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I woke up to the sound my phone, it was ringing. "Watch the news now, Wonder Woman." I suddenly stood up from my bed, squinting, I grabbed the remote and open the television. "Good morning everyone." I got the juice from the fridge and sat back down on my bed. "Seems like a lot has been going on inside Addilyn University. We just heard a news today that Mr. Joe Stanley, part of the Marketing Department of the said university has been accepting under the table deals from the parents of the basketball team." I wonder how many people are watching this right now. "It was mentioned that if you want your kid to be part of the first five line up, you have to pay the amount of three thousand dollars to Joe Stanley. It was stated here as well that Mr. Stanley will book you a meeting with one of the coaches from the Ivy League." "One down." I murmured to myself. "We still have not heard a reply from the University, for now we are waiting for their response. " --- I went out to buy my breakfast but I saw Daniel from where I usually see him. This time he was just wearing a denim pants topped with a white fitted shirt. He was already staring at me. "Breakfast?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes. "Uh, sure." I replied, walking next to him. This time he took me to the coffee shop next to Glider's. "We don't have any classes for today." He blurted out as he gave me the coffee that he ordered for me. "Why?" I leaned across the table to give him the sugar and cream. "You haven't heard the news? Addilyn is on fire." He smirked but I can see his disappointment. "Oh. That. I heard what happened." He swirled the spoon in his coffee. "I'm trying to keep the order but it seems like the students are not the problem." He eyes were fixated on the coffee. "Well, yeah. Those basketball team, I encountered them once, they act as if they own the place. I bet they don't know their parents were paying a lot just to put them in the line up." I cut the cheesecake in half and gently pushed the plate to him. "Here's yours." "Thank you." We were peacefully eating when someone yelled his name.  "Daniel!" Daniel turned around and saw Demetry walking fast towards him. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while, you even missed the meeting yesterday." Just as when he noticed me, he grabbed two chairs from the other table and put it beside me. "Hi Alyanna. It's been a while, but where is Grey?" He scanned the area as he sat beside me. "Anyway." He waved his hands to the girl on the entrance. "She's back." I glanced on the side he is waving to check who is "she". However, Daniel just took another bite of the cheesecake. The girl walked towards us, smiling, she pulled the chair and sat between the two Ds. Her blonde hair made her stood up in this coffee shop, she is definitely taller than me. She is wearing a red fitted coat partnered with a black skirt. Well obviously, she's with the elite club. "Hi. She held out her hand and I accepted it. I am Andrea." "Alyanna." I smiled at her. "So we got Double A now!" Demetry enthusiastically commented. Andrea just laughed at him. "Hi Daniel." She moved closer to Daniel. Daniel just nodded at her direction. "So I guess you heard the news right? Damn those basketball players, acting as if they rule the place." We all headed back to the campus. Everyone, almost everyone was looking at us.  Ah no, they were looking at Daniel and Andrea. As we were walking down the halls, a group of mini Andrea's approached us. "Andrea! You didn't tell us you were back today." They hugged each other. "Yeah but classes were canceled so, I'll be going home in a few. I already called my driver." We were just standing in the middle of the hall but everyone is avoiding the circle, no one is even telling us to move out of the way. "Can we go with you? Might as well launch a mini party later?" The girls giggled. "That would be nice Andrea!" Demetry entered their space, while me and Daniel, we were just standing idly. Andrea thought of the idea then agreed. The girls and Demetry cheered in response. "I'll make sure to bring little Daniel later." Daniel gave him a hard stare. "I am not going." "Oh no you are." Demetry retorted. "Alyanna can come too right?" He asked Andrea which she gave him a heads up. "Okay. Bring Grey with you." I was about to say I am not going but they just stormed out of the room. "Are you going?" Daniel asked me as he rolled his hands on his hair. "I'll just take Grey, stay there for maybe thirty minutes, then we will go." "So you plan to go with Grey?" Why is that it is not hard for him to stare at me. Meanwhile, it took a lot of effort and confidence to stare at his unreadable eyes. "Yes." That's all I can say. "Alright." He turned around to walk away but he glanced back at me. "Have you read it yet?" "The book? Not yet. I will read it this week don't worry." Silence occupied our space before he walked out of the halls. I went back to my room and jumped on my bed. I looked at my watch, it's only eleven o clock. I turned on the television and chose Youtube to listen to some music. I was about to doze off when my phone rang again. "Congratulations on your first job, Alyanna." It's the organization. "Thank you sir." "We will call you tomorrow for your next assignment. This time, be more careful. It's not just about getting some files from an unguarded room. It's far from that." Again, nervousness filled my body. "Yes sir."
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