Chapter 9: Too Long Since I've Been A Fool (1 of 2)

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Saturday morning, some of my hoobaes at the dance club asked me to teach them ballet moves that we’ll incorporate at the dance competition this upcoming summer. I could’ve invited them to the South Mansion for the dance practice but the first time I brought my crew with me they’re all unruly and we’ve done nothing but a house tour, also there’s a part where someone broke a million dollar vase that Mama bought from an auction in Italy, that’s why aside from my birthday party I’m not allowed to invite the dance crew at the South Mansion. Everyone knows that we can’t at my place because we’re all scolded on the spot like we’re kids and not college students, so no one ever mentioned going to the South Mansion ever again for dance practice. Now, we practice to anyplace available in which ever campus that is convenient for most of the crew members, because I’m on the ballet team and most of the members are in Yeongeon campus, I got no choice but to drive all the way from Cheongdam-dong, where I live. “Our sharpest dancer is finally here!” Dante announced to our members as soon as I make my way to our practice area for the day.  Dante Ahn, he’s 3rd year medical student, my tranquilizer, he’s the only one who can make me calm down when I’m losing my temper to the members, after Diso left the dance club to focus on his studies. I admit I got the shortest temper among everyone, in my family, friends, classmates, and crew, especially when I have to repeat myself, because it’s a hassle for me. “Alright, listen up everybody!” gathering the crew around. “Do everyone watched The Nutcracker last week? It’ll be on our introduction and to refresh everyone memories here, let us all listen first to the song.” playing the cassette tape at the maximum volume of the radio that they brought. While listening to the music, I’m stretching my muscles at the corner when I saw a glimpse of a girl dancing on point with the music. “I think our music is disturbing the on-going class, I’ll lower the volume alright?” Dante asking my permission before he does something that I’ve initiated to do. “No, don’t!” I stopped him before he adjusts the volume. “Look.” I pointed at the girl who’s performing on stage. “Is she … dancing to our music??” Dante looking at me in disbelief. “Does she look like dancing jazz to you?” I asked him sarcastically. “Tch.” he sneers at me. “She’s a freshman. Should we recruit her to our club? She can be your dance partner, since no one can keep up with you, along with your temper, she might be perfect for you.” “I think so too.” smirking. “Coach knows what to do with her.” “Ah right, their PE instructor is our coach.” peeking at the middle-aged woman sitting near the stage. Coach Ra Miran is our club adviser and she got an eye for talent, as for everyone she recruited have a lot of potentials. College of Music whose students major in dance only competes at the official contest recognize by the university but our dance club that consists of students from different majors have a wide range for competitions, we don’t particularly carry the school name but when we win the university also take credit of it, if we lose, well it’s unofficial contest anyway so it doesn’t affect much their reputation. When the music ended, the audience applauded at her performance and I also clapped at her but I made it look like I’m getting the crew’s attention to start our practice. I do the choreography first to show them, then I repeat it the second time for them to copy my moves, on the third time that I’m doing the same steps I’m expecting everyone to catch up since I had it slow before that and taught them step-by-step. A song got 3 parts, so after I’m done for the third time, I move to the 2nd part immediately do the same routine, then at the last part for three times too before we do the whole song twice. I always finish the whole choreography in a day and it’s up to them to practice more since I memorized everything but I do still attend our dance practice once a week to comply with the rules. After 6 hours of dance practice with only 30 minutes break in between, I called it a day, actually 6 hours is my maximum time before I go beast mode so they let me go even though they need more time to learn the choreography. They held me for 7 ½ practice before and I was savage at them because it took long enough time, yet they still make mistakes, so I lost my temper and said a lot of hurtful things. That’s why if they got more clarifications with the steps, they just verify it to me on the next practice instead of holding me down. “I figured someone famous is at the backstage, to gather a lot of audience like this.” Diso throwing me a bottled water. “Thanks.” looking around as I drink the water and we do really attract a lot attention from the students currently at the campus. “You’re doing ballet this time?” Diso leaning at the back of the bench. “You surely can dance at any genre.” “I take that as a compliment from the best dancer of SNU who’s even better than those who are in dance major.” smiling at him as I wipe my sweat with the towel from my bag. “You want to come to my place? Ace-hyung is home.” he asked. “Sure. I haven’t seen Ace-hyung for a long time anyway.” I replied. “Thanks to your family airlines, he got to travel the whole Europe for over 3 months.” he walks with me to the parking lot. “Wow! That’s great! The countries I’ve ever been to in Europe are France and UK, I never traveled to others before.” I uttered. “Are you serious?! You got a private plane on your own and yet you never went to other countries aside from those two?!” he exclaimed. “Well, I preferred land transportation than air or water.” I replied. “I never been to France but I’ve been to Belgium a lot and Italy aside from UK. And because of Ace-hyung, I also get to travel South Africa, Australia, and Canada … but I’ll never forget my first travel with my own money to Japan.” gloating at me as he opens my car door. “Yeah right, but still you often get sick when traveling overseas.” “That’s why I envy my brother as he can go anywhere around the world because of his job as a pilot.” getting in at the passenger seat. “By the way, does he know what happened to your neighbour?” I start the engine as soon as we buckled up. “He’s even making a move at the mistress. He said he wanted to teach them a lesson. You know him he does whatever he wants.” “That’s what older brothers do.” I uttered. “By the way, I met Desa again today and I just blew my cover.” he said with a sigh. “She now thinks that I’m some kind of stalker because I creeped her away from me earlier.” “Why do you have to meet her ahead from us anyway?” I asked. “I’m curious to meet ‘The Eye’. You know Alessia and Troye’s ability fascinates me, so I couldn’t wait to meet someone with superpowers too and she’s way cooler than the two because she sees.” he replied. “Aren’t you scared that she really might have the curse of death?” “Aside from bugs nothing else scares me.” he said with a smile. “Yeah, I know, it’s not that you’re afraid of them but you’re worried that you might kill them when you touch those tiny creatures. Come to think of it you got your own superpower too, you have those magic hands, whatever it touches either loses or breaks.” I responded. “Tch. Do you think I want to lose things?!” he sneers at me. “Have you found your key to our office yet?” teasing him more. “No, I really don’t know where I put it.” shaking his head. “Fortunately, everyone got their own key. I’m actually worried when you become a surgeon, what if you forgot to take a tool outside from your patient’s body after you perform an operation?” making fun of him. “You’ll be in a serious trouble when it happens.” “Well, it’s not just me alone doing the operation, I’m sure my colleagues will remind me, and also it’s life and death situation so I can’t afford to make a mistake like that.” he explained himself. “I really hope so, haha.” chuckles. We arrived at Changdong after 20 minutes’ drive from the campus and caught his brother kissing the neighbour at their living room. “Ooh, why all the men in this unit are pretty hot?” the lady next door looks at me and Diso as she bit her lower lip. “Maybe I should move here instead and not at the other unit.” smiling at us. “You should go, baby. Your husband might get suspicious that you’re taking so long.” Ace zipping up the woman’s blouse. “Right, I should’ve met you before him.” she stands up and pull her skirt down before she walks towards us. “See you around, pretty boys.” winking at me and Diso as she takes her leave. “Please don’t tell me you did it on that sofa.” Diso uttered as soon as the woman closed the door. “No, you two came at the right time.” Ace stand up with a smirk. “That woman is a gold digger, she doesn’t care about the family she broke, she’s only after the money of that stupid husband.” “Does she know that you never spend a dime on women, Ace-hyung?” “Not yet. I’m still in the process of making her fall in love with me.” “The way I see it she’s already head over heels to you, hyung.” Diso uttered. “We still have curry, right? Pluto will put an end to it.” “That’s why you invited me here, huh?” sneers at him. “I need to take a shower first; I’m using your bathroom.” “Sure. Go ahead.” Ace nodded at me. “I’ll prepare the table for us.” “Thanks, Ace-hyung!” I climbed up the stairs to go to their bathroom for a shower before I joined them for dinner. Diso’s home is like my 2nd home because I feel so comfortable at his place even if Ace is around, well he’s the coolest brother. Although my older brothers are cool too but they make me embarrass sometimes when they’re out of control on having fun. After I ended their curry routine, I went home to Cheongdam-dong to play with my younger sister, my day won’t be complete without seeing her annoyed face. “Where’s Tia?” carrying a box that Ace gave me as a souvenir from Germany for my collection. “In the Movie Room, Young Master Pluto, she’s watching a documentary right now and told us not to let anyone disturb her.” Kim, one of my 8 attendants, told me because he knows I’m up to no good when I asked Hestia as soon as I come back home. “I just want to give her something to eat while watching.” smiling. “Young Master Pluto, you’ll end up fighting with Young Miss Hestia again if you insist on doing what you’re about to do.” Jongin said. Jongin is actually like my conscience among my attendants but I seldomly listened to him when I’m really eager to prank Hestia. When I arrived at the movie room, the door was locked so I had to asked for the key and wait for a while, as I opened the door to the movie room and saw what Hestia is watching on screen, I’m hesitating if I should proceed or abort the plan. “Uh-huh! You’re watching p*********y!” I exclaimed which made her almost jump from her sit. “I’m telling this to Mama and Papa.” “Hey!” Hestia shouted. “I’m not watching it to be entertain, I’m not like you! I need to watch it for my study.” “Study??” scoffs at her as I walk towards her sit and she really do her notebook and other reading materials on her desk. “Why the hell would you study about people making love??!” “Even if I tell you, you won’t understand. Look I’m not some kind of p*****t here like what you’re thinking of me right now. I didn’t even know that I got to watch this kind of film when I’m a psychology major.” frowning at me as she explains herself. “What are you doing here anyway? I clearly told everyone that I don’t want to be disturb. Are my orders doesn’t matter anymore?!” “It’s not their fault, I’m the one who insisted to come here. I want to show you something but I don’t think it’s the right time.” I said. “What is it?! You already disturbed me anyway.” peeking behind me. “Alright.” handing her the jukebox. “Diso’s older brother came back from his European flight and he bought that souvenir for me.” “He knows that you like ballet?” she plays the jukebox since it just the ballerina spinning around and look at the figurine closely until “AAAH!” she screamed as she throws the jukebox at the floor. “What the hell, Toto?!!” holding onto her chest as she catches her breath from absolute shocked. “HAHAHAHA!” I burst out laughing from her reaction. “I’m going to kill you!” she chases me around the movie room to take her revenge on me. “Come here!” “Catch me if you can! Haha!” provoking her more. “You’re a dead meat when I catch you!” she’s fuming at me. “Aren’t you watching a movie?!” trying to divert her attention. ... To be Continued ...
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