New Here

1413 Words
“Sweetie, Please don’t leave I need you here…” I rolled my eyes as my father pleaded for me to stay home, but I didn't want to stay. Not after what happened to my mother. She was the most amazing person on this earth… Then she disappeared out of nowhere. My father has been acting really weird lately and I don't know why but I needed to get away from him. So I packed my bag and grabbed my sketchbook, the only thing that freed my mind from the troubles. “Dad….” I sighed “Please don’t do this.” “Where are you gonna go? Huh?” He huffed “Away from you that's where. I can’t live like this anymore, not with you.” I pushed the last part out. It hurt to say it but I knew he didn’t care. He never cared. All I knew is that I need to get the hell away from here. I grabbed my backpack with only a few things, hair brush, toothbrush, some clothes, and my sketchbook. I began to walk out of the door and down the road, I didn’t care where I was going or what way I was facing. All I knew was that I’m leaving. *couple of days later* “Well f**k….” I mumbled to myself, My phone is dead, I have no idea where I'm at, I’m hungry, I haven’t slept a full night because I’ve been on the streets and I smell really bad. “Can this get any worse!!” I screamed at myself telling myself I was an i***t. I kept walking tho I came up to a sign that said “Moon Lake Town” “Hmm..” I thought “Maybe this place won't be so bad” When I entered the town I met a woman. She was about 5’ foot tall, blonde hair, and perfect white teeth compared to me with my brown messy but stood about 2 inches taller than her and my not so perfect teeth, she stared at me for a moment before saying anything… “Where do you come from?” She asked kindly “Oh … umm… well I kinda ran away from home…” I stutter “Oh my.. Well if you'd like you can stay with me for the night? I’ll make dinner and have a towel ready for you after.” She stated “Oh I also won’t take no for an answer you can trust me i've been in the same spot as you darling. I live by myself so it will be nice to have someone around…” She seemed a little broken when she told me the last part. So I just followed her. Yes I know ‘why would I follow a complete stranger into their house if I don’t know them? And yes that is a good question but I was hungry and i would be able to charge my phone as well. “So…” I started “My name is Alice Cole. I’m only 19 but I’m trying to start a better life. My old one kinda sucked.. What’s your name” I held out my hand and she just brought me in for a hug, i had to fight back tears because its been forever since i’ve had a real hug “My name is Sarah White. I hope we can be friends. I know a place that's being rented out down the road for cheap. Maybe I could talk the owner into at least letting you stay there for a little.” Sarah looked at me as if she was lost for a moment “or if you’d like you could stay here for a couple days? I won't mind if you seem like a very pleasant girl.” she waited for my response. I mean s**t id rather stay here than by myself. “Yeah, i’d like that” i smiled at her “Yay!! It’s been so long since i’ve had a sleepover!” she laughed and jumped up and down like a little kid. *later that night* “Well that was really fun.” I told Sarah “It's been forever since I actually spent the night with someone..” I stared off into space… wow… i haven't had a sleepover since mom was still here.. I felt tears swell up in my eyes. I couldn't help but to cry. I couldn't be strong anymore… what's wrong with me. Sarah's POV “Yay sleepover time!” I shouted but when I looked over to Alice she seemed lost, upset almost. Was it something I did?! Oh man I don’t want to lose another friend.. Maybe I could cheer- That's when Alice started to weep uncontrollably. My heart sank. Poor girl. What happened to you to make you such a sad soul? “Alice…” I said softly “what is wrong… was it something I said or did? If so i apologize…” Alice looked up at me, her bloodshot eyes showed how tired she was, with tears streaming down her face. She was hurting and I could feel it. Before I knew it she jumped in my arms and hugged me. I don't hesitate to hug her back, but more tightly, when she pulled away she went to say something but then stopped. “S-s-sarah…” She managed to say “would it be okay if I just lay down for a bit… I am very tired…” “Of course it is sweetie…” I smiled but she seemed to flinch when I called her that but why… “Alice… you can stay for however long you'd like to. I think you are a wonderful person, and you have a beautiful heart. I would like it if you would stay here..” The next part is the part I knew she'd go silent at “I know we don’t even know each other like that… if you ever need to talk.. I’m here for you.” I smiled warmly at her. I have to let my brother know tho, I can’t keep her a secret forever but i know he will love her. “Come. I’ll show you where your room is, and you'll have your own bathroom so you don't feel too uncomfortable. I got you a towel and some pj’s..” I blushed “I don’t know if they’ll fit but their mine I’d like for you to have them..” She smiled at me and then we parted ways. Alice’s POV Sarah is very nice. She made me feel as if I was home. Like really home. I could tell she knew I was uncomfortable when she called me sweetie, that's only because my father used to call me that. I think staying with Sarah won’t be so bad. I finished getting ready for bed it was about 9 O’clock I went to lay down when i heard a blood curdling scream come from outside “What the hell?!” I ran down stairs only to see the back door open. I called for Sarah but no answer, just more screaming. When I made it outside I saw a light in the far ends of the woods that seemed to surround the whole town… “WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE!!!” Sarah screamed at me “THERE'S SOMEONE BEING HURT IN THE WOODS!! WE NEED TO SAVE THEM!!” I screamed back by then I was already more than halfway to the woods. She said something else but i didn’t hear her as soon as i turned around to look at her, she was white like a ghost, she looked terrified then she started to cry before she just shut the door. “What the….” I was cut off by a hot breath on my neck, It made my hair stick up, I was frozen. f**k. f**k f**k f**k…. WHAT IS BEHIND ME….. f**k… I'm so f****d….. I turned as slow as I could and when I did, I wanted to drop right there. A big ass grey wolf with eyes that are brighter than a blue sky, The wolf was twice- nah three times bigger than a normal wolf. Before i knew it the only thing i heard was a faint voice telling me “ rest….. Your tired darling” Before i fainted and hit the hard ground everything went black.
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