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That’s why they looked far more superior than any other students here. That’s why everybody went quiet when they saw Daniel walked inside the cafeteria. They are the Student Council of this University. I can’t believe Demetry is one of them. He was just with me last night breaking the curfew rules. But I remembered someone saw him last night, he said “President”. So it was him? It was Daniel? Why would he be there, too? What is he doing outside breaking the curfew rules?   I finished eating my food then proceeded to my class. Hallways looks busy as always. Students came rushing as the bell rang, while there are others, just like me, walking like we are in the park. I stopped panicking whenever I think I am late to class. I know that even after I arrived five minutes late, I’ll still be the first one to enter the room.   Or not. “You are late Ms. Alyanna.” The teacher noticed me as I tried to enter silently. “I’m sorry. I got lost.” “What a lie.” A student murmured, she’s one of that bully’s friend. “Grab your book right there. She pointed at her desk. I took the seat at the farthest back possible, as I was about to seat I noticed that Grey will be my seatmate. Well, a lot better than sitting beside those who keeps on targeting me just because I am new here. “Don’t worry, we didn’t discussed anything yet. “Thanks.” I replied to him while unplugging my earphones.   I usually have earphones with me, but I just normally plug it in my ear, most of the time, without music. It kind of helps me not to talk to other people since they would think I am busy listening to music. Well, not to Grey. He just talk a lot. “How did you get here?” He leaned a little so Mr. Walts won’t see him. “I just enrolled, I passed. That’s it.” I haven’t think of that question. I think my answer was safe. “So you must be rich then.” He nodded at me, pointing his pen on my face. “I am not. I’m pretty sure you are richer.” I tried to do a multi task by writing down notes and accommodating this talkative guy. “Well you know, in my case, I didn’t have to take any exam. They just told me I am studying here. My dad knows people so you know, he used it to place me in a top notch university.” He quoted his hands in the air. “Well that is good for you.” Then that just proves that not all students here got good grades as what they claim, sometimes all they need is a single connection to get inside. One thing is for sure, everyone here has the money. So I would assume that the group of that bully guy is rich too, that would at least define their attitude.   “Just a single tip partner.” Just when I thought he’s done talking, he started again. “Move out of everyone’s way. That’s the best tip to finish here without a fist fight.” “It’s like you are saying everyone here thinks they are superior or something.” He glanced at the professor, checking if he sees us, but when he saw him turned his back again and started writing on the board, he pulled me a little closer. “Everyone here uses their family to get ahead of others. He may be the son of Crown’s Department Store, the one you see on TV” He pointed to the guys in front of me. “She may be the daughter of a famous wine collector” This time, pointing his fingers to the one who murmured when I came in earlier. “and the list goes on. There are very few of you here who actually takes and exam then passed. Maybe eighty percent are just like me, we got strings inside.” “Then what about you?” I pointed my pen at him, he pulled out a little and stared at me. Few seconds of silence occupied our space before he chuckled lightly, making sure Mr. Walts will not hear us he whispered in my ear. “I’m just a spoiled brat.” I headed straight to the cafeteria to grab a juice. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since Claude and I talked. I’m trying to find all the fire exits and CCTV camera locations. I walked across a group of basketball players as they stared at me. “Hello new girl.” A guy from the back yelled at me. “Need some company?” Everyone in his circle laughed.  “Don’t scare her. She might call her daddy.” It took everything of me not to turn around and mind them. I need to be on the shadow as long as possible but people here are making it hard for me. As I lifted up my head, Grey walked past me then the next thing I saw is that he is grabbing the shirt of that basketball player. “How about I make you call your daddy, huh James?” His closed fist were near the guy’s face, while his other hand is still grabbing the shirt. “Chill man. What’s wrong with you.” He tried to be off his hook but Grey just held onto his shirt tighter. “Not her. She’s my partner.”  Some guys from the team tried to lessen the tension.  “Alright Mitchell. Girl is yours.” As they carefully tapped his shoulder, Grey removed his hands on the guy’s shirt. The player, the one he called James, stared at me as if he’s going to eat me. He straightened his shirt then moved out of the halls. His other friends followed him. On the other side, Grey is still standing there, not even moving an inch. His jaws were clenched, same with his fist. I was in the middle of contemplating whether I continue walking or run back to him since I can see it from here that no one is even trying to talk to Grey. But I chose the latter. I want to stay hidden in their eyes as long as possible but what he did was for me. I don’t know what made him do that, maybe because like what he said, I’m his partner. Maybe he is afraid that if those players break my bones or bully me, I might stop coming to this university and no one will do his project anymore. As I walked past the curious crowd, his eyes met mine. “Hey spoiled brat, are you okay?” I tapped his shoulders lightly in hopes that he will get back to his senses.  His eyes were deep, yet it looked blank. I can’t tell what was he thinking. “Grey to earth.” I waived my hands in front of his face, that’s where he started blinking. “Hey, partner.” His blank expressionless face turned into a smiling spoiled boy in an instant. “Are you okay? You looked like you lost yourself there. “ He smiled faintly at me. “I’m okay. I just don’t like those people ever since then but I don’t have any reason to punch them, but since I heard them laughing about you, I took the chance.” “You used me, spoiled brat.” I pushed him lightly which made him smile a little.  “But still, thank you. I was about to kick their asses but you came into the rescue and did the job for me.” I bowed at him. “If someone sees it, at least I’m not the one who is going to be expelled.” He placed his hands on his chest as if he was hurt. “You used me too, partner.” “Well at least we have something in common. I grabbed his bag and handed it to him. “Want to go to the Gliders? Let’s start the project.” His eyebrows arched in disappointment but he agreed anyway by walking towards the exit. “Can this day get any more productive?” He complained.  
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