Chapter 29: When You're Talking to Your Girls … (1 of 2)

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Our first night at Jeju ended after Troye and Alessia shared their heartbreaking stories. The next day, everyone gathered in the dining room of the villa wearing our pajamas while having breakfast together. I don’t usually wear makeup so there’s nothing new when my crewmates saw me barefaced but Krystal and Jennie, they’re naturally beautiful with or without makeup on their faces. “It’s so unfair!” Naeun having the attention of everyone. “How could you two be so pretty first thing in the morning?!” “They are born with it, Naeun, don’t stress yourself about that fact.” Dante responded to Naeun’s comment to the two goddesses. Everyone laughed at Naeun and others praised the beauty of the two girls too, but the man between them who’s sitting at the center table like he’s the father of this big family doesn’t even bothered by the goddesses’ presence. “Troye, what have you two done when you returned to your room?” “Nothing. I went straight to my bed and said good night to him.” “But why does he look like he needs more sleep?” I asked curiously. “I don’t know. I slept well in my bed so I don’t think it’s about the bed, also I’m not snoring while sleeping so it’s not me.” Troye replied. “Maybe he’s lovesick that’s why.” Alessia looking at me meaningfully. “Geez. Let’s just eat.” I shrugged nonchalantly. “What’s in our itinerary for today anyway?” We headed out from the villa before lunch as the tour guide took us to another famous restaurant in the island before we went to a zoo like we’re on a field trip. “You can talk in their language?!” I exclaimed softly when I saw how Troye interact with the animals. “Uh-huh. Maybe I can talk with aliens too when I meet one.” Troye nodded as he feed the birds. “Wow! I really want to exchange skills with you.” I feel envy at his ability. “I don’t like my eyes.” “Exactly my sentiments. I don’t like my nose specially when I’m being surrounded by living things like these animals.” Alessia trying to blend in with everyone even though she got the most sensitive nose among us. “I probably use all this menthol in a few hours.” “What animal doesn’t have a strong scent?” I turned to Alessia. “I don’t know. I just don’t like animals at all, but I can tolerate the smell of a full groom dog or cat.” Alessia replied. “Well Alessia feels empathy to those animals that has the nose like hers, specially dogs who are sensitive to smell.” Troye added. “Yeah, that’s why I do like dogs in the house and wolves in the forest.” Alessia nodded her head in agreement. “Wolves their wild animals, right?” I stepped back a little and I accidentally bumped onto something cold. “Oh, I’m sorry!” A woman wearing a dress got soaked with her ice-cold drink. “What the hell?!! Look what you’ve done to me!” “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you were behind me.” bowing my head. “What does your sorry can do?! Don’t you know how expensive this dress is??” woman shouting at me. “You stained it with coffee!” “Alright, b*tch!” Troye speak up for me. “First, we’re in a zoo so I don’t get it why the hell are you wearing an expensive dress and wandering around with an ice-cold coffee in your hand. Second, my friend here already said sorry to you, do you really have to make a scene just because of an accident?!” “Look pretty boy, I don’t know where the hell you come from but keep out of my business. It’s between me and this stupid girl!” the woman pointing me with her finger. “Hey, you!” Alessia stand before me. “Don’t you dare point a finger to my friend.” slaps the hand of the woman. “That dress of yours doesn’t cost much at all. Do you want me to buy you a new one that really costs a lot of money? But I’m afraid you’ll spoil the design because it won’t look good on you.” “And who the hell are you?!” the woman raised her eyebrow at Alessia and look at her from head to toe. “You’re not even fair and slim, how dare you judge my looks?” smirking. “Let me handle it.” I stepped up before Alessia and Troye get into fight. “Alright, miss, what do you want?” “Buy me a new dress and coffee too.” the woman replied with her chin up like she’s intimidating me. “Ah so you only want to extort money from me.” nodding my head. “Do I look easy to you? And because I’m hanging out with my foreign friends, you made me your target?” smirks at her. “It’s not an accident, you intentionally framed me and made yourself a victim.” “Hey! Do you know who are you talking to?! Why the hell would I get this coffee on me?” the woman laughed sarcastically. “And extort money from you?? I don’t even think that you’ve got money with that cheap clothes you’re wearing.” “If not money, you just want attention from everyone by making a scene?” Pluto walks to our direction. “What are you trying to prove here, Kim Chaeyoung-ssi, young miss of Sixteen Entertainment??” “Oh, so you remember my name, Pluto Nevaeh, the 5th child of the owner of Nevaeh Construction.” Chaeyoung smiles at Pluto. “Unfortunately, I’m good at memorizing even the things that doesn’t even worth remembering like your name.” Pluto said coldly to her. “Uhh … Don’t be like that.” Chaeyoung clings onto his right arm. “I came here to see you. Let’s talk to another place.” “Are we that close for you to cling me like a monkey?” Pluto removed Chaeyoung’s hands from him. “I’m not interested to whatever you’re trying to tell me. Also, leave my friends alone. Mess with them again and I’ll take it that you’re challenging me.” he touched my back. “Did you bring extra shirt with you? You’ve got coffee on you too.” “I didn’t even bring a bag, so no.” shaking my head. “That’s why it felt cold too. I’ll just buy a souvenir shirt in the shop.” “Speaking of souvenir, I’m buying souvenirs for my nieces and nephews too, will you help me find what’s good on them?” Pluto focusing on me and ignoring Chaeyoung who’s glaring at me. “Sure. Let’s go.” I turned to Alessia and Troye who are still ready to give a fight. “Guys, she’s not worth it. Let’s just go.” dragging the two with me as they glare back at Chaeyoung. “She’s the young miss of Sixteen Entertainment?! One of the biggest entertainment company here in Korea??!” Troye asked. “Uh-huh.” Pluto nodded. “She’s been following me from time to time, trying to recruit me to be their artist but I’m never interested in the entertainment industry. My family already got media attention what more if one of us enter showbiz.” “You got a point. Also, with that temper of yours, I don’t think you’ll have a good image to the public as an artist.” Alessia added. “Well thank you Alessia but my family’s reputation is already a burden to me. I don’t want another cross to carry on my shoulder.” “Hey, are you really going to hold my shirt like that while we’re walking?!” I noticed that Pluto has been pulling my shirt since he found out that I also got coffee at my back. “Sorry.” he released his grip from my shirt. “I wonder what should I get for my nieces and nephews.” changing the topic immediately. “How many nephews and nieces you have again also their ages?” going along with the flow of our conversation. “I got Epi who’s 5 years old and his brother Atlas, 7 months old; the twins Artemis and Apollo who are both 2 years old; and Perse who’ll be 4 months old tomorrow.” Pluto counting with his finger as he described his nephews and nieces. “I’m going to missed Perse’s 4th month birthday, Ter and Z.C. always celebrate their baby’s birthday every 5th of the month.” “Perse must be your favorite niece.” entering the souvenir shop. “She’s my oldest sister’s child also I’m close with Z.C., so yeah, she’s indeed my favorite.” Pluto look around the shop. “I need to change my shirt first.” going to the clothes section. “Can you girls help me find a squirrel printed shirt?” “Squirrel? You like squirrels, Desa?” Alessia looking at the other side of the shirts section. “Yup, I got a squirrel friend when I was living at Suncheon. I wonder where he is now but he’s more likely living in the forest.” I said. “Of course, he is dummy.” Troye laughed at me. “Oh, I found one.” “That’s not a squirrel they’re chipmunks.” I took a glance at the shirt Troye picked up from the shelf. “They look the same for me, a chipmunk is a squirrel like striped North American rodents,” Troye responded as he put the shirt back. “A squirrel is a slender rodent with long bushy tail, living mainly in trees and feeding chiefly on nuts.” Alessia took 3 shirts from the shelf in front of her. “Which one do you want Desa, the red, the gray or the fox squirrel?” “I want the gray squirrel.” coming at Alessia. “Should we wear these squirrel shirts?” looking at her and Troye. “It’s fine with me. I’ll get the red squirrel.” Troye took the other shirt from Alessia. “Uhm … excuse me do you have large for this shirt?” asking the saleslady nearby. “Me too, I need large of this fox squirrel shirt.” Alessia handed the small size shirt to the saleslady. “Are you fine with that size Desa?” “Mmm. I’ll just pay it at the counter so that I can change into this immediately.” I walked towards the counter and paid the small shirt to the cashier. “Pluto, did you find the souvenirs for the children?” “I’m still looking. Did you get a shirt?” he glanced back at me. “Yes.” paying the bill for the shirt. “Where’s the fitting room?” “Behind that wall.” the cashier pointed out. “How many children do you have with your handsome husband?” “H-Huh??!” I look at the cashier confusingly. “Ah … you must misunderstand. The souvenirs are for his nephews and nieces. He’s not even my boyfriend so how come he’s my husband?!” I laughed at her. “Do we look like a couple?” “I thought you were, I guessed I misunderstood. Sorry, ma’am.” “But I do like your comment about us.” Pluto come forward to us and take a look at the shirt I bought. “The 3 of you are wearing squirrel shirts?” pertaining to Alessia and Troye. “Uh-huh.” I nodded. “Don’t believe him, he like to joke around.” I turned to the cashier. “That’s the fitting room, right?” “Yes, ma’am.” the cashier nodded with a bright smile on her face. “Hey, why are you following me?” walking towards the fitting room. “I want to see how your shirt looks like when you wear it.” he smiles at me as he follows me behind. “What’s there to see??” I laughed at him as I entered the cubicle. “Nothing much, you don’t have big boobs anyway.” he uttered. “How dare you insult my chest like that?!!” yelling at him as I take off my shirt to change. “But I’m not flat-chested either.” looking at my breasts through the mirror. “Did I say you are?” he’s standing behind the door of the cubicle like he’s guarding me while insulting my figure. “I think they’re just right for my body.” I suddenly realized that I’m talking about my boobs with a straight man. “What the hell am I doing?” I muttered to myself as I put the new shirt on me. The moment I opened the door, Pluto is looking at my chest. “Yeah, I guess they’re just right to your proportion.” “Hey! Are you a p*****t?! Where do you think you’re looking at??!” “What’s wrong? We were talking about …” I covered his mouth when Alessia and Troye come to the fitting room to change their shirts too. “See, small smize fits me.” “What are you two doing here??” Troye smiling at us cunningly. “Nothing. He’s just accompanying me and now we’re going to find souvenirs for his nephews and nieces.” dragging Pluto with me. Pluto licked my palm so I immediately removed my hands from him. “Eww. Seriously?!! Was that necessary?!” wiping my hand on my used shirt. “That’s so disgusting!” “Why do you have to cover my mouth like that?!” he smiled at me. “Because you’re talking about my body.” covering my chest with my arms crossed. “Let’s drop that topic alright.” “Fine, with me. So, what should I get for the babies?” he turned on the side to look at the souvenirs. “Ah, since they aren’t older than 3 yet you can’t get furry things for them.” advising him what to get for the children. Once we’re done buying souvenirs, we went for ice cream at the shop nearby as our afternoon snack and to relieve from the heat of summer after a long walk to visit the animals in their cages. “Are we going to have dinner at home tonight?” everyone asking the tour guide as we’re heading to the villa. “That’s right, we’re having a party by the beach.” the tour guide replied. “You can party all night since we’re not going anywhere tomorrow. It’s summer so have fun at the sea.” “Yehey!!” everyone exclaimed at excitement. “I guessed we’re staying at the villa tomorrow, Desa.” Alessia having the same sentiments as me. “Not just tomorrow, I’m worried about tonight.” I put my head on Alessia’s shoulder. “I want to have fun like everyone else too.” “Oh, before I forget. We invited a famous band to play for tonight’s party, so you guys can dance the night away with their music.” “Why do I feel bad about the band she’s talking about?” Alessia looking at Pluto on his seat next to me with the aisle between us. “Don’t look at me, I’ve got nothing to do with it.” Pluto shrugged his shoulders. “What can I do if they’re famous?” “Wait, are you two talking about the Aussie boys’ band?!” glancing at them. “Luke band is playing tonight??” “Urgh! Really??! Why them?!” Alessia looks irritated. “Student’s choice. Promise, I’ve got no idea until this morning.” Pluto raising his hand to swear his innocence. “You already knew since this morning?!” I turned to him in disbelief. “Ashton called me from the airport, the phone call I had before we left the villa this late morning.” Pluto explained to me. “And you didn’t even bother to tell me that Luke is coming??!” Alessia frowning at Pluto. “You know about this Troye?!” “No comment.” Troye hide his face behind the curtain. “Traitor!” Alessia glaring at Troye. “Did you choose their band too Desa?” she turned to me. “No, I actually wrote an orchestra at my paper.” shaking my head. “Ah, so you’re the one who requested an orchestra by the beach.” Dante responded to my statement and everyone reacted. “We all thought that it was Pluto because he like quiet music.” Krystal added. “So, you’re into classical music, Desa?” “Yes, I’ve been listening to it since I’m a kid.” I replied. “Then you must be the one who wrote ‘a band who can play Jackson 5’ songs??” Jennie pointing at Pluto. “Yes, I am. Can you blame me? I love Jackson 5 specially Michael Jackson.” Pluto telling everyone his preferred band. “I’ve heard their songs too and I like it very much.” one of our teammates added and everyone had their opinion about the topic. When we arrived at the villa, we got to rest for an hour or two before we all gathered at the beach where they prepared our dinner. “Wow! It’s like a lantern festival here!” I exclaimed as I like how much effort they put to decorate party. “I think I can stay long with these too much lights here.” “Yeah, I agree. And we got loud music later so there won’t be much problem for us, we can enjoy the night.” Alessia agreed with me. ... To be Continued ...
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