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We walked to the restaurant that they mentioned earlier. While Claude and Elise are busy chatting about some stuff, my mind was occupied by Daniel. I know he is well off. It just feels different when I saw him earlier in a suit, with body guards. So he works, too. Just like Grey. At their early age, they work for their family company. Looking back, I haven't seen Grey for a while now. I somehow managed to grasp the situation. Maybe he was just bored when he was with me. For Daniel, he is still a mystery to me. I still don't know why he wanted me to read that book. I sighed at the thought. I guess I should just finish it. "Here we go. I am sure you're gonna love it here!" Elise exclaimed in excitement. We settled on the empty seat near the entrance door. "Just order what you want." __________________________ "Well, that's one hell of a day." Elise stretched out her arms in the air. "Yeah, it's been a while since I last went to the mall." Claude replied. "We should do this again!"  She always sound excited. I can't help but to smile. I am glad I got this kind of day before I move on to my next mission. It's going to be harder than I thought but I want to finish everything I soon as possible, so I could go on with my life. We were about to get in the car when my phone rang. "You guys hop in the car, I'll just take this call fast." I walked to the other side of the road as they opened the car and put their stuff at the trunk. "Hello? Who is this?" The number wasn't registered on my phone. "Hi. It's me, Daniel." A deep voice replied to me. How did he get my number?  "Uh, h-hi." I don't know why I cannot even say the word without even stuttering. Is it because it' freezing cold here outside? "I got your number from Demetry. Just in case you're wondering." He paused for a while. "Uhm, do you still remember what I told you that night?" The formal party.  "Uh- yes, of course." "Do you still want to come? Uh- I don't want to force you." He replied, his voice were getting deeper. From here I can feel his eyes staring at me. "Uhm, yeah." I cannot find the right words to say, damn. "Anyway, I'm just confused, is that different from the Fashion Night that the kids are going crazy about? That's next week, too."  "This one is different." He paused again, he was waiting for my answer.  "Oh."  Is there anything else I can say aside from "Oh", "Ah" and "Yes"? "It's a company dinner. Our company will be acquiring a new land just few blocks around the university." "O-okay. Just text me the time then." "Since I invited you, I'll buy you a dress. " "You don't have to. I can --" I was cut off by his deep voice. "See you around." And just that, he hung up. ___ "Hope you had fun today." Claude tapped my shoulder. "I didn't know how much I needed that." I smiled at him. " Thank you Claude." "Anytime." Elise and I went separate ways when we reached the lobby. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Let's grab some lunch." Elise hugged me and I tapped her head in return. I entered the elevator when the door opened. There are three girls waiting beside me. As soon as the elevator closes, they all giggled. "I can't believe what we just saw!" "I know right!" "Are they dating?" Really, when will their gossip end. "I don't know, I haven't seen them together until tonight." "I can't believe I just saw Grey kissing Dianne." I went out of the elevator first. I hurried down to my room. I unpacked my stuff then went straight to the bathroom. "Finally."  Alone. Again. With messed up thoughts in my head. As much as I tried to let go of what I heard in the elevator, I cannot help but think. Is she the one on the photo in his wallet?  Shouldn't I be happy that there is no more spoiled brat clinging beside me? This is what I want, right? This is what I need. I need people not be be so involved in my life. Yet, at the back of my mind I couldn't help but get mad at him. He could at least tell me right? I mean, he keeps on saying stuff that made me think, that somehow... Atleast somehow... I earned a friend. But he just left me. Just like what everybody does. They leave. _________ 8 AM I overslept. "Damn." I sat on my bed. "I won't make it on the first period." Even though my next class would be 11, I took my shower and went out of the room. I walked around the hallway and explored some of the floors of this dorm. I thought we all have the same room.  What I have is the most basic room, or what they call it  "Level 1." I just found out today that rooms were consist of three levels. Level one for those who got the scholarship, level two for those who pays the tuition fees but cannot afford the Level 3 which is the Penthouse. Andrea is on Level 3. ___ I made my way down to the first building. I'll search for a vacant couch there, I forgot I have a homework to do. I was so busy yesterday I forgot I have three deadlines today.  I unloaded my bag and opened my laptop. I put on my earphones and started typing down notes. "Hey." A familiar voice behind my back. I turned around to see Daniel on his Student Council uniform. "Hey." I removed my earphones. He walked past me and sat across my couch. "Deadlines? I can feel the rush from here." He gave me a warm smile. "Yes. Although, I don't regret I prioritized Tekken over this."  He chuckled lightly. His deep voice occupied my space again. "Well, I saw you. You played well." "What? You saw me? I just saw you on the escalator. God, that was embarrassing." I rubbed my temples. "I saw you when I was on my way up to the office."  "Oh." Silence occupied our space. "Aly." He whispered under his breath. "Hmm?" I replied. I moved a little closer to him although it's still far since there is a table dividing us. "I wanna know you more."
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