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“Iced chocolate mocha please, and your cinnamon roll. How about you, partner?” He grabbed his wallet at the back of his pocket. As soon as he opened it I saw a photo of a woman around our age. Girlfriend, maybe. “I’ll order the same. And keep your wallet, I’m paying.” He didn’t bulge. He passed his card to the cashier. “Here.” I squinted my eyes, he tapped my eyebrows lightly. “Don’t worry, treat me next time. Since you’ll be my partner this whole time. I want you to be my partner.” “Ask me first if the feeling is mutual okay?”   We sat outside since they ran out of tables inside the store. I was putting down my bag when someone yelled my name. “Alyanna!”  I saw the Double D walking towards our table. Demetry was about to drop his bag on the chair when he noticed that I’m with Grey. “Oh , hello to the boyfriend.” He gave out his hand to Grey. I didn’t react since I thought Grey will correct him but he did the exact opposite. “Hi, I’m Grey.” He gave out his hand to Demetry. “Huh? What?” I punched Grey in the shoulder. “He is not my boyfriend. I’m not into those kind of stuff.” Grey just laughed at the side as he pulled out some chair for Daniel.  “I was about to let you see my amazement face since I thought you already found someone in a matter of a week, or less.” I stared hard at Grey. “ Don’t mind that spoiled brat. He is just my partner in one of our subjects.“ Daniel sat across mine, He lightly dropped his bag on the ground and found his comfortability in an instant. He tilted his head and closed his eyes. He looks tired. He was like that for a while, just sitting with his eyes closed, as if he is sleeping but he is not since I can see his fingers tapping his chair. Sitting straight, his eyes opened and went straight at me. He was just staring, while his hands were playing the watch on his wrist. I don’t know if I am the only one who feels this but he is surrounding himself with a cold aura. He doesn’t look approachable. Now that I am thinking about it, he is the exact difference of Demetry, who looks very enthusiastic every single time.  “Hey” he mumbled, still looking at me.  “Hey.” I replied plainly as I sat straight to take the first bite of my cinnamon roll.  “How’s the university so far?” He pulled out a book inside his bag and opened it where he placed the book mark.  “The Riddles of Epsilon.” I whispered unconsciously.  “Yep” He said, popping the P. “Do you read books?” His eyes turned away as he squinted. He then again pulled out something in his bag, reading glasses.  “Yeah. I do read a lot but I don’t know that” I pointed at hid book.  Demetry and Grey were still busy talking about cars, and stuff I don’t understand. I can see they enjoy each other’s company since it seems like they are forgetting we are here. Their voices were getting loud. I guess this is what happens when two equally enthusiastic persons meet.  “I’m about to finish it today. Want to give this a read?”  “Okay.” I replied.  I was halfway to finishing my drink when Grey turned his body on me. The whole time he was just focused on Demetry. “Oh. I forgot the main reason why we are here.” He stared at me with his puppy dog eyes. “I am guilty, partner.” “You should be, I already finished the half part without the help of your brain.” I sighed.  He put his hand on his head and pulled his hair back. I can see his forehead, and now with the help of the natural light given by the sun. I can clearly see him. His eyes really do talk, it’s soft, and he has this thick eyebrows.  “Well zombies ate my brain. So... Yeah” He put his hands in the air, as if he is surrendering himself to me. “Ill just do the printing, partner.”  Demetry laughed at him. “For a partner, you are useless.”  “I must admit.” Grey replied.  We talked more for around thirty more minutes then we cleaned the table and go. The whole conversation, Daniel just buried his face on the book, too ocupied on what he was reading. While me, I just listened to Grey and Demetry’s burning friendship.  “Let’s hang out again next time!” Demetry waived his hands in the air. Daniel just nodded on our direction then turned his back again as he continued to walk.  “Well, that’s a good afternoon, right partner?” Grey said, as he smiled all through out our way back to the university.  “Yeah” I replied.  Somehow a thought occurred in my mind. How nice it is to be here, just a normal one, talking with friends, drinking coffee or whatever it is that normal students do.  But on our way back to the university, I saw Claude.  Yep. That’s not what I am here for.  "I'll be going now." He handed me my books. He's been holding those since we walked from Glider's. Grey felt my hurry, as he handed me my books, he noticed Claude walking straight to me. "Oh, so there is the boyfriend." He stared at Claude from head to toe. As Claude noticed his stare, he just turned his gaze away from the spoiled brat then smirked. I was sure Grey didn't like the smirk he received. His eyebrows arched in confusion. "You like this type of guys?" He whispered in my ear. Being with Grey for almost half a day, he sound like a child to me, always curious about everything. His brown orbs do a lot of talking since by simply looking at those, I can see what he want to say. He is such an innocent boy, he smiles when he is happy, he looks like a hulk when he is mad. He's as transparent and as fragile as a glass. "He is not my boyfriend. I didn't moved here for that, spoiled brat." I glared at him. Responding to my reply, he sighed. "That's good. You are my partner. I don't want your time in half." "I'm only your partner in this assignment. We don't even know if we are gonna get paired again." I stacked the books in my hands. "I'll send you the file later, make sure to check it." "Okay." He just replied blankly then walked past me. "What's wrong with that baby boy?" Claude stared at him as he walked away from us. "Nothing." "So Alyanna, what's the plan?"  "I'm thinking of sneaking in tomorrow. I'll hide in the gym until he leaves his office." We walked straight to the table near the picnic area. "They told me you should find the yellow folder." He sat across me. "The agent who spied on him told the organization that he always use that folder whenever he meet the parents outside the university." "Just so you know, he has a huge room. If I won't be able to find it tomorrow, you know what to tell them." I whispered. "Be careful, Alyanna. One mistake and we are done. If they notice something strange, I'm sure they will be on high alert." He rubbed his temples as he squinted his eyes. He looked worried. "Don't get caught, no one will be there to save you if things didn't go well as planned." Silence occupied our space. We both stared blankly as we tried looking for the next words to tell. "Things look easy until you have to do what you need to do and you don't have a choice." I closed my eyes, trying to find peace in between all the voices in my head right now. "For a moment, earlier, I felt like a normal student who just wants to finish her assignment, and help her spoiled brat partner to pass."  "That's where the job gets hard. When you start to feel like you belong, aside from the organization we are in right now. I wouldn't blame you, though. You got good friends there, student council president and the VP? Good choice." He slipped his hands on my book, the one I am holding right now, and raised his pinky finger. "Promise me, you won't die here." "Die? I won't. Do you think they will kill me if they caught me?"  His eyes turned away then as the students who walked past our table, he stared at me with his soft eyes. "They will. Because they will figure out you know something." He straightened his back, fixing his shirt he stood up. "So take extra careful Aly. I still want to see you after tomorrow night." "Don't worry you won't be seeing my burial tomorrow night. Not until I know who killed my dad." Lot of thoughts about tomorrow occupied my head. I was walking straight to my dorm when I saw Daniel in front of the vendo machine near the ladies dormitory. I'm contemplating whether I should be talking to him or not, but before I could come up with a solution, he already turned his gaze in my direction. "Hi." He walked towards me, opening his soda in can. "Hey, how's the book? Almost done?" I replied plainly. "Yeah, I think I'll be pulling an all nighter later tonight." He sipped his drink in front of me. I didn't notice how tall he is, not until now that he is standing in front of me. His smell occupied our space.  "Going inside?" "Uh, yeah. I'll be studying for an exam tomorrow." He rolled his hands on his hair. He really looks like someone whom people respects. The way he walk, he stands, and the way he talk, he is the definition of "confidence" in my eyes. "Alright, good luck, and see you around." Then he was gone. After I finished taking a shower, I lay down on my bed and shut my eyes. I need this silence. I need to think. Everything will start tomorrow.  When I got this job, I was dying for it to start as soon as possible. But now that it's going to happen tomorrow? Honestly, I am nervous. I instantly felt the weight of this job and the consequences I might face. I grabbed my pen and paper then I started drawing a map on the A building, where the office is located. It took me at least an hour and forty five minutes to organize my plans.  After the preparation, I turned on my speaker and listened to some music. I need to refresh my mind, I need to focus so that tomorrow, things will go well as planned. I was about to fall asleep when someone called me. "Hey." "Who is this?" It was an unknown number. "Hi partner." "Grey? Why do you have my number?" I sat up straight in my bed. I can hear him laughing softly on the other line. "I saw your files, I copied the number." "That's is prohibited." I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.  "It's just a cellphone number, I didn't get your address and I didn't do a prank call, why are you so mad?" From here I can already see his puppy eyes. "I am not. Anyway, what do you want?" "Nothing. I just want you to know that I got my brains back, and yeah, I studied our assignment." He sound really proud.  "That's good. Now I have to go spoiled brat." I yawned. "Good night partner, see you tomorrow."
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