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"What do you want with me?" He looked up to my direction. "Do you think you can stop it?" He left out a chuckle. "Oh, and by the way, your voice seems familiar." I moved a little far from him, making sure that I was still safe with my disguise. "Don't tell me, you are a student here?" He started moving his head in attempt to see my face. I should do less talking, he might figure out who I am. Moving closer to him, I held on to his cap and when His eyes met with mine, I took it off. Then I held on to his mask and do the same. He started gritting his teeth when his face became visible to me. "Now you know who I am, what are you going to do? Report me to the office and get me suspended for a week? God please do so, I wanna have a week of rest out of this goddamn prison university." He is Peterson. The one who made a fool of me and Grey back at Ms. Hilda's class. Given his personality, this doesn't surprise me. But the moment I saw it's him, I kenw he was just working for someone. He's not the brains here. He is just the labor. I stood up and grabbed my phone in my pocket. I opened my phone and started to use the app where your voice will change once you talk. "Who is behind this?" I asked him. "Seriously? You're gonna hide yourself using that? Obviously you are a woman. I heard you earlier." "Answer the question." I demanded. I want this to be done as soon as possible. "And the fact that you are changing your voice rright now, means you are from here, too." He chuckled at the thought. "Oh my god I am so smart." He complimented himself. I kicked the table where he was tied and he fell because he was dragged by it. "You piece of s**t, let me go!" He yelled at me as he started to trying to untie himself. "Answer the question and you're out of here." "You're not gonna get any answers from me." He said smiling. "I am not the type of person who betrays people." "If you won't answer the damn question, I'm gonna hand you over to someone who can make you talk." His eyes looked up at me. His face changed. Now he knows how real this deal is. "So you better talk now. You don't want broken limbs..." "Regardless if I talk or not, I'll get a broken limb, or I'll be dead. So just do what you wanna do with me." "What do you mean?" I asked him. "If I talk, I'll be killed by them. If not, I'll be killed by your people." "We'll guarantee your safety." I assured him but he just laughed at my offer. "Seriously? Do you think your guys were way more ahead than who I was working for? You gotta be kidding me." He stated. "You cannot beat them." "Who?" I asked him and he just shrugged. _______________________________________________________________________________________ "Coast is clear, you can come in now." After around twenty minutes, someone from the team arrived and took him into custoody. "Good job Agent Alyanna, don't worry, we'll make him talk." They dragged him out of the room. "Let go of me! Who are you?!" He was trying to escape but to no avail, he just let himself get dragged by our people. "They know what happened here! I wasn't able to report to them so they know what happened here and they're not going to let this go!" He yelled at me, chucking and gritting his teth at the same time. "They are going to find out who you are and before you know it, you're already on your way to heaven!" I walked towards him and grabbed him on his shirt. "Then if you manage to be alive after this tell them I can't wait." His eyes locked with mine. "You're voice really do sound familiar." Then he was out ofmy sight. I composed myself for a while before I went back to the emergency exit and wore the dress again. Walking quietly while trying not to get caught by the CCTV wasn't easy. When I finally arrived at the building, I went back through the window that I used earlier. Looking at my watch, I was gone for an hour. I'm sure he was looking for me. When I arrived at the main hall, everybody was dancing, some were at the other room buying the dresses and suits that was modeled earlier. I took a glass of wine from the waiter and casually searched for Daniel but he was nowhere to be found. In the middle of trying to find him, I saw Claude with Elise. When he saw me, he immediately rushed to me and I stopped him. "It was so obvious that you miss me. You're gonna get me killed." I stared at him hard. "I'm sorry I was just so worried you're gone for a while, I don't know what happened to you." Claude brushed my hair this time. "Hang with us? This way you won't look too supicious." I nodded as I cling onto his arm. "Let's talk about what happened tomorrow. There might be eyes or ears here." "I need a cake." I responded and he just laughed. "Alright, sit with her as I get you a cake. A cake to celebrate that you're stll kicking and not getting eaten by the grounds." I left out a huge sigh when my butt met the chair. "Oh my gosh I've never felt this kind of relief before." "Are you okay?" I turned my face to look at Elise who sound a bit better than earlier. "Nice to see you alive again." I said to her and she just smiled. "Daniel was looking for you earlier, but he can't find you. I told him maybe you already went back to your dorm." "Oh." So he did looked for me? I was contemplating if I should wait for Claude to come back with a cake or check if he was at the vendo machine waiting for me. "You should go." Elise shoo-ed me away. "Your face is obvious." "What? No. I am okay." "I know you are okay, but you are gonna be more okay if you check on him." She quoted her hands in the air as she emphasized the word 'more' . "So go, I'll tell Claude you went home already." I hugged her tight. "Come home safe okay? Stop drinking." I rushed towards the nearest exit. This heel surely made it hard for me to run to the dorm. It has been a long night, a very long night. I should just be stting there, waiting for Claude and the cake but I am here, rushing to the dorm just to check if he was there waiting for me. ...and he's not here. I sat at the bench beside the vendo machine and sighed. "What the hell were you thinking, Alyanna." I threw the heels in frustration. "No one's waiting for you." I took a long deep breath before I started walking again. As I opened the door to get inside, Someone from behind me talked, to my surprise, I flinched, "What took you so long?" I turned around to see Daniel Rowder, sipping his favorite juice.
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