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Looking at the ceiling, I really don’t know where to begin. Yesterday I am with a bunch of men older than me, today I am surrounded by people around my age, and I find it very awkward, or should I say uncommon. I am not used to be with people especially teens. I know, I am a teen myself, but imagining my life since the tragic incident, I never saw myself being back to school again. Yet, here I am. I may be back, but not as a normal student who only goes to school to study or make friends. I am here to uncover the dirty dark secrets this university has. After gathering all my remaining energy, I stood up from my bed and moved out of the room.  Just as I closed my door, I saw other girls preparing to go down as well. Unfortunately, I went to the elevator with them. As much as possible I don’t want people to notice me, but I guess that won’t be a problem since there is nothing about me, basically nothing will stand out, especially in this kind of university. Walking outside the dormitory, I was still awed at the whole place. As what Claude said earlier, next to our dormitory is their building. Across the dormitory is the university mall, next to it is a small park. As I walk past the park, I can see students studying, others were just simply hanging out, while they are those who were making out. Walking deeper in this place, I saw the gymnasium for their Olympic sized pool next to the track and field. “Such a huge place” I mumbled as I finally entered the building where my class is located. I stopped on my tracks as I saw bunch of students loitering in the hallway. Nervous, I walked forward, trying not to have an eye contact with anyone. I gripped on my backpack as I walked nervously with my head down. The feeling is very new to me. I’m more used to be with people who have guns instead of books on their hands. Before I could enter my room, just when I thought I won’t be noticed, someone blocked my way. I raised up my head a little. “Excuse me.” The hallway is kind of busy, he’s not actually blocking me. It is the only available space. “Oh. Sorry.”  He was wearing glasses but I can clearly see his ocean eyes examining me. Does he know I am new here? “You are new.”  Oh. He knew. So Claude was right, everyone knows everyone here. “Uh—yeah. So if you will excuse me.” I nodded my head and tried to walk past him but he replied, “You will be embarrassing yourself if you will enter in that room.” “Enlighten me why?”  He fixed his glasses and half smiled at me. He moved his hands and pointed on the direction opposite to where I was standing. “I suggest we move there?” “My form says Building B, Room 104” I handed him my form. If I was wrong, how will he know that? He just saw me about to walk in that room.  “Yes, I can see it here.”  He walked past the students and stopped in front of the vending machines where there are less people.  I followed him anyway. He has my form. “That room is 104, but this is building A” He pointed out the sign displayed at the hallway. “Building B is right there.” I closed my eyes hard. Frustrated and ashamed, I breathed out. What the hell Alyanna, the sign is very visible.  God knows how much I will panic if I entered the wrong room. “I didn’t see that. Thank you.” “No worries, and by the way, welcome.” He rushed to the room where I was supposed to go in as he saw a teacher going inside. He gave me one last glance before he closed the door.  I heard the bell rang. “Oh no.” I panicked again. I thought I was late, but I was still the first one to arrive in the class. I double checked the building and room just in case I’m wrong again. “This should be it.” I searched for a seat. Scanning the whole area, I sat at the back, next to the window. The room itself is huge. It looks neat since the walls are white, while the chairs are black. In front of the room, at the side of the board is an I-don’t-know-how-many-inches-flat screen television. Although, everything looks normal, everything looks big too. I heard the door opened, a group of students came and rushed inside. “I was about to hit him in the face but Mr.Crow barged in. Damn I ---“He stopped his rant when he saw me, an unfamiliar face inside. “Oh. We have a visitor.” “Nope. Just a student.”  I replied back plainly. I looked at his face and saw his eyebrows knitted. Yes, expect me to be in panic mode whenever I think I am running out of time, simply because, from where I came from, if you are a minute late, expect a one day punishment. But don’t expect me to be bullied by anyone.  I break bones. “What did you say?” I can feel his temper as he entered my space. I didn’t answer him, I am sure he heard me the first time. “I’ll ask you again, what did you say?” He moved closer to me, forcing me to make an eye contact with him. I’m sure this boy only knows how to punch and kick, using fear to make his opponent fragile, putting his edgy face in front, making me feel his breath and how much he is grinding his teeth. If I am a normal girl I would have cried.  I could have his bones break the moment he stepped in my space but I chose not to. I don’t wanna be known for kicking his butt and be the hero of those he bullied. Too much attention can ruin my plan. “Uhm—I said I am no visitor, I am a student.”  “Move. Out. Of. My. Seat.” He tapped the desk hard. I flinched. Of course, that was fake. Maybe he thought I was afraid of him, because when I moved out of ‘his’ seat, he let out a huge laughter. Throwing his bag at the side of his seat, he gave me another lecture. “Know your place, little girl.” I swear right now I could throw you down the window using my left hand.  I never understand why someone is a bully. A bully sucks. His company examined me whole as they walked past me. Aside from this man, there are 2 more guys and 3 girls, who I think, will be the antagonist of my story while I am here. I could sense how they wanna drag my hair out already just by the way they stare at me. “When he told you to know your place, he actually means you don’t belong here.” The first woman blurted, while extending his hands and tilting her head in my direction. Everyone gave out light chuckles as they move to their seats. “Give the rookie a break, it’s just the first day. You still wanna see her tomorrow right?”  I should commend myself for trying to stay calm and holding on to my patience. I closed my eyes for a second and gave myself a breather. “For dad.” I whispered to myself. Other students arrived together with the class’ teacher. Everyone were so busy greeting their friends, finding a good seat, pulling out notebooks in their bags, so many movements. “So hello and welcome to my class.” The teacher finally spoke. “I am Ms. Hilda, and this class is Literature.” She sound happy and excited. While she is giving her introduction, my mind went somewhere. We only have four months to finish this mission, or else everything would have gone to waste. I came here with only one main purpose, to find who killed my dad. Everything still seems like a puzzle to me, even our organization got clues but not enough to uncover everything. This university, a top notch, they say. It look so prestigious on the outside, but it is not what it seems. This university is full of lies. This is just a façade. I am the last resort and I will make sure I’ll finish this. “Let’s start counting!” The teacher clapped. Bursting my bubble, I heard them counting. “1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13” “1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10” “11” I said, not knowing what is happening. “12-13” The counting stopped. “Okay, so go meet your partner and talk about your assignment. Remember, deadline is next week. This is what I hate in school. When the teacher is trying to group you with people even if the assignment can actually be done alone. I sighed at the thought. “You don’t even know me and you are already sighing.” I turned around and found a man that is maybe 5 inches taller than me. He is not thin but I can say he’s body is kind of built, I can see it from his unbuttoned uniform under his fitted shirt. He has this brown orbs and I can see so many expressions just by looking at his eyes. If eyes can talk, his orb speaks so many words. “I’m sighing at the thought of probably going to a classmates’ house to complete the assignment.” I said to him. Leaning on the wall, he left out a small chuckle. “Yes, you are right about that. It’s going to be a pain.” “Uh- yeah.” I replied. “But. My mind were somewhere else earlier, I really have no idea what are we going to do.” “I can help you with that” He pulled a small note in his pocket. “Here, I made Eric write it while I was sleeping.” Before giving the note, he pulled a little closer and offered his hand. “Name is Grey. Grey Mitchell.”  “Alyanna. Alyanna Lewis.” “You plan our assignment. I don’t even know what’s written in that and I’m in a hurry so yeah—“ He buttoned his uniform and fixed himself, “see you tomorrow partner!” Then just like that, he was out of the room. It’s just the first class and I already find it very tiring. I walked past the hallway and my feet dragged me to the cafeteria. I guess it’s lunch that’s why I find the area, which is huge, very crowded. You could barely hear the music, just full of student’s noises.  I got in the line and examined the people around me right now. I can see different uniforms too. The regular uniform here is a white polo long sleeves topped with a beige coat. Of course, black skirt for the girls, black slacks for the guys. Don’t forget the ribbon and the tie. Here inside the cafeteria, I can see students wearing their jerseys, their cheerleading uniforms, different club shirts – Science, Mathematics. But one uniform stood out for me. I saw a group of people at the corner of the cafeteria wearing a white polo long sleeves topped with a royal blue suit with a bit of gold lining in their collars. Out of all the people here, they looked neat. Staring at their group, I saw the guy that I bumped into earlier. He is eating his lunch with them. My eyes were glued to them I didn’t notice it was already my turn to get food. I sat at the opposite corner from where the guys in royal blue suit were sitting. I still don’t have any idea who are they and how they are different from the others. As I was digging into my meal, silence occupied the whole area. Now, I can hear the music playing on the background. “Hush ladies, he’s here” I turned to the group of cheerleaders behind me. I saw the girl looking at the entrance. Curious, I turned around and leaned a little to see who is ‘he’. Another guy in royal blue suit walked into the cafeteria. Everybody were quiet. Everyone is looking at him. “Here.” The guy that I bumped into called him. We were trained not only for physical combat but we are taught how to read a person too. From the way they talk to the way they walk, and the way they act, everything. This guy is different, I could not understand this heaviness I felt upon seeing him. “Who are you?” I mumbled to myself. I don’t know if I forgot my meal or what but this whole time I just stared at him intently even if I was far across them. However, he knew I was staring. Because he stared back at me.
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