilted her head while looking at me. “I- hmmm. My mother asked me to be here. It’s been a week since you started to work here. My mother just wants to know if everything is alright.” Dawn placed her hand fork down in a bucket and removed her gloves while walking towards the table. “Back in middle school, I was in a gardening club. And, since the principal gave me access to the books that I need, it’s easy to take care of the exotic flowers in the greenhouse.” I see. All this time I’m worried about nothing. “Senior-,” I raised my hand. “Why did you start to call me that? It was fine when you called me by my name.” Dawn shrugged. “You’re a year older than me. Of course, I need to be respectful to my senior. It’s not right for me to call you and the other seniors by your first name. I’m sorry for being ignorant.” This is not what I had expected. “Senior Charlotte gave me a basket full of food before coming here. She said she tried to bake some pastry and wants me to have a taste. Would you like to join me, Senior?” How can I say no to that? Besides, Charlotte bakes the best lemon meringue pie. Dawn poured me a cup of tea while I place the pastry on a plate. “Ah, cream puff. Have you ever tried cream puffs before? This will blow your mind.” I said with a smile. I watched as Dawn observe the pastry before putting it into her mouth. Her reaction is enough to tell me that Charlotte once again made delicious food. “Wow. It’s different than any cream puff I bought from the store- the one inside the bag.” Huh? Did they sell cream puff in bags now? “Is it to your liking?” I asked while enjoying the cream puff and tea. “Well, I like the combo. But I’m not exactly a fan of tea. I’m more of a coffee person.” I see. Does it have to do with the amount of work she has to do every day? “Senior, that person outside the greenhouse is waving at us.” I turned around to see my mother’s assistant standing by the entrance. “Excuse me.” I smiled and went to the door. “I’ve completed my task for today. Why are you here?” The assistant explained to me that my sister, Luna is in the hospital. When I asked the reason why she was sent to the hospital- this woman said that Luna fainted at home after she came back from wherever she was at. I can feel that something is not right. “I understand. I’ll be home soon.” I close the door and went back to my seat. “Is there something wrong, senior?” I smiled. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is fine. Let’s enjoy this tea, shall we?” I took a sip of the tea before I sigh mentally. Knowing that my mother is telling me to go home means something. “It seems- I have to go somewhere for the time being. I’m not sure when will I be back.” Dawn swallowed her food with a smile. “Make sure that you come back, senior. It wouldn’t be the same without you here.” Dawn said which make me feel at ease. “Don’t worry- I’ll be back. That I promise you.”
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