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I thought I will be alone for the whole duration of my stay here in this University. Yet, I can't believe I became friends, or acquainted to some of the nicest people here. They may not be able to help me doing missions, well, except Claude, but being surrounded with some people my age helps me to get through the days. I went back to my next class with a little smile on my face. I didn't know how much the gap Grey and I had this so much impact until today. Doing the mission, being a spy, uncovering secrets here in this university, Grey is one of the few who keeps my sanity on track. He is literally a handful but he never make me feel as if he's just using me. I don't know what made him to be close to me. From just a simple partner in Ms. Hilda's class, I can't remember how many times he saved me from the judgmental eyes of the crowd. He is a great friend, and I feel like I can really open up myself to him but there's this little barrier that keeps me from doing that.  He's good to me. He listens to me. But I only know him based on what he let me see. His eyes may talk to you, his actions may be so transparent that whenever he is with me I feel guarded. He is the owner of The Mitchell's. But aside from that, I don't know anything about him. Well, I get it. It's not like he know me well, too. I just don't want to put my trust on someone then at the end of the day I am going to regret it. Now we have Elise.  She is a very sweet lady. I saw her earlier while I was on the way to my class. She was about to put the bottle of juice inside her backpack but when she saw me, he ran towards my bubble and hugged me as if we've already known each other for a year. However, I am happy. I am happy that after how many years, I got a female friend. I was only with her once but the level of comfortability is just superb. She is the type of woman who see you gives out a lot of compliments but you'll never think it's fake. I admire how enthusiastic she is. She smiles a lot, too, and it warms my heart to see her like that. I wish we have more time to be together, so I could know her better. Moving on, we have Claude. Claude is a very protective lad. We may be in the same organization but he treats me as a woman. I never experienced that with the other fellow members inside. He gives me a lot of advices and helps me with my missions even if he has one, himself. Speaking of his mission, I still don't have a clue what it is. He wants to help me but he doesn't want my help. He keeps on saying he can handle it himself and I don't doubt that. It's just that, it's kind of a breather when you have someone to talk to that know what you are going through, right?  That's why I am still surviving, it's also because of him. When I am being choke by what I need to do here, I could just run to him and vent it out then I am fine again. But in his case, he doesn't have anyone. Not even me. Let's talk about Demetry. I don't have much to say about Demetry. I don't have a lot of moments with him except when he saw me staring at Daniel last time at the gym. His personality is just the same like Grey when it comes to being funny, that's why they click so much whenever they are together.  I noticed he is close to Andrea. I usually see them together.  He is also the one who understand Daniel's mind. He knows him so well. He is one of those few who can actually talk to Daniel without being afraid. Setting aside his humorous side, he really stood up to his position - Vice President of Addilyn Student Council. When it's time for games, he plays, but when it's time to be the Vice President, he acts so well. He is doing great on his job. Here we go with Andrea. The daughter of Addilyn's owner. and the ex.  She's mad at me, that's for sure. Well, she's crazy. One day she's talking to me, even asked me to go to her party, then the next day she's throwing bombs at me. She acts like that whenever she sees me with Daniel. Her smile is so lovely but she speaks sarcasm. I wonder what happened to them, why they broke up and what's her take here in this university.  I'll be seeing her at the Formal Party and I am with Daniel. I should get ready. I know she will not turn a blind eye on this. Lastly, the President of Addilyn Student Council, Daniel. This deep voice lad whose smell lives in my nose, those gaze full of question, I wonder if he knows how much his actions confuses me. I am almost done on that book that he requires me to read, yet I still got no clue why he wants me to read it. He was with me at the garden during the party but then he didn't come for me when I walked away. Then I saw him beside the vendo machine, and talked to me as if nothing happened. There are times when he tried to make a conversation with me , those are the days he lets his guard down. Yet, there are also times when I can't even afford to look at him nor talk to him because he is so hard to reach. Just last night, he just called and blurted out that he wanna know me more. Where did that come from? Out of everyone here, you're the one who confuse me the most.
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