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I’m so tired and sleepy. I wasn’t able to eat since the meeting started. Right now, I’m just staring blankly at the presentation in front of me.  “If we will be able to steal the largest available land for sale at the center of Grant, then for sure we will be able to finally achieve our long term goal, to have a ‘Sinclair City’.  The meeting went on for another hour before it has ended.  “Sir Daniel, buffet is waiting at the VIP lounge.”  “That’s good to know, I am famished.”  I stood up from my seat, buttoned my suit then shook the hands of those who presented earlier.  “Submit your files to my secretary, I will review it again, then I’ll tell you as soon as possible whose idea were going.”  I walked out of the room then went straight to the escalator.  “Your next meeting is with Milton Company at six. Do you want me to move it?” He reminded me, checking out all the schedules I have for today.  Glancing at my watch, I still have forty five minutes left. “No. I’d rather finish it early, I am tired.” “Noted on this, Sir.” He took out his phone from his pocket and I heard him talking to the Milton’s secretary.  As the escalator goes down, I can see the face of whom these past few days, occupies my brain most of the time. Alyanna.  I see her with Claude and an unfamiliar girl.  I tried to maintain my composure and as I went past her, I saw her eyes looking into mine.  It’s not that I didn’t say anything.  I cannot say anything.  I made my way to the VIP lounge but my thoughts were somewhere else.  After I finished my meal I went out to check where they went. From that direction, they’re heading for the arcade center.  “Sir, you have a meeting in roughly fifteen minutes.”  “I’ll be back by then.” I assured him. “But if not, tell them I’ll just finish some stuff and wait a little longer.”  I ran as fast as I could.  I hurried up to the escalator and stopped when I was in front of the arcade center.  Catching my breath, I walked inside and searched for her.  It only took me a couple of seconds to see her playing with Claude and that girl.  Standing here secretly. I asked myself why did I ran here. I don’t even have a plan to talk to her.  ————————— I was on my way to the Cafeteria when Demetry yelled at me. His eyes were wide open. He was running towards my direction.  “What’s with the rush?” I stopped him on his tracks. After he breathed a little, he whispered something in my ear. “She’s back.” “Who?” “Your ex.”  My stood there for a while, trying to compose myself but just the thought of her makes my hatred come back.  “Oh.” That is the only thing I could say to him.  “Are you going to be okay?”  “Why would I not.” I simply replied to Demetry as I turned my back on him.  I still cannot forgive her from what she did to me.  How did she managed to destroy everything I built just because she was so selfish.  Well I know I would be seeing her since they own this university, but I just can’t force myself to act as if everything’s normal.  "Just asking." Demetry replied. _________________________________________________________________________________________ It was not in my list of plans to come here tonight. Demetry just forced me to come here at Andrea's party. As I was busy pouring a drink for myself, I saw two faces came down the halls. Alyanna and Grey. He was holding her waist, assisting her every step of the way. I don't know what's his plan but the moment Grey noticed I saw them, he held her even tighter. I almost spilled the drink but I managed to stop pouring the wine before it reach the top of the glass. I walked out of the halls. I am very confused on how I feel whenever it's about Alyanna. The bad blood between me and Grey clearly has nothing to do with this. Whenever she's around, I feel suffocated because I can feel her so close to me. However, I always search for her when she's not reachable. As I found my way at the corner of the halls, I saw her moving out of the room. With the bustling music occupying my ears, I went out, too. I always see her with Grey, and I know Grey noticed that I am acting a bit odd with Alyanna. I don't know if she's just using her to get even with me. My response? Of course, I followed. I can see her admiring the night sky. She was staring at those stars above her. I can feel she was thinking too deep. She was just so immersed on her thoughts she doesn't even sense my presence from here. Do you feel cold? Why are you alone here? I was contemplating whether I should approach her or not but the fear of being rejected is knocking on me first. I just stared at her from here. She was admiring the view about while I was admiring the view in front of me. I don't know what got into my mind but I started walking towards her. As she noticed me, I acted so calm but goddamn, my heartbeat sounds like a rolling train right now. "What are you doing in this cold night?" I collected myself as I started talking to her. "My ears are tired, music is too loud." She doesn't sound surprise that I am here. My eyes found its way on her arms. She looked cold. Well, from what I was wearing, I can feel the touch of the air around us. I immediately took of my coat and put in in her. That's the only thing I can do for her. Everything was fine until Andrea came into the scene. I know you're all wondering why I didn't followed her that night. Why I let Grey held her like that. It's because of Andrea. If she can ruin me, the future owner of The Sinclair, she can do worse to her. And I don't want that to happen, never again. Never on my watch.
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