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"See you next class."  We were dismissed earlier than usual. Ms. Hilda told us she has a meeting with the higher ups of the university. I packed my things and straightly went to the cafeteria where I saw Daniel eating along with his members in the council. The thought of greeting him first came to my mind but when I was about to come close to him, Demetry pulled me away. "Woop." He said, grabbing my right arm in the process. "Wait until she is gone." He whispered in my ear as I looked to where he is pointing. "Andrea." Yeah right. She goes berserk whenever I am close to Daniel. "She's my friend, but you know? I am happy they broke up." He told me with a sneaky smile painted on his face. "Why? I saw you are close to her, at her party." I asked him curiously. "Well, she's a good friend, but not a good girlfriend." "Daniel." Andrea lightly tapped his shoulder to which Daniel respond with a blank stare. "You're going to the Formal, right?" Andrea leaned closer to her while Daniel immediately moved his head away from her. Andrea noticed it but gave no mind. "I am." "That's good. People in business will be happy to see us together." She clapped her hands as she turned around, her dress swaying as she moves. "I am not going with you."  "What? Why?" Andrea asked. Her voice was shaking. "Because I am not." He was not being intimidated. He's just eating, not even giving her a glimpse. "But people love us!" She replied, her voice still trembling. "But I don't." Everyone in the room gaped in utter shock. Hearing this, Andrea was taken aback. Her friends held both of her arms as they tried to move away from Daniel. The cafeteria went into a deep silence. "Wow. That hurt." Demetry whispered. "Yeah." I nodded. The whole cafeteria was still frozen, I can only see Daniel the only moving human in this room. He was about to eat his ice cream when I started moving to get food. "I am famished."  "Same. I need one more round." Demetry stood next to me. We laughed as we waited for our meal. Little by little, the crowd started talking again and in a blink I couldn't hear the background music playing. I sat far from where he was sitting. I thought Demetry was going to leave me after he gets his meal but he sat next to where I was sitting. "I know you have questions to ask." He said as he sipped his ramen. "Oh God. This is nice." "Like what?" I carefully opened the soup lid. "Like why they broke up?" He chuckled lightly. " I can see through you." "What are you, Edward Cullen?" He laughed at my response. "No. But anyway, if you wanna know the answer to that, might as well ask him yourself." "Why ask me if you won't even spill." I continued on digging the beef teriyaki on my plate. "I don't spill beans. I am not gay." He pulled up his sleeves so I could see his muscles. " But I love my gay friends, they make me laugh a lot when things are rough.' He then gave me a wink. "You should meet one of my gay friends sometimes." "He'll be bored of me." I was about to poke the straw on the juice when I saw Daniel walking past us. He didn't even gave me an eye. He just told me he wants to know me more then he's not talking to me again. What a huge confusion on my part. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I sat at the garden tables, just feeling the breeze touching my face when I heard my phone ringing inside my bag. "It's them." I instantly roamed my eyes around to check if someone will hear me, when I found none, I tapped the answer button on my phone. "An intel told us that you are going to another formal party before the fashion night, please give us an explanation." Who would tell them? Claude? No, that's impossible. Is there someone else going undercover aside from me nd Claude? Does Claude knows? "Yes. I'm going with Daniel, he is the President of the Council, he might be useful in the future." Of course that is a hundred percent lie. I know why I wanna go there, I know why I wanna go with him.  Before he even told me he wants to know me more, I first felt that. I am curious to what kind of Daniel will I see. The one outside the university. "Are you sure that is your only intention?" The voice on the phone was very deep. "Yes. Don't worry. All for the mission." 'Don't forget the reason why you are there, Alyanna. You don't have the time to play." "Of course." ______________________________________________________________________________________________ "I'll take you out tomorrow to buy you a dress. - D" He sent me a message at ten in the evening when I was about to sleep. Now I can't even close my eyes. It's going to be our first time alone, together. No, the second time. The first one was at the basement, when he told me to read the memoirs. Speaking of the book, I am just halfway to finishing it. I know that no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to get my sleep so I decided to turn on the lights and finish this book tonight. "Let's figure out why he wants me to read it." I whispered to myself. I can't imagine hw busy I am this coming days, two parties. One with a big mission where I might not be able to see the day if I got caught, and a nerve racking formal party where I know I don't belong but I still decided to go. I know Andrea is going to be there. I wonder if I get to see next week after this. I hope so.
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