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"It was hard to find you, so I decided to just wait for you here instead." he said in between of sipping his juice. "You don't have to wait for me." I replied. "You have a lot of stuff to do there, I am sure everyone wants you." He gave me a light chuckle. His ever so deep voice really soothes me. "Then why did you come here?" I was about to give an alibi when he continued on talking. "I mean, why did you come here... running?" He smiled. "Uh, I am not... running. I just walk... fast..." He just nodded in agreement. The coldness of the air blew in my face and it sent down shivers to my spine. I roamed my eyes around just to notice that we were the people in here. The music at the hall became just a background for us. "I really do like you, Aryanna." He blurted out of nowhere and I just simply widened my eyes in shock. This night gives me a lot to remember. "I don't know what my sister has told you but I know she doesn't lie, so it's up to you to believe her or not... and I am sorry, again, if she just came rushing here blurting out my feelings for you." Well, he's just like his sister, blurting out things all of a sudden. "I am not asking you to like me..." He stated as he threw his juice in the can and moved closer to me. "But I hope you'll do acknowledge what I feel for you." I cannot utter a single word, because if I do, I might spill what I really wanted to tell him... and I just can't. I need him to be out of this mess I am in. He has another mess to fix too. "I.. uh.." I was about to tell him that I know he wasn't joking about what he was feeling when someone interrupted us from behind. "So this is where you at, D." Andrea said as we both turned our backs to face her. "Hello there, Alyanna." "The party is still running but why are you both here in the dark?" She was smiling at us but I can sense the anger in her voice. "Why do you care?" Daniel replied. Andrea gasped in response. "You know what, D? You changed a lot when you met that bitch." Just imagine how emphasized the word b***h as she pointed her fingers at me. "Stop calling her that!" I think this is the first time I heard him yell at her. "Don't call just anyone a b***h when you know who's the real one." She gasped the second time around. I am pretty sure she didn't know Daniel could spit this kind of words since she have only seen the good in him... Because he respects him a lot so I bet hearing this now coming from his mouth, she must have felt the pain. "We are done already, Andrea. Why can't you see that? And you know you are the one who ruined that." Even from afar, I could see Andrea's tears falling from her eyes. She was trying to maintain her cool but she's about to lose it. "So please, stop this. Everything. We're long gone but you're still ruining me... Although, you did ruin me too when we were together." "I told you it's not me!" Andrea yelled at his statement. "It's not you but your dad right?!" He yelled in replied. At this point in time, I wonder if it's still applicable that I am here, listening to this. "That was an incident!" She yelled back as her tears escaped from her eyes. "It wasn't me, not my dad, too." "Don't give me this bullshit." he slammed the trash can beside him with his foot. I suddenly held his arms, trying to help him contain the anger he has inside. "Daniel, calm down.... calm down... Now is not the time to be like that." I kept on trying to stop him. His body was shaking hard. "Please." "Can we get out of here... please." He stuttered. His body were still shaking, his fist were closed, it's already red. "Let's go." I whispered in his ear, still holding his arms. Assisting his unbalanced feet to walk out of this scene. "Daniel! Wait! We're not done talking!" Andrea ran to our direction and I was about to face and stop her from coming close to us when Grey entered and stopped her from her tracks. "Out of my way, Grey!" Grey just held her arms firmly. "Go with Daniel, I'll take Andrea from here." He wasn't looking at me, his back was facing me as he endured all the slaps, the kicking, the punching of Andrea. "Thank you, Grey." I told him as I walked towards Daniel again. "So what now, huh?" She didn't stop. "You just told me at the party that you like Daniel then now what? You're gonna do everything to have him, b***h?" Daniel looked instantly to face me, his confused face looked at me. "What did she just say?" He mumbled. I looked back at Andrea just to see Grey looking at me, too. The pain in his eyes were so visible in this dark cold night. I wanted to run, I wanted to hide. I cannot face anyone right now. "Oh, so she didn't tell you yet?" Andrea chuckled in disgust. "Trying to be a hard to get b***h so he won't notice your real intention?" She laughed in between. I looked at her face and she smirked at me. She always try to get the upper hand in all of the situation she's in. Of course, she's someone who cannot accept defeat. I know that she knows I like him.. Not in a way that she told earlier. She knows I seriously like her, but she's denying it to herself, because she knows Daniel likes me too. "I am sorry for spoiling your little love story, Aly." She sing sang. "I never thought you like cliff hangers." She continued. "And yes, Daniel. She likes you... She likes you because of what you can offer to her." I looked at Daniel just to see him staring intently at her. "Daniel, it's not that." I explained. He then moved his eyes to face me. "It's not because of the money or anything, God knows the hell I care to your elite society." He didn't respond. He just stared at me. "Oh my God Daniel, believe me. I like you not because of what she just told!" I semi yelled in frustration. I looked again at Andrea to find her evil smile resting on her face. Frustrated, I looked at Daniel again. "You just told me you like me." He said. Confused. I tilted my head in his direction. "What?" "You just told me you like me not because of the money." He replied. Slowly, his firm hard face starting change. His lips were curling upwards. "Yes, Alyanna. You just told him you like him." Grey stated. I turned around just to see his face turned emotionless. Again, I cannot utter a single word. It’s like I am being trapped here. “What the hell.” Andrea cursed. “Why is everyone falling for this half faced b***h?!” She hissed. “Let me go Grey or I’ll turn Mitchell’s into pieces!” She commanded Grey and in an instant, he let go of her. The power she holds. “Don’t hurt yourself any further, Andrea. Just let go of this night.” Grey said. Looking at him now, I don’t know if Andrea’s word were the reason he let go of her hand… “Listen, Alyanna. You don’t belong here. Don’t use anyone just so you can have someone to be by your side… you little orphan.” Those words hit me like hell. The organization decided to file me as an orphan when I applied for a scholarship here. I am not. Dad took care of me when he was still alive. So to be called an orphan here, my teeth automatically gritted. “Don’t let her get to you.” This time it was Daniel trying to calm me down. “Listen Andre, I’ll repeat this again… I don’t have anymore business with you.” He pulled me at his back and then he let go of my arm to move closer to Andrea. He’s so close to her that Andrea started to squeeze her eyes. “Let me get this thing straight into your head…” He whispered under her ear. He held both of her arms firmly. I looked at Grey only to find him staring at them, like it’s none of his business. Although his eyes stays the same. “We are done.” He said for like a hudred time tonight. “And if ever you try to do something funny to anyone that revolves around me now… Believe me… I’m gonna do everything to ruin you, too.” Her tears escaped her eyes as he turned his back at her. “And anyway…” Again with his deep voice. “I’m going to find a proof that you guys killed him…”
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