Talking relationships

1259 Words
*Raven* "Are you okay, Sarah? Don't worry, they're all delightful". She said as they parked in front of Jayce's house.  Sarah then pulled nervously at her blond hair, pushing it behind her ear. "Not ready and very nervous, but looking forward to it.”  "Don’t worry l.. I have made sure that we are some of the first to arrive, so you won’t have to walk around and greet too many strangers". She said, and Sarah smiled gratefully.  She walked over to open the garden gate with Sarah behind her. As they went inside, they found Jayce, Milo, and Leo lighting up two large grills. "Hello, boys.”  "Hey birdie, good you're here; I so need your help in the kitchen in a little while." Jayce immediately came over and hugged her.  She did notice him checking out Sarah quickly, and she whispered in his ear. "Now let Milo have a chance for once, okay ? It's not fair if he is to compete with you".  "Okay, okay, but you better help me then.”  He bit his lip and looked sweetly at her, and she nodded resignedly; she couldn’t say no to that face.  He turned to Sarah and smiled sweetly at her before he hugged her too. "Welcome, I'm Jayce”.  "Uh hi Jayce, I'm Sarah, thank you for letting me come”. Sarah said, blushing a bit.  He just smiled and placed a hand on each of their backs so that he could lead them over to the others. "You are very welcome ... now come and say hello to Leo and Milo".  "Hey Leo, long time no see ... hope you are doing well”. Raven gave Leo a hug that he reciprocated.  She met Leo lots of times, he was Jayce's publicist and friend, and well if you hang around Jayce, you get to know Leo. "Hey, Raven ... yes, too long, my dear ... I am super, what about you ? Jayce tells me that you dumped your boyfriend again". "Jayce has to learn to keep his mouth shut … .but yes, I have, he was too busy … but I feel good, enjoying being single". She said.  Sarah was presented to Leo and Raven went over to hug Milo. "Hey Milo, how was Canada ?"  "Much colder than here ... but you are looking good, beautiful". He repaid the hug and she laughed a bit, Milo was almost always flirting with her to Jayce's great amusement.  She leaned up to his ear and whispered so only Milo could hear her. "My friend Sarah here, she kinda has a crush on you and she is single … so go get her tiger".  "Thanks for the information". He whispered back, smiling before hurrying over to say hello to Sarah with a big hug. *Jayce* "Could you fix the salad ?" He looked at Raven, who nodded. They were readying the food in the kitchen.  Leo was taking care of the grill, and Sarah was helping Milo get the bar ready. He was pretty sure that the two of them would probably end up together ... there had been an obvious connection right away.  "I think you are right, Sarah is just Milo's type". He said and put the meat on a large tray.  She nodded, smiling as she cut out the tomatoes. "I told you, I am a love expert.”  "Except when it comes to yourself". He said and raised one eyebrow. She really should settle down with a good man ... she was what ... 29 years old.  She snorted at him and made a face. "I have really quite mastered my love life, thanks.”  "Or the lack thereof". He said teasingly and took the baguettes out of the freezer.  She kicked him in his ass with one foot and answered back. "Now, don't get too naughty; who of us two last had a relationship ?"  "But you ought to settle down, find a cute guy, and get a couple of kids ... you can’t continue to flee every time they get a little serious". He looked down at the table; he knew she wouldn’t want to talk about it.  She sighed and looked at him. "Stop that now, Jayce ... the day you settle down and get a couple of kids, I promise to do the same”. "Hey, I told you, I am just not the marrying type ... I simply don't have the time". He said with a sigh, one failed serious relationship was enough for him. *Raven* It was well after midnight as she sneaked into Jayce's bedroom. All the guests had gone home, with the exception of those who were sleeping there. She got undressed and crawled down under his duvet.  Jayce came out of the bathroom only in his boxers. "Hey, Miss thing, this is my bed.” "Right now, half of it is mine. Milo and Sarah are in the guest room, so I am not going in there, and Leo is snoring on the couch". She smiled happily at him and nestled further down under the covers.  It was far from the first time she and Jayce had shared a bed. She had slept there a few times after parties and such. He had a huge bed, so it was no problem.  "So what if I hadn’t been alone or if I was going to sleep naked ?" He asked and crawled into bed beside her.  She rolled her eyes and laughed. "As the only single girl here tonight, beside me, is currently in the guest room with Milo, I figured out you would be alone ... unless you are so needy that you have changed sides? That little redheaded guy appeared to like you a lot".  "No that desperate I will never be ... hey that big blond guy apparently liked you, why didn't you go home with him ?" He pulled a little more of the duvet over him.  She turned towards him. "Because someone told him that he should stay away from me ... funnily enough, yes, Milo told on you ... what was that all about ?"  She had wondered a little about that; after all, he pushed for her to find someone, and as she was a little bit drunk, she asked directly.  "Well, he was just not right for you ... so it was mostly to save you wasting time on him ... besides, I have heard he has a tiny d**k". He replied with the earth's most innocent face.  She shook her head and stuck her tongue out at him. "Now, I wasn't really interested, but I want to judge for myself whether a guy is something for me.. also, haven't you heard it is not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean, it is all about". "Ha ... that’s something women tell men with small d***s to make them feel better; most women want both". He replied with a wry smile.  Raven rolled her eyes. "And you probably know all about that; What women want.”  "Well, I have never had any complaints, so yes, I think I have a reasonable knowledge of it.”  He raised one eyebrow.  She took an extra pillow and hit him over the head with it. "Good night Jayce and seriously, tomorrow we will begin looking for your new girlfriend.” "Good night Birdie, sleep well". He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before he lay down to sleep.
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