Chapter I

1973 Words
Monarchy. Noun. A form of government with a monarchy at the head. Without a form of government the world as we know it falls apart. With different classes there is a leader within every class. Lower, Middle, and Upper class. Each leader is set to help their people in getting the things they need in life. However, these leaders are made out to be more like a public figure than a leader. The true leader is the royal family of the country. Within the royal family lies the power that it takes to give and take life as we know it. This is Monarchy. But not everyone agrees with Monarchy. And anyone who does not agree is hunted down by the royal family’s secrete police force. This police force is anywhere and everywhere. They are the top enforcement within the government. Their orders come from – and only come from – the royal family. There is a well known terrorist group that has been outlawed by the royal family. This group is made up of women both young and old. This group of women are from the lower class – the poorest class of them all. They form a group that combats against the royal family and in trying to regain equality for everyone. A place where people can live without the constant fear of the royal family. This group has been dubbed The Daughters of Monarchy as they come together to hone their skills and step by step take back their home. In the slums of Merria hidden away in the lower class of the large sector was a small seemingly abandoned building. This building was actually the hide out for the terrorist club Daughters of Monarchy. At a glance nobody would have figured anything of it which was what made it be the perfect hideout for the women. The inside wasn’t as rundown as the outside. There was two ways to get inside and one of them was a large metal door that was taken from a side fencing. It was old and rusted but worked to keep out the weather. The second was a trap door that was in the back storage room that was used for a quick get away if something were to happen. The inside – as we were getting to it – had candles and lanterns in places where the strings of light just weren’t bright enough. The lights went all the way around in the main room of the building. There was a large table that sat in the middle of the room, which was where meetings normally took place. Much like right now. “Chaos, do you have the information I asked for yesterday?” CJ – president of the group asked. She was young, skinny, and a blonde. She had been appointed president the day she had gotten the group of women together. She was quick witted and had a strict aura around her persona. This was the main reason why she was dubbed president, because she’s what they needed in a leader. Chaos, was their go to woman when either a recon or dangerous mission was conducted. She was someone who was willing to live and die for the cause. She kept her hair dark brown to match her eyes, keeping her appearance dark helped her to be stealthy when it called for it. Her dark complexion also helped with it. Chaos looked around the meeting table at her fellow sisters. There were eight of them. They were the last eight that was left alive. “I was able to perch in a building several blocks from the National Embassy. There was a meeting going on between the leaders of the classes. From what I could tell the royal families have stopped showing up for the meetings. Instead they send a representative to sit in for them.” She explained throwing out pictures she had managed to take from her hiding spot. The pictures showed a man dressed in a nice business suit walking into the building with a silver case. CJ and the others looked over the pictures. “They’re getting smarter. I guess the last attack showed them that we meant what we said if they pushed for higher taxes on the lower class.” Code said with a slight chuckle grazing past her lips. Shaking her head as her pony tail swayed back and forth her bright green eyes looking down at the pictures. Code was the VP. She was in charge of things when CJ wasn’t around or she just needed an extra hand. If anything were to happen she would move up to the President’s seating. “I still say we wasted a good chance. And missed information was the cause for it.” Doodle said looking at everyone at the table. She held the position of Sargent. She was the enforcement for the club when things weren’t running smoothly. If someone from the outside needed to be dealt with or be interrogated she was the person to do it. Her lighting blue eyes and bright red hair added to the scary tactic which helped. Being a heavier set woman added to it as well. “Our information was wrong yes. But we still managed to put enough fear into the family to have them start pushing for others to go and sit in on their meetings.” Code said looking across the table at Doodle. Doodle shook her head, she still didn’t agree but this wasn't the time to argue about it. “Regardless, we can’t let it happen again.” CJ informed speaking up as she looked around the table at all her girls. They had lost too many members as it was already. They were down to only eight and they couldn’t let anyone else go. “So, the s**t right this time? Because I refuse to lose anyone else.” She added looking down at Chaos. Chaos nodded knowing that she had gotten it right this time. “What’s our next plan?” Kay asked speaking up from her normally quiet position at the table. Her short green hair curtained around her face to help give her that innocent look along with her brown eyes. She was one of the few who didn’t have an assigned job which made her what they called a runner. A runner was someone who did whatever was needed done at the time. “Find out who this guy is that’s making an appearance at the meetings. We figure out that and get an address and pay him a little visit.” CJ said looking down at the other woman whom had yet to speak up. The other woman was their hacker and computer specialist and cousin to Doodle. “Gimme a few hours and I’ll have what the dude eats for breakfast and when he goes to the bathroom.” Judith said with a charming smile as she nodded her head. Yes, she was just that good. “Boxx and Red, that leave you two. I want you to make something light and portable but will pack a bang.” CJ told the two sisters at the end of the table. They both smiled. One being mute and the other deaf from an explosion gone wrong a few years back. Boxx was younger with blond hair and blue eyes, while Red was the elder with natural red hair and green eyes. “You can count on us.” Red said, being the deaf one but had been reading lips this whole meeting. CJ nodded looking at the two women. “Chaos, I want you to go to see what you can’t go see on the government building. Find it’s weak points for later if we need to get back inside. I’ll go to Denny’s and see what new toys he has for us.” It was everyone’s turn to smile at CJ’s orders. There wasn’t a woman here who didn’t love a new toy. “Denny has the best around. We able to pay for it?” Doodle asked wondering how their funding was going. Last she knew they were running low on money. “We’re dipping into our reserves at this point.” Code said glancing her way. She knew it. They were running low on funds which meant that they’d have to do something soon or else they’d have nothing left. “Sounds like it’s time to step back into the ring.” Doodle said having some of the girls around the table to chuckle. There was two ways of the club getting money. One was either fighting in illegal fights and the second way was to rip off someone from the Upper class. Right now they had no means of doing the second way. “We’ll figure that out later. Right now Boxx and Red get to work on our fireworks. Judith track down the guy. And I want Kay and Doodle with me.” CJ said slamming her hand down on the table to end the meeting. The women went their separate ways to do as they were told. The ones who didn’t have anything to do went to check the supplies they had left or disappeared somewhere in their hideout. Doodle and Kay followed CJ outside to the side of the hideout. It was dark outside and the streets were covered in filth. Trash piled up along the alleyway that lead to the building having overflown and had no where to go. The smell of something dead lingered out back as well, probably another sorry sod that had ODed somewhere under all the trash. “I want you two to head with me to Danny’s tonight.” CJ ordered looking at the taller woman, Doodle. Doodle raised a brow as she placed her hands on her hips and looked at her boss. “Expecting trouble?” She asked wondering why she and Kay had to go with her. Normally this was something that CJ would do on her own, but here lately things were changing and CJ had been having the women go in groups of two or more. This hadn’t been sitting right with Doodle, something was up and yet nobody was asking about it. “No. Just a precaution.” CJ replied looking up at her. Doodle glanced down at Kay, who seemed to notice the tenseness of CJ as well. Neither woman commented on the elephant in the room – or outside in the open – and not when they were preparing for another big mission. “Alright, whatever you say Prez.” Doodle said shrugging her shoulders. CJ looked up at the woman with a slight glare before shaking her head. “Get your head in the game and mount up, Doodle. Kay ride behind us.” CJ ordered before she walked away to the back where they kept the vehicles covered with tarps. It was to keep the vehicles from wandering eyes and sticky hands. After all, they had worked too hard to steal them only to have someone else steal them from underneath their noses. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Kay said speaking up with her mouse like voice. Doodle looked down at her long time friend. “You too?” Kay being shocked as she looked up at Doodle who seemed to feel the same about it.
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