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“Meet me outside. Glider’s Café. 7pm.” I received a text message from Claude. I instantly deleted the conversation and headed back to my next class. Just when I was about to sit down, a student stood up in front of the class. “Mr. Robertson won’t be here today, he’s giving this day for free.” Everyone in the class hollered as if they’ve been out of the prison. I packed my stuff and walked outside the room. Instead of roaming around the halls achieving nothing, I searched for the library which is located across this building. As I walked inside, the smell of the old books infiltrated my nose. In our organization, library is my second haven. First is of course, is the firing location. “Excuse me. ID please.” “Here.” I handed down my identification card to the personnel. “Welcome to Addilyn University”  “Yes, thanks.” “Just a briefing, you may borrow any books you like, just make sure to punch this chip, together with your ID at the counter.” He pointed the chip at the back of his book. Wow, books have chips?  Just to give you an insight, this library is 4 story tall. The first floor, basically, it’s just a lobby. The reception area, where the staff was located is at the middle of this room. There are computers located at the corner, but other than that, nothing else. The walls are made of marbles, gray marbles, which made it look more of a hotel than a library. The second floor is where you can find all the computers. Third is where you can find all the books and the last floor is prohibited to students. I searched for a vacant seat at the third floor. I placed my bag then I started walking in front of the shelves. As I carefully scanned for the titles, something grabbed my attention. “The history of Addilyn University” I murmured to myself. Maybe giving me more insights about the people inside this University will help me with my mission. I immediately grabbed the book and went back to my seat. I was about to open the book but students started coming and in a matter of minutes, the area seems crowded. I grabbed my bag together with the book, hiding it with my scarf and immediately looked for a counter. Finding one at the back of the shelves, I placed the book’s chip and my id in front of the scanner.    Last class ended and I hurried down to the dormitory. It’s 5 in the afternoon and everyone is just busy packing their things. Some are staying here in the dorm, some were picked up by their drivers. Finally, my personal space. I lie for about five minutes before I let my mind work. I haven’t started anything yet. I know it is just the first day and this can be an exception but I always feel I am running out of time. It’s just the first day but so many questions linger. If this university is a top notch, why are there guys like the one I confronted earlier? I am pretty sure I am not the first one who experienced that here. Who are those in the royal blue suit? Are they like that prince and princesses here?  “That doesn’t even exist now Aly.” I just laughed at the thought. Lastly, who is that guy that made everyone quiet? He is the biggest question for today. Maybe today was so much for me I felt very tired. I haven’t been with so many people for four years so everything feels new to me. However, wearing this uniform made me realize I am still on my teenage years. I haven’t noticed nor focused on that since that day. Since they took dad away from me.  I woke up at the sound of the alarm. I opened my phone and time says 6:30 PM. I was out for an hour and a half. I just remembered I have a meeting with Claude. “Shit.” I stood up from my bed and opened my luggage. I haven’t unpacked everything yet. I just used what my hand got first. I looked straight in the mirror and combed my hair. I also applied little make up so I won’t look dull or pale. Glider’s café is just a ten minute walk from the university.  “Here.” I found Claude sitting outside the café. “Is it safe to talk here?”  “Of course. I have this for a prop.” He pulled out a notebook. “Wow, very useful.” I retorted. “We look like classmates doing homework here. Chill. Don’t look so still.” He gave me a light chuckle.  Claude is wearing a white v neck shirt with a denim jacket, paired down with a black pants. He has a long light brown hair, a color that matches his eyes. His hair were tied in a knot. “So congratulations on your first day, I hope you didn’t forget why you are here.” “You might, I won’t.”  His eyebrows knitted together. “Do you even understand a joke?” Sighing, he removed his jacket and placed it on the table.  “Here, look at this guy in the picture. Name is Joe Stanley” He pulled out a photo of a man around his mid thirties. He’s wearing a beret, and a round glasses. His hair is tucked well in the beret but I think the color is chestnut. “He is currently the Advertising director of the university. Anyway, you can just google his job description. Organization has eyes on him, and this beret dude here has more to offer. Aside from his job, he’s doing something, you know, illegal?” We can’t figure out yet what, maybe you can help us with this. You are the most unnoticeable girl right now in the campus so if your eyes roam around they won’t even doubt you and just think that you are lost.” He handed me the photo but I returned it to him. “No need, I already familiarized his face.” “What a memory. They all looked the same to me.” He just laughed as he inserted his hands at the arm holes of his jacket. “Oh I forgot to mention, when he is out of the university, he has body guards. So I highly suggest do your thing inside the school where he is alone. We don’t want to get caught in the early game right?” “Well I hope to find clues inside the university then.” “Good luck Blues Clues” He stood up from his chair and gently tucked it back in. “Don’t get caught.” “It’s not on my list of to do’s, so no need to worry over something that won’t matter.”   I went back to my dormitory and immediately opened the book I borrowed. “Joe Stanley, Joe Stanley, Joe Stanley… Here.” I drowned myself in reading this whole book, I made sure I left nothing out. I know I might get nothing reading this but at least I am aware of the people running this university. Nervousness engulfed me. I know sooner or later I will be starting but I never thought it will be this early. Well, at least I might get out of here and solve it in a matter of time. I stood up from my bed then checked my bag. I opened the secret pocket that is located at the bottom of the bag. I pulled out the phone that the organization provided me. They gave me a spare one that I will only take out whenever I am inside my room. This is where I will be sending them all the information and then they will take care of it. Honestly, I am still confused on how things that are happening inside, is connected to my dad’s tragic death. As much as I wanna ask the organization, they just provided me pieces of information. Maybe I’ll get to know everything once I unveil all the secrets here. I already tucked myself inside the blankets but it’s been two hours already and I am still wide awake. “Ugh. First night always sucks.” I escaped my bed then went to peek inside the refrigerator.  I only found a single piece of what they call “welcome bread” and an orange juice in can. It’s already eleven in the evening and my feet is dragging me to go outside. Well obviously it is prohibited, but there is always a room for first time. If ever I’ll get caught, I’ll just tell the guard I didn’t know and I won’t do it again. I pulled out my pair of slides and opened my door. Walking in the empty hallway, I just realized how far is my room to the other rooms. Not just mine actually, all of the rooms here were like meters apart from each other.
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