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His eyes were very much assuring. It was as if he was talking to me while he's there, being admired by so many people. I almost got caught with his stare. I almost glued myself to my seat. But again, maybe the world hates me so much and the time is against me, I needed to get back to reality. My nerves went on high alert when I saw a group of suspicious civilians walking out of the room. They looked normal, if I was a normal student. But I am not, and the way they moved as the crowd gets busy, I know something is up. I heard the emcee introduced Cleo Xiao and the crowd moved closer to the stage. Everyone was looking forward to seeing him, of course they will use him for a diversion. I quickly yet quietly made my way out of the hall. Just going out of the hall unnoticed made my nerves go nervous. I carefully crawled underneath the long table where the foods for tonight are lined up. When I saw the foot of the waiter moving away from where I was positioned, I silently crawled at the door behind the table. Finally, I was out. Now I am at the hallway, it was kinda dark since all of the lights were not turned on. Silently, I tried to make my way out of the building but of course, it won't be easy. There are full of civilian guards walking casually in front of the building. I sneaked out of the window instead and found myself at the grounds of Addilyn. Moving carefully behind the grasses, I saw the truck entering the university premises. As expected, they are on their way to the designated spot. I was told by our IT department that the moment they unload the drugs out of the tuck, the CCTVs will be on loop. Meaning, that someone from the inside already hacked the CCTV of the university. They told me I should use it to my advantage to catch the student who's behind this drug dealing. Calling our agent who's in charge of telling me if the CCTV is already n the loop, he told me to wait. "Not yet, the CCTV is still on live, don't come out yet. Someone might be inside the CCTV room looking for a last minute suspicion." "Copy." I murmured under my breath. "Not yet." I heard him typing on the other line. "You only have fifteen minutes. It starts now. Be careful." I dropped the call and started to move and go ahead with my plan. Quietly, I went out of the grass and find my way near the emergency exit where The student will make his way out after this whole ordeal. As the truck turned off his engine, I shut the door closed and spied using the window next to it. The driver of the truck hopped out of his seat and started to call someone. His staff, maybe there are three of them, plus the civilian guards, God knows how many they are. I really need to catch the student solo, or else It would be the death of me. Just in case, I have a gun. The staff started to open the truck. I was just here, silently recording everything that might be useful. After what I think is a five minutes waiting game, a guy showed up. He came from the building. "You're late, we only got ten minutes left." The driver told him. "It's okay, just unload the candies now." The guy in a black cap told the driver. Is he the one at the hotel? I can't quite familiarize from this angle. The guys started to unload brown boxes from the truck. He opened one of the boxes to check, before he pointed where they will take the boxes. "Just put it there, a van is on the way to pick it up." He told the driver. The guys piled up the boxes one by one. And I am here, recording everything. I should catch this guy. I definitely should. Not more than a minute when the said van arrived. He made his way to the driver of the van and they started to carry it inside. "So nice that they agreed to use Addilyn as the pick up poin, made it easier for the both of us." I watched the whole ordeal unfold in my eyes. When The truck has nothing more to offer, the driver started he engine again. "That's it, just set an appointment again with Cleo if you need more." They shook hands. "Pleasure doing business with you." I glanced at my watch to see that he has two more minutes before the CCTV will be on live again. I thought he would be rushing, but I was wrong. HE even took out a cigarette on his pocket and lit it up. "Dollar bills coming up." He said to himself as he sip another one before throwing it out. He started walking to my direction. "Let's do this." I said to myself. I already took off my dress and heels and changed into a black shirt and a sneakers and a black cap too matched with a black mask. I hid my dress under the trash bin located behind me, so I could come back for it and change again before the party ends... If ever I am still alive. I heard him footsteps getting near from where I was waiting. The moment he stepped inside, I pulled out my gun and placed it on his head. "Remove your cap and your face mask." I told him. He just gave me a light chuckle."Why would I?" He whispered. "Remove your cap or The bullet will hit your head." "I don't think so. I'm pretty sure you need information more than a bullet in the head. I was about to push the trigger so he would know I am not playing around when he instantly pushed my hands out of his head and my gun dropped. I was surprised. I was caught off guard. The thought that he was just a student occupied my mind and it never occured to me that he will not fight back. HE ran after he saw the gun on the floor. It took me just a second to follow him. He sure knows where all the doors will lead to. I've been following him but when we reached the fourth floor of the building, he was nowhere to be found. I stopped and composed myself. This is what I was trained for. Slowly, I am making my way past the rooms, checking each one that he's not there. I was on the stairs on my way to the fifth floor when I heard footsteps at the first room of the floor. I already checked that earlier and no one was there. As I carefully make my way back to the first room, I heard a loud thump and I can hear someone was being strangled. "Let go of me, dipshit." I heard someone says. I heard another punch being given to the other guy. When I finally reached the room. I saw the black guy in mask and cap tangled by a rope and tied to the table. I immediately scanned the room and I saw a guy escaping the room using the window. "Hey! Stop right there!" I pointed my gun at him and he waved his hands in the air. "Who are you? Remove the scarf in your face." I commanded. "I'm friendly." "Show me yourself." "You should deal with him." I can't quite hear his voice, his whispering, he's trying to conceal his identity. "Show me your face." I moved closer to him. He started moving by opening the window and putting both of his feet on the other side. "Stop or I'll shoot!" I warned. He didn't stop, and I didn't shoot either. When he hopped out of the window, I ran towards it to see where he went but he was nowhere to be found. "You're lucky someone saved you." The guy who was tied on the table said to me. He was right, I don't know how far would the hide and seek will go if it wasn't for that guy who intervened. "Now, for a face reveal." I moved closer to him, getting ready to know who he is.
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