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"So tell me." Claude said in between chewing his gum and talking to me. "Are you ready for The Fashion Night?" "Of course, there's already a plan in my head waiting to be executed." I replied. We were both sitting idly at the garden next to the cafeteria, both waiting for our next class. "It took you a while to get into your second mission, uh." He lay down on the grass. He poked my back and signaled me to do the same, which I did. "I won't be able to help you with your task that night so you better be careful, okay?" It's nice to actually hear the brotherly concern of Claude again. "I wasn't assigned here just for you to baby sit." I replied in a matter of fact tone. "I have some stuff to do as well on that night." He sighed. "It's tiring..." I could definitely relate to that. "I just want to finish everything here so I could finally start with Elise properly." I looked at him in excitement. "See? You're serious about her!" "Of course I am, but I still don't deserve her, I've been keeping a lot of secrets from her." He sat up straight. "Sometime she thinks I am dating a lot of women because there came a time when I need to go while we are on a date because the organization called me." "I really haven't given any thoughts before about just being a normal student until I came here and I saw them." I pointed at the students walking past us. "Sometimes, it's kind of special to be just normal." But, on the other hand, "It would take a lot to be different.". He offered his hand so I could stand and walk away from the comfort of this grass. "Let's go, I'll take you to your class." _______________________________________________________________________________________   I was about to enter my next class when Grey walked up to me. "Here we go again." Claude whispered. "Go now, I'll take it from here." I told him.  "You sure?" Claude asked. "Yeah. You're going to be late on your next class." Claude patted me on the back before walking away from where we stand. "What now?" I asked him, looking disturbed. "Please, just let me explain." Grey begged. He tried to hold my hand but I walked away swiftly from where he was standing. "Don't touch me." I said passively. "I am sorry. I really am sorry." Grey pleaded, his eyes were becoming teary every second he tried to meet my orbs. "I must admit, that was the first plan." He explained. I kept my eyes on his orbs. "On the first few days of classes, Andrea saw Daniel at the CCTVs of the premises that he was staring at you. When she noticed it, she learned that you are my classmate, and asked me to get close to you so Daniel would avoid you since he hates me in some ways." When he realized I wasn't running away from him. He continued his story. "I took her offer because I know you are a good person, and second, I don't want you to get involved in their mess."  "You could've just warned me. Yet you played me." "No! It was real. I agreed to her, yes. But I came to like it. I liked the bond we have, so I continued on being with you without her agenda on my mind. I became attached to the idea of us being partners." "Still.." "I'm sorry, partner." This time, a tear fell down from his eyes but he wiped it immediately. "Just leave me alone, Grey." The moment he explained everything, I know he has a point. It shouldn't be a big deal already since he explained that the bond we had weren't scripted after all. Maybe he was just trying to lighten up the situation, I don't know. But, I think I am getting more involved to them everyday I live here. I should stay away from him, now that I know Andrea has some control over him. And, I should not be involved with Daniel , too. If I want to finish my job without getting caught, I should get out of Andrea's sight. Or else, I'll be caught in her trap and no one's going to save me. Not even the organization. ________________________________________________________________________________________ My notes were full of doodles, I wasn't even paying attention now that the exams are near. I should be focusing on my job so I could finish this as soon as I can, and focus on my studies so my scholarship won't be terminated. My attention has been torn by this whole ordeal and I should get back on my feet now that The Fashion Night is tomorrow. Sighing at the thought, the class finally ended. I was scheduled to meet with Ms. Hilda later in the afternoon. Glancing at my watch, it's only two, I still have two hours left so I decided to go back to my dorm. I was just about to turn on the television when my phone rang. "Hello?" Said the other line. "Who is this?" I asked as I tried to tear down the pack of chips using my one hand. "This is Ylona, I am Daniel's sister, can I talk to you in person?" Her voice were sweet, just like Elise. Where did she get my number? "Uhm.. May I know the reason why?" I asked her. I put the chips on the bed side table to stand up from my bed and focus on talking to her. "Just some girly stuff... I bet you know what I mean?" She lightly chuckled on the other line but I am confused since 'girly stuff' was never my forte. It's 'guns and defense training' stuff for me. "I am sorry, I have no clue." "Oh." She said. "Okay, let's just get to the point here." I heard her jumped from her bed. "So I know my brother likes you, and I know you'll ask me how, but I prefer to tell you everything in person. So... Can we meet?" I was speechless. I know Daniel wasn't the expressive type, so I don't know how she knows. I have no clue that he has a sister, too. See, he's that secretive. "Uhh-- I am sorry but I need to study for the exams tonight, and tomorrow is The Fashion Night." I said. I should stop getting involved with him, the more days passed. I am getting to know more people from his circle. Aside from that, if in any way, Andrea learned I met with his sister, she'll go berserk for sure. "Please? Just an hour... or thirty minutes will do! I just need to tell you something as well." Why does everyone would like to tell me something? "I could only spend thirty minutes out the university. As much as I would like to talk, there are just so many deadlines. I could totally set aside everything since this might be something important, but I should act like I don't give a damn. I  have no clue, she might be with Andrea. I  should start doubting everyone around me. That way I'm safe. "It will be fast, don't worry. Call you again tomorrow."  
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