Chapter 9: Too Long Since I've Been A Fool (2 of 2)

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“Killing you is more important right now!” coming at me swiftly. “Haha. You need to be stronger and faster to do that.” teasing her. “Come here!” trying to catch me with her speed but it’s no use. “Hey, I’m your older brother!” using my seniority to her. “I don’t care if you’re my older brother! You’re going to die in my hands tonight!” walking towards the door. “I’m going to call Mama and told them that you forced me to watch this movie. If I can’t do it by myself, I don’t mind them beating you up.” “Hey! You’re not playing fair! They always believe you even you’re lying!” walking forward to her slowly. “You know we’ll be both in big trouble if you spout that nonsense.” “I know, I’ll just tell them the truth after they beat you up.” Hestia opened the door and shouted on top of her lungs. “MAMMAAAA!” “This crazy b*tch!” I come at her immediately to cover her mouth but the moment I got close to her she grabs my hair. “Caught you.” smirking at me. “You’re going to die right now!” “Hey! Let go of my hair! Hit me anywhere but don’t ruin my hair!” trying to remove her hand on my hair but she won’t let go. “I’m warning you Tia, I’m not joking around!” “You think I’ll heed your warning; I know your hair is your weakness!” “You’re really asking for it, huh?!” I grab her hair too which is easier for me because she got long hair and she’s just an arm span away. “Aww … Seriously?! You’re pulling my hair too?!” she put her other hand on my hair too and pull the strands with all her might. “Awww! So this is how it’s gonna be!” pulling her hair with both hands. Nobody wants to let go first until she used her weight to put me down on the floor and hit my face with her little fists so I used my arms to deflect her punches. “What are you two doing?!” Mama Rhea entered the room and saw us on the aisle as well as the movie playing on screen that we forgot. “He … She … Started it!!” Hestia and I exclaimed. Hestia punched me on the left eye as soon as I let my guard down because I got distracted by our mother’s presence. “AWWW!” touching my injury from our fierce battle. “I was just watching here a documentary when he came!” Hestia get off from me as she whines to Mama. “Then he showed me this horrible jukebox!” she picked the jukebox she threw earlier. “You two in my office right now!” Mama yelled at us. “Young Master Pluto, you did it again.” Kkam, my Korean-African attendant, helped me up. “The way you show your affection to your little sister is really peculiar.” “What affection?! I hate her!!” glaring back at Hestia. “You’re the most despicable brother! I hate you!!” Hestia talk back. “That’s enough! You two shut your filthy mouths!!” Mama shouted. We followed her quietly to her office and when we got there, she told us to face the wall like how she punished us when we were younger while Papa who’s also in the room played the jukebox. “You punk!” Papa saw how the ballerina changes to bloody dancer. “I’ll forget about the movie because it’s really for Tia’s study.” Mama read the study materials that Hestia got with her. “But I won’t let you slipped for fighting over this bloody jukebox! I can’t believe that I’m still doing this kind of discipline to my children at their 20s!” “I’m only 19 Mama, I’m not yet on my 20s.” Hestia responded. “It’s Toto who’s already 21 and yet act like a 12 years old kid!” “If I’m 12, then what are you 9?! You get scared so easily!” I said. “I don’t think they’re reflecting on what they’ve done, honey.” Mama uttered to Papa. “Should I also use a stick to these kids??” “You can use this T-square.” Papa handed Mama his drawing tool. “Mama! For goodness sake! Tia and I are already in college!” I yelped. “That’s right! No need for such punishment, Mama!” Hestia said. “So, you two only agreed when it comes to violence, huh?” Mama smirks. “So, what if you two are in college?! You’re still my children and I discipline you however I want! Gosh, these brats!” she’s about to hit my butt with the T-square but Hestia hugs me. “I’m sorry, brother, I won’t fight with you again.” Hestia hugging me. “I’m sorry too, sister.” acting out with her. “So, you still have a conscience, huh?” I whispered to her ear as I hug her back. “Ha … Haha … Hahaha … these kids!” Mama sneers at us. “When will you two ever grow up?” “Did we spoil these two too much, honey?” Papa looking at me and Hestia as he shakes his head. “You should put some ice on that, Toto.” pointing at my left eye. “Tia had her revenged for this.” showing my jukebox. “You shouldn’t hit your brother’s face, Tia.” I couldn’t hurt Hestia directly like how she hurt me without hesitation so I just get back to her in other way. The next morning, I woke up earlier to pull a prank on my sleeping sister, I drew circles on her eyes and whiskers on her cheeks, using a permanent marker. When she came down for breakfast with us, it was our oldest brother, Zeus, who reacted first as he laughs out loud at her face. “What’s wrong with you?” Hestia still doesn’t have a clue on what’s happening. “Why are you so overjoyed this morning?!” “Because you made my Sunday morning, Tia. Hahaha.” Zeus can’t stop himself from laughing. “Hahaha, I’m going to review school now.” “Toto!” Mama glaring at me. “This is so childish!” “I can’t punch her back.” pointing at my black eye. “I gotta go, now. I’m meeting with my friends, be back at evening. Bye, Mama, Papa.” “You didn’t wash your face this morning, Tia?” Papa gave Tia a hint. “I’m famished so I came down as soon as I woke up.” Hestia glance at me. “There’s something on my face, is it?” she looks at her reflection through the glass of water. “TOTO!!!” screaming at me. “Bye, sister!” sticking out my tongue to her before I take my leave from the dining room. “Oh, yeah, she won’t come after me.” walking out normally because Hestia doesn’t go wild in front of our parents. Today is the day that Desa will be introduce to SOS and attendance is a must when welcoming a new member, I went to Diso’s place first since it’s too early to go to the office when the meet up is late afternoon and of course, he made fun of me because of my blackeye. I came with Diso at the rendezvous and because I’m wearing sunglasses to conceal my injury, they thought that I’m trying to look cool so I had to explain myself to everyone again. When Troye came, Alessia followed after a while and make some speech to introduce our new member. “Now without further ado, gentlemen, let’s all welcome, Desa Ha!” Alessia opened the door behind her and Desa walks in. “Hello, everyone, I’m Desa Ha, please take care of me.” Desa bowing her head to us. “That’s a transfer student greeting, but it’s fine.” Ashton, SOS current President, responded to her first. “Welcome, Desa.” “She’s the baby girl of our famiglia now.” Michael, my classmate and left-hand man, smirks at Desa. “Welcome, Desa. It’s alright, to call you on first name basis, right?” Calum, my classmate and right-hand man, gave a chair to Desa. “Of course.” Desa nodded. “I assume everyone here is older than me if I’m the baby of the family.” smiling at everyone. “Indeed, we are all your seniors, freshman.” Luke, sophomore at the same college as me and the two, gesturing to Desa to sit. “Thank you.” Desa sits on the swivel chair. “Are you guys going to interrogate me??” she stares at Diso beside me. “So, you’re a spy.” “Me??” Diso pointing himself. “No, I’m not. Let’s say I’m the most curious among them all. That’s why I approached you first.” “Hey, Diso, you checked on her personally??” George, legal management graduate, asked. “You’re sneaking on us, now huh?” “I admit that I went to see her once at Caracciolo but the second time yesterday was purely coincident. We’re attending the same campus so bumping into her is possible.” Diso explained himself. “Well, she’s pretty.” Ross, science & technology graduate, uttered. “Yeah, Diso is also a man, we can’t blame him.” Matthew, Ross’s classmate since 5th grade until they both graduated from college, said with a teasing smile at Diso. “It’s not like that. I really am just curious to meet The Eye that’s all, please don’t make things awkward between me and Desa.” Diso looking at the two who’s making fun of him. “That’s enough you two.” Adam, business management graduate and the founding father of SOS, reprimanded the two. “We’re a family here, we shouldn’t be uncomfortable to each other.” “Famiglia … am I part of a mafia now … and he’s our boss??” Desa pointing at me when I tried not to say a word at all. “Ah hahaha!” Alessia laughs at her joke. “Ashton here, is our current president, and that man with sunglasses is our VP.” “Why are you wearing sunglasses anyway, Pluto?” Troye turns to me. “Asks the others, I don’t want to repeat the same story for the 3rd time, it’s so humiliating.” I replied to Troye. “Oh, I thought you’re trying to be cool because you’re meeting a new member. But I must say, you look hot with that sunglasses on.” Troye biting his lower lip as he stares at me. “I won’t have this conversation with you Troye.” leaning the side of my head on my fingers as I cross my legs. “Hey! That’s a foul! Why are you so damn sexy?!” Troye teasing me. “Tch.” I smirk at him. “President, aren’t we going to start yet?” “Ah right, just take this as your welcome ceremony.” Ashton pouring the tea on a cup. “Adam here, the founder of SOS made it a tradition when someone come here in the office.” he put down the cup on the table beside Desa. “Go ahead and drink it.” “I can take poison but not sh*tty drink, what is this??” Desa smelling the drink on her cup. “I thought she’s a goody type of girl but she sure can cuss.” Michael uttered that made everyone laugh. “She’s a tough one.” Calum responded. “I can sense it from her vibe.” “Since when did you learn to read people’s vibe, Calum?” Luke asked. “It smells flower.” Desa taking a sip after she sniffed the tea. “We never messed with food or drinks here.” Adam said. “Welcome.” “Thanks? What’s the flavor of this tea?? I like it.” Desa replied. “It’s not an ordinary tea.” Matthew answered. “The taste differs depending on the person who’ll drink it.” “We served it to our clients who come here for a case, if it tastes bitter then the client is being haunted but if it’s tasteless then we’ve been infiltrated by something inhuman.” Ross explained. “You said it smells flower.” George resting his chin on top of his backhands as he leans on the table in front of him. “Were you resurrected before??” “No, but I’m supposed to be dead from that incident which I know you guys already know since you did a background check on me.” “I can also smell it from here which never happened before.” Alessia’s special sense of smell got activated. “With that incident, I’m certain it’s very depressing for you, have you tried to commit suicide??” Diso looking at Desa in a serious manner like he’s on his doctor’s mode. “Yes, I’ve tried every method to take away my life but I always ended waking up with only marks on my body, still breathing.” Desa answered without hesitation. “Wait, are you trying to say that you can’t die??!” Adam asked. “I don’t know, I’m not sure.” Desa furrow her brows. “Come to think of it, that incident wasn’t the first time that my life has been saved.” she stands up abruptly. “How could I forget it?! I’ve been saved when I was 7 years old from a haunted clown who eats children on their 7th birthday.” walking around. “I only heard his voice at first that’s why I survived on my birthday but a week later it was Alexa … my best friend … we were supposed to be eaten together but there’s a silhouette of wings appeared on the ground that saved us.” “Wings?? Saved you?! You mean an angel??!” Matthew exclaimed. “Yes, he told me that he’s my guardian angel when he showed up to me on my 14th birthday, but the thing is he’s not the typical guardian angel we know.” Desa looking at me. “He’s an angel of death.” “Why the hell you are looking at me, when you say angel of death??!” “Well he’s hot like you when he showed me his human form, excluding the part that he’s completely naked and I saw everything that I shouldn’t see, he’s a muscular man, but he also showed his true form.” -End of Chapter 9-
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