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Let's talk about why I am here. So apparently, my dad died fighting for this city. He was not being heroic, it was his job. He was an agent. I don't know much about his last mission but he died alone. The moment I received the body, I applied to the organization, too. At first, they did not accepted me because they knew that my heart was just full of revenge back then, not that it's not anymore. I just have more valid reason now than just the word 'revenge'. During my training at the organization, my time was divided in half. School in the morning, training in the evening. It was hard, though I was left with no choice. They paid for everything that I need since I have no one after my dad died. I was assigned to some minor missions before this one. I came here not knowing anyone but Claude. I also don't have any idea what will I uncover here and how it is connected to my dad. When I attended the briefing, a week before I transferred here, they told me that Addilyn is the black heart of the Grant City. Dark secrets and illegal stuff are being done here. My first mission was to get that yellow folder from Mr. Beret guy. It wasn't hard, to be honest. Luck was my bestfriend that day. It was easy for me to access his room since he left the door unlocked. Maybe he didn't imagine that someone from this school, a student, will be able to know what he was doing. It's funny how the parents of the basketball team paid large sums of money just so their kids could meet the famous coaches and maybe, enter the professional field of basketball. It was unfair to those who couldn't afford it, or those who didn't know that there is an under the table deals. Unfair to those who really have the talent to play. Well another funny thing is that those students were the ones who act as if the own the university. After it was reported on the television, they cannot even walk on the university grounds together. It felt nice. It wasn't hard to uncover that but it felt nice that I did the first one without being caught. Being in this university is suffocating. Too suffocating because everyone is competing against everyone. Well, it's understandable since everyone here at least own something big. Like Mitchell's commercial tower, The Sinclair's that is owned by the family of Daniel. or Addiyn University that is owned by Andrea's dad.  I can't imagine I am with those guys. I don't have anything, aside from my backpack. That's all I have. I don't even have a house to come home to after this. I haven't explored Grant City yet. I've been here inside the university almost everyday, well, except those times when the food is calling. The most accessible coffee shop, The Grinder's Cafe. It was just few blocks away from the university gates. The place is just cozy. Students drink their coffees while doing their school works. While me and Claude? This is where we plan our mission. The Vineyard. This is one of the few formal dining restaurants here in Grant. This is where Daniel took me and I had the Ribeye steak. Swear if I have money, I'll eat here again. The Mitchell's. The building that is owned by the spoiled brat. It's a commercial building where there is a bar at the rooftop. My to go place. Coming here at night is the most relaxing because of the city lights shining below you. The Sinclair. The cruise ship mall owned by the family of Daniel. It was such a huge mall that we didn't even get to roam the whole place even if we stayed there for hours. Grant is a good city. Compare it to an apple. It's nice. Not until you turn the apple and see it has a rotten part. The rotten part? It's Addilyn. Everyone, even those who are outside the city take Addilyn as a prestigious university because they know less. My next mission will take place on the Fashion Night. That will happen in four days. This one, I would say, it's too much risk. There is too much danger but it's not like I did not expect this. I didn't enter a child's game. I came here to destroy this University. I came here to know who killed my dad. Tomorrow I will be planning with Claude, he offered again but he still didn't want me to be involved in his mission. I know I can handle it without Claude, because we are trained to do so, but Claude insisted. Saying that it's better if there are two heads working. But before this, I have a formal party with Daniel. I don't know what got into me that made me agree to do this. We are not supposed to do any extra activities aside from the mission to avoid the eyes of the people. The organization doesn't know this. Maybe, for the first time after a long while, I am doing something for myself. It's my way to know Daniel, what type of circle he is in. What does he do outside the university. Aside from being the President of the Student Council, what else? I shouldn't be tangled to anyone's life since my life is already like a knot. But being with them, seeing how normal their life is, it gave me another purpose. I want to live a life too. I want to live for myself. Will I be able to do that? Things are messy right now, I still have a lot on my plate. A whole lot. Maybe if this is a course meal, I have not even eaten the appetizer yet. Meals are just about to be served. I am not even halfway to finishing this, but it's not wrong to be hopeful that I'll see the rainbow after years of rain right?
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