You’re Mine, Bastard!

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CATALEYA’S POV For the first time in my life, I enjoyed coming to someone’s birthday party. Unlike before, I don’t have to face a lot of judging eyes and listening with a smile on my face to empty words from potential suitors. Although this party is different than what I’m used to, it’s enough to put a genuine smile on my face. I mean, it’s not every day I get to see Swan enjoying eating someone that isn’t gourmet. “It amazed me every time I put something in my mouth. I have never eaten so much in my life. Perhaps I’ve been spoiling myself with gourmet food since I was born.” Swan said with her mouth full. Even I was impressed when I first taste Dawn’s simple yet delicious food. But nothing beats the reaction Dawn’s siblings made when they saw the spread. Especially, Lily- she didn’t expect that we would celebrate her cute birthday. “How did you manage to find a gift in a short amount of time?” I whispered to my friends. Swan swallowed her food and said, “I went to one of my family stores and grabbed whatever reminded me of Lily.” Both swan and I turned to face Charlotte who’s drinking her carbonated drink. “I asked Mr Kim for some pointers. It’s easy for me to find one since he has several daughters.” Oh- that explains the frilly dress. Mr Kik has always been a family man, and he loves his daughters deeply. “What about you?” Charlotte asked. “I asked my father for some pointers.” We were surprised when Dawn brought in a boiling hot pot from the kitchen, and we were wondering what will she do with it. “My sister is a great cook. This is our favourite dish- seafood soft tofu stew. We normally would eat this kind of dish in winter but today’s a special day- and everyone is here.” Arthur helped to stir the stew before putting it into a bowl. “So your family likes Korean food?” Arthur nodded. “Dawn used to worked at a Korean restaurant before she quit and works at the store. Sometimes my sister would bring us leftovers from the store. That’s how we get to eat delicious food once in a while.” Arthur handed me a bowl which has delicious seafood. My friends and I have never seen anything like this before. “We’ve visited South Korea before, but we never tried their delicacy. We often stick to the hotel’s menu and spend our days meeting important figures.” I picked up a spoon and blew the steam off before trying the soup. “This is the best stew I’ve ever tasted. Dawn, you need to tell my chef how to prepare this.” Dawn giggled when she finally joined us at the table. “I’m not that great of a cook. I’m sure your chef will do even better than me.” Dawn smiled at her siblings before implored us to eat. “This is the best birthday ever! Thank you, Dawn.” Lily hugged her sister. “Thank you for being born, Lily. I-,” something interrupted us as we are enjoying ourselves. “Would you look at this! Where did you get the money to prepare such a feast?! And who permits you to let strangers into my home?” This woman- Rebecca Roman. “Mom? What- what are you doing here?” Both Arthur and Lily hid behind Dawn when Rebecca Roman entered the home. “What?! This is my home! "Who invited these stranger into my home? Why are you eating the food on my table?" Excuse me? Dawn work hard for these. This woman abandoned her kids, and now that she came back claiming everything to be hers? I- Swan grabbed my hand when I was about to say something. I didn't even get to enjoy my soup because of this b***h. "Mommy! Did you come back because it's Lily's birthday?" This woman look at Lily with disgust. "Why should I even bother to remember your birthday? Your father doesn't even acknowledge you when I need child care. Back off!" Dawn manage to catches her sister when their mother pushed Lily away from her sight. "I need money! Give me your money." Dawn tried to stop her mother from ransacking the house for her wallet. "Rebecca Roman! Don't push us to do things you would regret!" I stood up from my seat and faced the woman who barged into Dawn's home. "I am their mother! I have the rights to ask for my daughter's money! This is my house! I can lodge a police report about you all trespassing into my property! Don't stand in my way!" Charlotte noticed my hand went into my jacket and immediately grabbed hold of both Arthur and Lily. "It's not safe here, kids. Let's go into your room, okay?" Charlotte picked Lily up and hold Arthur's hand before going into the room. "Rebecca Roman, I've warned you many times, but since you decided to act all mighty, I have no choice but to show you how much I can tolerate with your attitude." Dawn's eyes widened when I aimed my gun at her mother. "This is your last warning- leave her alone. This woman worked hard to provide for her siblings. You had lost the leisure to call yourself her mother when you abandoned your children with a man who doesn't have a future of his own. I will count to ten. If you are still adamant about keeping this up, I will blow your head off!" I kept my eyes on Rebecca while Swan tried to take Dawn by the hand and pulled her away from us. "You can't do this! How could you aim that thing at me! You're in my house! The police will capture you and-," I had enough of her yapping and shot the floor where she stands. Luckily I attached a silencer to my gun. "If I have the opportunity to kill you, I will. But it's not my call. Just remember that my grandmother has a grudge on you for leaving Volin." I smiled before keeping my gun inside my jacket. "Dawn, it's your choice to let this woman into your home, and I'm sorry for putting a hole on your floor. I'll get someone to fix it soon." Dawn continue to hides behind Swan and said, "Mom, please leave. Tonight is supposed to be a happy moment for Lily. She rarely has good things happen to her. Let her enjoy today's celebration as other children do. Even if you need money, I have none. I've used all of my money to buy groceries, bills and the rent. I have nothing more to spare." Dawn explained, but Rebecca doesn't believe her. "Liar! You're working for Serafima! That woman is filthy rich! There's no way that woman would pay you with nothing!” How did she know that Dawn is working for my mother? *** "Can you believe that woman? After what that b***h done to Dawn, she cares to come back and asked for money! Why didn't you end her life back there? Rebecca is a nuisance!" Swan need to control herself. If I have to follow my desire, I want to kill her, but I can't do that in front of Dawn. It must be traumatic for Dawn even to saw me shooting the floor. I can't continue to be the bad guy. "That's enough, Swan. I'm sure Leya has her reason for doing so. Besides, Dawn doesn't have to know what kind of person Leya truly is when she's holding a gun in her hands." At least Charlotte knows what to say without offending me. "Alright, and I'm sorry. Anyway, since we're together now- why not we find the guy who hurt Luna? You did mention that your sister having trouble sleeping because she's scared that guy might come back and hurt her. Why not use that anger you've hidden inside of you to find this guy? I can ask the guys for his current location." That might be a good idea. If this man can raise his hands against my sister, there is no doubt he will present at me too. Besides, I need to exercise. This man is the perfect punching bag. "Get his location." Swan smiled as she reached for her phone. It didn't take long for her to provide me with his address. "Please do not puke in my car," I said before I stepped on the gas and went to the address given to me earlier. *Twenty minutes later* "Are you sure this is the address? Isn't this the senator's villa?" I asked Swan. "Yup- this is the address given to me by my informant. And I thought you'd read the files I've given to you about Luna's attacker. That man is the eldest son of senator Gibson." It's my mistake for ignoring the files but to think senator Gibson's son to act that way towards my sister- he's going to pay. "Tell Medea about this. The senator has never been in good terms with my mother. He will take whatever measures to protect himself. If the president couldn't help me, the prince will. The senator won't dare to start a fight with a foreign prince." I said before getting out of my car. "This is a restricted area. You are not permitted to enter this domain." The guards say, but I ignored them as I look for a nearby weapon. "This is your last warning! This place is a restricted area! You are not allowed to-," I smiled at the man who falls on the ground after I hit him with a piece of wood. "God! That was good. I wonder if the senator's son is home." I heard the villa's alarm is activated. I don't have much time- I need to find that bastard before it's too late. “Leya! We need to act fast. I’ve informed my brother- it will take him at least thirty minutes to get here with the security team. Time is gold! Make most of it! I’ll cover for you- get that bastard here!” I smirk before making my way towards the villa. As I was making my way towards the villa, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the number of armed forces at every entrance. Even though I can just kill them all, I can’t. This is not an official mission from Volin- I can’t do much but making them go to sleep. “Don’t be nervous! The intruders are a bunch of girls. Those girls are probably here because of the young master. As we all know, he likes to fool around. But since the senator had commanded us to protect this villa, we need to do a good job. Toughen up, young man! You’re better than this!” Oh- what a sight. Is that scared of mere girl? This is my chance. I need to wait for the veteran looking guard to leave his post. I can easily take that scaredy-cat myself. But if I take them both, I might accidentally kill them instead. I searched for anything that could act as a distraction for the two guards when my eyes landed on a small piece of rock. I smirk before throwing the rock at one of the windows. The senior guard heard the glass breaking and immediately went to see what is happening and leave the scared guard alone. “Are you scare?” I asked as I reveal myself. The scared guard started to tremble in fear and pee his pants upon seeing me. “Oh my- you’ve chosen a wrong type of profession, dude.” I chuckled before giving him a good and hard punch on his face. I didn’t expect him to faint with just a punch! When I manage t enter the senator’s villa, I smiled while waving my hands at the senator and his family. “Cataleya Volin?!” My eyes landed on his son, who hides behind his parents. “Call off your guards from hurting my friends before I blow your head off with my gun,” I demand while threatening them. The senator didn’t think twice before ordering his guards to back down. “Good. Now hand over your son to me.” Ye senator refuse. Well, I understand why since that boy is the only male heir he has, but I don’t care. “That bastard violated by sister. Hand him Over or else I’ll m******e your family. And this is me asking you nicely. Hand him over now or suffer the consequences for laying your dirty hands on my family!” I take a step forward, and the senator wife screams for her life. I smiled before reaching for my gun. “You have ten seconds to hand your son over. If your son still hiding from me, I will kill your daughter.” I smiled while aiming my gun at one of the senator's daughters. That bastard decided to bring himself to his knees in front of me and said, “Don’t hurt my sister.” I grabbed hold of his collar and glared at him. “You have no say in this,” I said before dragging him by the collar. When I opened the door, Swan is waiting for me outside with a whole squad of his family security team. I smiled when I saw her standing next to her brother. “You owe me big time, Leya.” Swan’s brother said. “Sure. Please deal with whatever matter inside the villa for me. I’ll take him to my place.” Swan’s brother sighed before walking to the villa and meet the senator. “Are you ready to meet the devil? Because I am.” This bastard tried to release himself from my hold, but I’m just too strong for him. “I’ll return what you’ve done to Luna tenfold. I heard that you like to raise your hand to women- oh honey, don’t worry. This little girl will teach you how to be a good man.”
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