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Grey and I walked separately to our classes. As I opened the door, I immediately sat at the farthest back of the room. I am too occupied by what is going to happen later. I don't want to be called since I won't be listening to the lecture. The students started to gather in groups since the professor is not yet here. I pulled out a notebook in my backpack and scribbled some notes. I was just staring at the window for the whole duration of the class when someone popped my personal bubble. "Here is your test result, rookie." Everyone calls me rookie, since they know I am a transferred student and I didn't came from any of the rich families. "Thank you." I peeked on my watch and noticed it was already eleven forty five in the morning. Fifteen more minutes until the bell, I walked past an array of busy students, I scooted over and excused myself for walking in front of them, I walked fast so I won't be disturbing their gossip time. As I reached the cafeteria, I scanned for a vacant seat but thanks to my bad luck, none. I was about to go outside and take a lunch at Glider's when someone tapped my back. He is wearing his student council uniform. "Come." His cold aura occupied both of our space instantly. "Where?" He didn't answer my question so I just followed him. "Here." I sat across him. "Is it okay? This is for the Student Council members." "Yeah. You're with me, it is fine." I quietly sat across him, as I dropped my bag, I noticed people were already staring at me, at us. I don't know what is on their mind, but I can feel their glares poking me, every part of me. "What do you want for lunch?" He asked me as he stood up from his seat. "No. I'll fall in line." "I don't need to fall in line so just tell me." He stared at me blankly. "Uh. Their set meal A." I handed him my money but he just ignored it. As he came back with the foods on his tray, people were still staring at us. Is this the feeling you get for eating with the President of the Student Council? "Here." He scooted over and handed me my meal. "Uh. Thank you." "Do you have class after this?" He initiated the conversation since we haven't talk for like five minutes. "No. I'm on vacant until two." "You have plans to do before two?" He asked me. His eyes were fixated on his food. "None." My eyes roamed around and people are still staring at us. "Can you help me with something later?" His eyes went straight to me. He really looks cold. He stared at me plainly. "Sure." After we ate, we went straight to the library. I wondered what are we doing here. "So, help you with what?" I followed his trail. Looking curiously as we rode the elevator going down. "Are we allowed here? This area is for the employees only, right?" He looked at me as he unbuttoned his suit. "Yes." "Then why are we here?" We reached the bottom floor and I cannot see anything. There are no lights open, I can smell old books in this area. From what the elevator lights can reach, the walls were old, too. "Uhmm. Daniel?" I tried to search for him but he was gone in an instant. "Wait." I heard his voice from a far, then suddenly lights of the room went on. It's a wide empty room. The walls were old gray stone, there is a single bookshelf and a table at the right side of the room, then there is Daniel, standing next to it. "Sit here." I really don't know what I am doing here but since I followed him, might as well just follow him until he tells me what to do. He placed the chair in front of the bookshelf. I did what he told me. I sat there, like a kid, waiting for him to speak. "I just want you to pick a book." "What? We came all the way own here, just for me to pick a book?" "Just pick one first." I stood up from my seat. I brushed the tip of my fingers on the books. Slowly, I scanned the titles, and one caught my attention. "The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen." I whispered. I heard him stood up from his seat. "Oh, you are into memoirs." "Yes. They give me the feeling that I live in that exact moment." Daniel took the book from the shelf and wiped the covers to remove the dirt. "Here. Take this." "No one owns this?" I asked curiously. "And why? Why made me choose a book in this underground room. I can choose one upstairs." "Well, there no memoirs upstairs." He moved the chairs near the table. "and second, I want you to read that, then the next time we meet, tell me the story." Daniel looks very mysterious to me. One day he is ignoring me, then the next day he is talking to me. He is even asking me to read a book. He is the whole opposite of Grey, who looks as clear as crystal, his eyes speaks a lot, unlike Daniel, his eyes looks passive, I cannot see any expressions. Staring at him, his most noticeable feature so far is his nose, it is very pointed. I must admit, he looks very handsome from where I am sitting right now. He really looks like the President of Student Council. "Why do I need to do that? What will I gain from that? You can read it yourself" I said to him. "Well, it is my job for you. I am the Student Council President, and if you rejected this, I guess I'll see you at the office?" Oh. Now he is not what I think he is. Is he this arrogant? "Now you are using your position for personal purposes, huh." I know he can hear that disappointed tone in my voice. He moved closer to me as he those orbs stared into mine. "You'll know once you finish the story, Alyanna." How come this guy can make me follow him. 
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