Chapter 15

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Mat P.O.V.   It’s been a hard couple of weeks without Star home. The house feels like we are missing a bright light bouncing around. Mascy and Sammy even seem a little different without her here with the. The pups keep asking when they will see Star again. However Max and I have been planning for them to come here next week for my Alpha ceremony and celebrate with us. Sammy has been training harder with my mother to get her ready to be Luna. I’ve been waiting at how well the pups have taken more to Sammy since Star is gone. Watching her makes me see that she is going to be a great mother one of these days. I’m currently sitting in the office with my father but not really paying attention to what he is saying. ‘Bro pay attention he’s starting to get mad.’ Jacks tells me. When I look at my father I notice that Jacks was right. I apologized to my father for not paying attention. He just nodded and dismissed me.   I headed down to do some training with the warriors to blow off some steam that I didn't even know I had. After a few hours of training I asked Jacks if he wanted to go for a run and he just wagged his tail at me. He took off as fast as we could, it felt like my paws weren’t even touching the ground. When he reached the meadow I suggested that we rest for a little bit. He agreed and laid soaking up the sun for a bit. Then he caught the scent of a rabbit and followed it till he caught it and ate it. A few hours later he headed home, when he reached the tree line he gave me back control.  ‘Feel a little better after a run?’ -Me ‘I’m more relaxed now but still want Star.’ -Jacks ‘I know man. We will see her soon though.’ -Me ‘Babe, where are you? Dinner is ready.’ -Sammy ‘I’m walking up to the house now, love.’ -Me ‘Okay.’ -Sammy   Walking into the dining room I notice that I'm the only person not wasn’t there yet. When I made it to Sammy I gave her a kiss before I sat down. Dinner seemed like it went on forever. All I could think about is how much I missed my Star light. I’ve never been away from her more than two days since she was born. She’s my Star light and always will be. “I know you miss her. We all do but she is where she’s supposed to be.” my mother told me. “It’s different. I named her. She’s mine.” both Jacks and I growled out. The whole room went quiet after my outburst. Sammy started to squeeze my hand trying to calm me down. I look over to my father and see that he is linking someone. The next thing I know one of the pack doctors and an elder are walking up to us.    When headed to my father’s office to talk. “Mat how long have you been feeling off?” the doctor asked me. “Jacks and I have had tugging feeling sense we got home. I’ve started to get heated and don’t know why” I told them. The doctor did a full check up on me and all the while the elder kept quiet. Once the doctor was done he said that there was nothing wrong with me physically so there was nothing he could do. After he left the elder walked over to me with a book and sat right in front of me. “Mat how did you know that Star would be a girl?” I looked at him and told him I didn't know I just always did. “I think that with Star having Dakota and her being the Lunar Queen you are some type of protector.” “What do you mean? She’s my baby sister. I'm supposed to protect her.” I looked at him confused. “I think you're her protector in a different way. Maybe Jacks knows.” he said. ‘Jacks what are they talking about?’ -Me ‘I know that Dakota was Star’s wolf when she was born. But I don’t know why. Dakota revealed to me when Star was little that she was a princess but that’s all I know.’ -Jacks  ‘We need to figure out why we are acting like this.’ -Me ‘I agree. I don’t like scarring Sammy and Kayla. Mate should not be scared of us.’ -Jacks   After Jacks mentioned that we had scared Sammy I instantly felt bad for making her feel that way. I walk over to her and wrap her into a hug. “I’m sorry” I whispered into her ear where only she could hear me. She turned around and wrapped her arms around me and just gave me a kiss. I walked us back over to the couch and sat with her on my lap. We talk with the elder for a few more hours before I excuse us to head to bed. As soon as I had Sammy in our room I set her on our bed and knelt down in front of her. “I never meant to scare you. I am sorry. I’m having a hard time staying calm and don’t know why.” I tell with tears in my eyes. She puts her hands on both sides of my face making me look at her and says “I understand and won’t hold this against you. I can see and feel how much you are struggling.” I give her a kiss and treat her like the queen she is in my eyes.  Sammy P.O.V.   I’ve been watching Mat struggle with something since we got back home. I don’t know how to help him so I’ve been working harder on my training as a Luna. The pups have missed Star but have looked to me for comfort like they did with her and have even asked me to start helping them in their training. I’m feeling a lot more confident in my ability to be Luna. Luna May have made it look easy to do her Luna duties but working with her these last few days I can see how hard we work to make it look easy. She does feel that I am ready to take over as Luna of the pack. I was born a Delta and never dreamed of being a Luna. I was trained with my twin brother to be the Delta of the pack. Being twins means that we both would share the potion until I left to be with my mate if I even did. However much like Cameron and Arthur we did have the choice to not share the potion but we always worked together growing up and couldn’t see us not being Co-Delta.   It’s now time for dinner and after everyone has come I notice that Mat wasn’t here. I asked some of the pack members if they have seen him. The first few said that they haven’t. One of the warriors had said that he had come down to train with them but he left after and they have not seen him since. I liked all the people on patrol if any of them had seen him and they all told me that they didn't. I was starting to get worried so I linked him and he said he was on his way inside. When he walked in he gave me a kiss and joined us. He still seemed really upset. His mother told him that we all missed Star and he blew up at her. I immediately grabbed his hand trying to comfort and calm him down. His father liked one of our doctors and an elder to us.   We went to the Alpha’s office and the doctor did a check up on him and found nothing. Then the elder started to ask him questions. After a few questions Mat was looking like he spaced out so I figured that he was talking with Jacks. I didn’t even know that he snapped out of his conversation with his wolf until his arms were wrapping around me. He told me he told me that he was sorry. I wasn’t sure about what but all I could do was turn and return his hug. Then I kissed him and he took us back to the couch. Then they continued talking for a few more hours. I was starting to get tired and Mat must have felt that because he excused us and took me to our room.    Once he set me on the bed he got on his knees in front of me and apologized for scaring earlier and being distant with me. He started to cry and made him look at me so he could see that I was serious when I told him that I can’t hold this against him and I had seen how much he had been struggling the last few weeks and that I didn't know how to help him. For the rest of the night Mat pampered me to the best of his ability. I know that this is his way of apologizing but I could help but love him for it. The rest of the night was amazing.
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