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I am still confused about Daniel's actions but that is not why I am need to think right now. I walked down the halls away from the library and walked past the crowd of students who were so busy doing their own stuff. The jealous part of me is coming out again. I wish I could be just like them, they might have their concerns but I am pretty sure it is not as big as mine that I need to make a lot of sacrifices to solve the problem. I never knew my dad was an agent until the day he was killed. He doesn't even mind about giving peace to this city, as per his friends, but he needs the money. He needs the money that the organization provides because I am studying, and he doesn't want me to feel that I am a burden to him since my mom left us. I don't recall any memory of my mom. I think it's better off that way. I don't ask my dad about it, too. Sometimes he tried to tell a story about her but I cut him off. I was told that she knows where we live, so if she wanted to know me, even a bit, she will try to see me. But she didn't. Even on my dad's burial she wasn't there, and I don't need to be curious about someone who is not even curious about me. About my dad, he gives me everything I want, I need, I like. There are times when we were at the mall and I am staring at this red dress that cost around a hundred bucks, if I remember it correctly, he just asked me. "You like that kid?" I simply nod in response. As I turned around and made a promise to myself that I will buy that dress next week, he called the lady and asked to assist us because he was going to get it for me. The lady smiled softly at him. Even her can see how much my dad loves me. As he paid for the dress, I told him that I am going to get a high score on the exams, but he just shook his head. "No, I didn't buy you the dress to give me something in return. Wear this, enjoy a night with your friends. If you need me to pick you up just give me a message." He patted my head and continued on walking to the parking lot. "I just want you to pass your exams,  I don't need high scores, Alyanna."  That's my dad. All he did was for me. He entered this dangerous job because he wants to provide for me. He doesn't want me to feel like there is something missing. He did his best to fill up everything I need. When someone came from our doorsteps and told how my dad died. I asked them instantly if I can join the organization. At first, they were hesitant. But they gave in after a week, and that is where I started to train. I peeked at my watch and noticed it was already five in the afternoon. I sat at the bench of the football field and just stayed there to pass the time. I scribbled down some notes, recalled my plan, watched the players ran and slipped in the mud since it rained a little earlier.  I stayed there for around an hour. When I noticed it was already six in the evening. I called Claude. "Hey. How are you?" Claude asked me, I can hear music on his background. "I am sorry, am I disturbing you? "No, it's alright. I am at the bar. Wait, I'll just go out so I can hear you." I heard him saying excuse to people then I heard a door shut. "So, spill." Claude said, running out of breath a little. "I'll do it around seven." "What? I thought you will do it after the curfew?" I can hear his voice were worried. "Yep. But I changed my mind. It would be hard to sneak in if it's already midnight." I replied as I opened a pack of gum and chewed it as if I am not worried about anything right now. "Make sure you keep yourself hidden okay? Take care of yourself. Let's see each other tomorrow." I smiled even though he is on the other line. "Treat me to Glider's tomorrow, Claude." "Of course. Anything you want. So live and don't die tonight."  "Roger." Then I hung up. I started walking in the halls of building A, trying to get close to the office without being suspected. Now I am close to the office's door. I am here sitting at the emergency stairs, I used the book Daniel gave me, the Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen for a prop, fake reading it. Around thirty minutes of walking, I saw Mr. Stanley left the room with his bag. Much to my surprise, it was unlocked. Gives me more time. I don't know if I should consider myself lucky or it was a set up. But either way, when no one was coming to my area, I opened the door slightly then checked if someone was there. When I found no one, I went inside instantly. When I was inside, I started to count the time, I need to get out within five minutes. I opened the lights then searched swiftly. I started at the cabinets below his table, finding nothing but entrance examinations papers, I moved on to the next drawer beside the door.  My heart is pounding fast but I need to focus here, I need the yellow folder. I made sure all my movements didn't make any sound.  I opened all the cabinets but there is no yellow folder anywhere. I looked at my watch "s**t. two more minutes." Two more safe minutes before the guards will check the room and lock it. I hurriedly scanned the whole area, tables, chairs, cabinets, boxes, and it's very frustrating. Realizing that I'm losing here, I closed my eyes for a while then inhaled deeply. Focus Aly. I said to myself. Exhaled. I once again scanned the room with my eyes. There is a painting that was placed on the wall across his desk. The position were a bit slanted to the right. I walked towards the painting and moved it quietly to the side to check if there is something at the back. There it is. The yellow folder at the top of a safe box. I immediately took a photo of the safe box then grabbed the yellow folder. I moved the painting back to its proper position when I heard a phone rang. It came from the outside. "Wait. I will be there in a second. I just left my other phone in the office. My heart started pounding faster than before. My eyes roamed in panic looking for somewhere to hide. I ran at the back of the shelf. There is a huge possibility that he will see me here if he will open the lights. I hid myself. The door opened and now his voice were echoing inside the room. "Yes. I will be meeting them later." I can see his feet moving towards his desk. "I got a lot of commissions earlier. Parents were begging me to help them get their kids to the starting line up." Starting line up? What is he talking about? "Oh there. I found it." He grabbed the phone then walked out of the room again. Imagine if he opened the lights. I might be caught already. I stood up then opened the door softly. I took a quick glance - left and right, when I saw no one, I walked out of the room then went upstairs where I left my bag. I put the folder inside the bag as quickly as possible. Regaining my composure, I started walking again as if nothing happened. I just did my first assignment tonight. I looked at my watch. I finished the job in fourteen minutes. If I was in training, I will be having my punishment now. Fourteen minutes is a long time. As I walked out of the building, I automatically hurried down to the vendo machine. There is Daniel. "Hey." I walked towards him. His eyes immediately met mine. "Hey." I don't know what made me say this, maybe because there is this fulfilling feeling inside me right now that needs to burst out silently, and he is the one in front of me now. "Dinner at Glider's?" His eyes popped a little. That's the first time I saw his orbs with expression. "Okay." What a plain reply.    We reached the Glider's but unfortunately there are no more tables left for us. "Come with me." He lightly grabbed me by my shoulders. "I know a place." We were still walking when the rain entered the scene and it started pouring again. "Let's go there." He pointed at the closed store across us. When took refuge in this little shed.  He immediately unbuttoned his suit then handed it to me. "Wear it, so your arms won't get wet." It doesn't  sound like he was offering, it sounded imperative so I just took and wore it. In a blink, his fragrance roamed my nose. It smells gourmand, it was sweet. It feels warm. "Let's take a cab." "The Vineyard" I murmured to myself but of course, he heard it. " I haven't been here before." "Well, welcome to my haven."  as we reached the front of the hall, he opened the door. I was waiting for him to enter but he went to the side then signaled me to come in first. Well, I am not used to guys being a gentleman to me, if that's what this means. I've been with s lot of guys because of the training but they never considered me a woman. "Thanks" I said to him, he just nodded in response. The waiter approached us and smiled at us gently. "For two, this way." I was about to pull my own chair when Daniel pulled it for me. "Thanks." How many thanks am I giving him tonight? Can you give me another word for thanks so I won't sound like a robot? Another first, he gave me his cheeky smile. "Why?" I asked him, my eyebrows arched in confusion. "It's just that, I'd be rich tonight if your 'thank yous' are convertible to cash." "Well, what should I say..." The waiter went straight up to us then handed the menu. "Just call me when you're ready, I'll be right there." "Okay." Very Daniel. "I'll have the ribeye steak." He put down the menu as his eyes found his way to mine. "I.. I.. I don't know. I guess I'll just have the same as yours, if that is okay." He called the waiter and gave him our order. As always, silence occupied our space, but this time I was the first one to break it. "Daniel, why do you want me to read the book?" "So you can tell me the story. He looked sideward as he sip his water from the glass. The pointed nose became visible from this angles. The jawlines too, "Well, you can read it yourself, so why?" "Let's meet on the other day. Five in the afternoon. Tell me the story." "You're giving me a job, president." "I'm curious about that book, but I don't have the time to read it. When we were at Glider's with D and your boyfriend, you sound interested about the book I was reading so I'm guessing you are also into books." He straightened his back from his chair as he continued to stare at me. "But yeah, I really don't have the time but I want to know what happened. Those books on the shelf, I haven't read them yet." My head tilted in his direction. "Well, you didn't even asked me if I have the time." His gaze ran on my skin. He moved closer as he placed his both hands on the table. "Then please, find time."
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