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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It's already nine in the morning. I was about to steal more sleep when I remember that I have plans with Daniel today. I checked my phone just in case he messaged me, none.  We planned to meet at four in the afternoon, outside the school gates. I called Claude to check onto something. Do you know I don't have class today?" He was groaning on the other line. I definitely woke him up. "I have a question and this cannot wait." "Make sure it's worth opening my eyes, Aly." I can hear him stretching his body from the bed, trying to wake his mind. "Aside from us two, do we have another agent inside the university?' "What? No. Infiltrating this university was even hard for us. They made sure we got high grades so we can claim the scholarship grant. They only offer that to ten students per academic year.' I stood up from my bed and brushed my hair in front of the mirror. " Really? Because they called me yesterday and told me that an intel informed them that I have a formal party with Daniel." He didn't reply. "Did that made you think, too?" "It did." I heard his slippers on the floor. "Should I check the other eight students who got the scholarship?" "Can you? But you have to be careful, now we know someone is eyeing on us. If they saw you checking on some stuff, they might pull you out." "Count on me, then. Let's meet tomorrow at Glider's." "My treat. Bye." I hung up. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ "Hey dumpling!" A familiar voice called me from behind. "Where did dumpling came from, Demetry?" He was running fast towards me, as soon as he was close, he patted my head. "I just ate a dumpling, then I saw you." He smiled sheepishly. "I know you don't like the nickname, but at least, that's one step closer to us being best friends." He laughed as he poke my cheeks. "Wow. Best friends. Isn't that too sweet of you to tell me?"  "I was just gone for a while and you are already replacing me?" I heard Grey's voice coming. My head automatically turned to face him. It's been a while since we last hung out together. "You are my boyfriend. Don't be jealous." It was too cringe for me to see that Grey pouted. "Get a room, you too." "Laters." Grey winked at Demetry which he gave a flying kiss in response.  "So, what are your plans today, partner? And you too, boyfriend?" "Just going to the library to do my school works, you know, deadlines." I waved my papers in the air. Truth is I'll be roaming the back part of the university to check if there are CCTVs installed. If there are, I need to hack the system and destroy it.  Organization told me that most likely, the transfer will be made there. Obviously, no one will go there at night, especially when there is a party being held inside. I simply need to take a photo of the drugs being delivered here and find out where they hide it but it won't be a piece of cake since for sure, there will be a lot of guards coming. "Gotta leave you both. Enjoy each other's company." I walked away from them and waved my hand when I heard Grey having tantrums because he wanted to have lunch with me. "You owe me one lunch!" He yelled. I just gave him an okay sign. Somehow, being with Grey again gave me comfort. Even though he haven't told me yet why did he disappeared for days. Maybe I'll ask him sometime. I just need to cater some stuff first. I arrived at the back of the university. Checking, there are no CCTV outside. Well, of course. Why would they put one here if this is where they load, unload and transfer drugs, right?  I checked the entrance, exits,  and opened some of the doors to check where they will lead to. Nothing unusual so far.  I roamed the area once more for final checking before I went to my next destination. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ "You are thirty minutes late, Claude.'' I said to him as I waved my coffee in the air. "It's almost finished, you see?" He gave me a fake apologetic look. "Sorry, I finished my home works first." He laughed as he tapped my shoulders. "I'll order you a pastry, would that suffice the anger?"  I nodded in response. "Cinnamon." "Alright." After his order arrived, he started opening his notes, just so it looks like we are  just two students cramming over an assignment due today. "So, any news?" I started doodling on my notes. He opened his book and started writing random stuff, too. "Yep. I wrote down all the names of the scholars. I even stalked half of them already, nothing unusual. I'll update you once I am done with the other half. "I can't believe you even stalked them. Don't put yourself in too much danger, Claude." I told him, looking straight at his eyes. "The moment I stepped foot in this university, I know what I put myself into." He smiled at me. I sipped the last drops pf my coffee. "Yeah, but it's not like we need to know who is the other agent. If that would get you in trouble then just forget about it. Just let him or her. We have the same goals here, anyway." "It's just uncomfortable to know that someone knows us, as agents, and we don't know who's on the side of the road, watching us. "Little by little let's figure it out. For now, no stalking okay?' He sighed in response. He was about to retort but he knows my decision is final. "Okay, boss." He gave me a salute with a smile on his face then went back to being disappointed. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ "I am here. -D" I ran towards the gate so I wouldn't be late. He told me we should meet by four in the afternoon and I still have five minutes before four but he is already waiting there.  "You don't have to run." That's the first thing he told me. "I don't want someone to wait for me." I said while catching my breath. "Let me get this." He lightly grabbed my backpack and pointed the way to his car. I thought someone from the driver's seat will come out and greet us but he opened the door for me. "You'll drive?" I asked him as soon as he went inside. "Don't worry, I know how to drive, I'll keep you safe." He opened the engine, clicked on the screen located in front of us and played some soft music and off we go. "So, where are we going?" I asked him as I tried to keep the conversation to sound casual. I still haven't got over nervousness I feel whenever I talk to Daniel. Maybe because of his deep voice? Well, you know how he treats me. Sometimes he knows me, most of the time, he doesn't. "Outside Grant." He replied casually. "Outside Grant? Then you need to drive for an hour? We can just go to your mall, or any mall nearby. You don't need to exhaust yourself." "I wanna breathe too. I'm just using you as an excuse to go out of Grant." "Oh." The conversation stopped there. As much as I want to talk, I can't find any topic to start the conversation, aside from that, he is driving, I don't want to disturb him. We stayed like that for almost half an hour. I was just looking outside the window, familiarizing some parts of Grant that I wasn't able to roam yet. Thank goodness the weather sure knows how to cooperate. In between those skyscrapers, the clouds were aesthetic blue. It gives me a whole new level of comfort in this situation I am currently stuck in. "I'll take the shortcut, we'll be there in fifteen." He changed the radio station, as soon as he found his taste, his other hand went back again to driving. "Anyway..." I don't know if I should tell it here, right now.  "What?" He looked at me for a while then his eyes went back on the road. "I finished the book." I didn't look at him. My eyes too, were fixed on the road. "Oh."  The silence that occupied our space was much more deafening than a music reaching its crescendo. It went on until we arrived in front of a hotel. "Sinclair Hotel." I murmured. "Oh, so you have business outside Grant, too." I broke the silence. "Yeah. Outside America, too." He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door. "Wait for me." He went to my side and opened the door for me. "Thank you" That's the only this I could say. "No worries." He assisted me to the entrance as the staff greeted us a good evening. "So, do you want to buy your dress now? Or shall we eat first?" Finally, Daniel looked at me.
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