Chapter 28: I Know We're Young and People Change (2 of 2)

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“Never in a million years I’ll sleep with you in the same bed.” I sneer. “Never say never Desa, you might even jump on me I bed.” he said. “Hahaha. Gosh! You’re full of yourself.” I look around and it’s just us on the road. “Hey, how far did you go?” “I don’t know. I’m just going straight.” he’s looking around too. “It’s not just us who went for a bike ride, right?” getting off from the bike. “Where are the others??” “We passed by them earlier but some should’ve passed us too since we stopped for a while.” he turned the bike around. “Should we go back and meet the others?” “Yeah, I think so too. It’s too quiet here and I don’t see anything.” We headed back to where we started but we just stopped on the same spot where we decided to go back. “This is weird. I don’t even see the ghost chasing after us earlier.” “If I’m not wrong.” Pluto drawing a mark on the tree. “Let’s go for another round again.” “What’s that for?” I hopped at the backseat of the bike again. “I hope I’m wrong.” he pedaled the back again after he turned it around and for the 3rd time we ended up at the same spot. “Are we trapped in a loop of other dimension?” I saw the mark he drew on the tree. “Seems like an entity is playing with us.” he leaned the bike on the tree and start taking off his clothes. “Hey! What the hell are you doing??!” I turned around to protect my eyes from his temptation. “I don’t know if this will work but this is what people do in the Philippines when they got stuck going in circles.” he uttered. “You have worn your clothes the other way around.” “Huh?? Does it make any sense? Why should we wear it like that?” I turned around and look at him. “Worth giving a try. It’s your turn now.” he really worn his clothes pathetically. “Don’t worry I won’t look even if you get naked in front of me.” he gave me a space and turned around. “Why would I get naked in front of you?!” start taking off my clothes. “I can’t believe I’m taking off my clothes in public.” “Well it’s not liked any human can see you right now aside from me if I look back, do you want me to take a look at you?” he teased. “Don’t you dare!” I shouted at him as I rush wearing my clothes. “Hahaha. I won’t, even if I’m tempted to.” he put his hands on his waists. “Are you done yet?” “Almost, but you can turn around now. It’s just my coat anyway.” “Can we walk now instead? I’m tired of pedaling the bike.” he turned around the bike and pulled it as we walk together. “Do you really think it’ll work out?” walking with him. “If we see the others at the end of the road then it’s effective.” “Right. I hope we can see them this time, we already made this effort even if we look pathetic.” looking at our clothes. “They might think that we did something else.” “Like we had s*x on the woods.” he said without hesitation. “Do you really have to say it out loud?!!” I glared at him. “What’s wrong with that? It’s just us here anyway.” he smiles. “Still you shouldn’t have said it.” frowning at him. “It’s fine. Are you sure you don’t see anything unusual?” looking around. “Is it just me being paranoid that I feel like we’re being watch at the moment.” “Let me take a look again.” looking around if I can see an entity. “Look at the trees if you have to.” he’s doing as he says I should do. “Oh, I see it now.” looking at the entity on the branch of the tree. “What does it look like?” he grabs my hand. “He doesn’t look harmful at all but just playful.” watching the entity dashed from the tree to the road before us. “He’s currently making fun of us because of our clothes.” “Yeah, I can hear someone laughing so hard right now.” he said as he looks around. “Where is he?” “Right before us, laughing out loud on the ground.” running the bike over the entity who doesn’t seem to be bothered that I’m pissed. “Will he let us pass now?” he glances at me worriedly. “I think so, he’s so busy laughing like crazy.” not looking back as the voice inside me told me not to. “Is he still laughing? I don’t hear anything now.” Pluto is about to look back but stop his head with my hand. “What?” “Don’t look back just keep on looking ahead.” shaking my head. “Oh, alright. Even if I’m so curious right now what’s behind us.” “Yeah me too, but my guardian told me so. If we want to get out from this never-ending loop let’s do what he says.” walking along. After a few minutes we finally see everyone resting on the area where we rented bikes. “What happened to your clothes??” Naeun, one of our crew members, noticed our hilarious clothes. “A colony of ants fell down from the tree and it so happened that we’re at their spot.” Pluto thought of a lie immediately. “You two must having a sweet time together that ants came down for you.” Dante making fun of us. “Are you alright, Desa?” Troye came to me worriedly. “That trickster was having a blast because of you two.” “I’m fine just looking pathetic because of these clothes.” looking at my clothes. “Alessia will you come with me in the restroom?” “Sure.” Alessia walks with me to the restroom. “You didn’t see that trickster when you passed by that big tree?” “No, my eyes were closed because of the ghost that kept on chasing our bike. Did you two sensed him?” taking off my coat first. “Yeah, that’s why we called out others and made up a story to convince them not to go that far. I didn’t know that you two fell for it but it was a wise move to make it laugh that’s the only way you two could get out from his trance. How many times did you go over and over at the same spot?” Alessia helping me with my coat. “Three times. Pluto told me that we had to wear our clothes the other way around so I followed his instinct even though I doubted him first because he done it to himself.” I explained. “Pluto instinct never fails. He always knows what to do in such circumstances that normal people are about to freak out.” she said. “I’m not that normal but I actually was freaking out when we ended up at the same spot on the 3rd time.” going in to one of the cubicles. After a crazy night at the park we finally headed to our accommodation, and as Troye said it is a villa near the beach. Apparently, there are only 10 bedrooms with two large beds each so we’re not sharing bed with someone only the room. “I’m sharing a room with Desa.” Alessia said to Troye. “Should I just come to your room then?” Troye doesn’t seem to like the idea of sharing a room with Pluto. “No, you’re my roommate, Troye.” Pluto put his arm on Troye’s shoulders. “I won’t yell at you again, promise.” “Are you sure you want to share a room with me?” Troye look at Pluto with lustful eyes. “What if I can’t restrain myself?” “Desa can we share a room then?” Pluto pleading me with his eyes. “Troye is just messing with you; he doesn’t mean it.” smiling at him. “Oh no, darling, I meant it.” Troye continue teasing Pluto. “He’s the first handsome man I met here in Korea.” “Desa please?” Pluto clings onto my left arm. “You’re my safest option here and everyone got their partners already.” “Why me?? Just take Troye with you.” I lean on him to whisper. “He got a boyfriend so you’re safe with him.” “About that, we broke up. So, I’m very much single now.” Troye didn’t hear it but because I said the words with my mouth and with his ability, he knows what I whispered to Pluto. “Oh gosh, really?” I come at Troy and give him a hug. “I think us 3 could stay in one room and talk about things. You can have the bedroom on your own, Pluto.” “You girls know that Troye is known as a man, right? We’re not the only people in this villa and they’re all from our university.” Pluto said. “What do you think they’ll think if they found out that Troye is sharing a room with you two girls?” “They probably think that Troye is f*cking Desa and me.” Alessia said without hesitation. “Eww, Alessia that’s so gross!” Troye rubbing his arms. “Alessia how could you say that?!” I also feel disgust with her statement. “That’s not even funny!” “Pluto got a point; I’ll just share a room with him. I rather f*ck Pluto than have a scandal with you girls.” Troye responded. “Ah no way! It’s way much better if people think that I’m f*cking with Desa than to have a scandal with you.” Pluto uttered. “Say what??!” I raised my eyebrow at Pluto. “I’ll never share a room with you much more f*cking you.” “Alright, you guys go to your rooms and us girls will go to ours.” Alessia ending our argument. “Troye behave yourself, alright?! You may come to our room later and we’ll talk about your love life.” “I’m coming with him to make sure he won’t sleepover in your room.” “Suit yourself, Pluto.” Alessia replied. “Let’s go Desa.” Our rooms are both at the corner of the 2nd floor, us girls are on the left while boys are on the right side. We got the outdoor pool view from our balcony and probably they got the sea view from theirs although it’s a beautiful view specially at sunset, with my ability I don’t really like to be near the water. “The pool is clear as well as this villa is clean too, or did I miss something again because I wasn’t looking thoroughly?” asking for Alessia’s opinion. “This villa is new, we’re probably the first guests in this place.” Alessia looking at the bathroom. “We can surely relax here.” “Which bed would you like that one or this one?” pointing at the two beds in front of me. “Any bed is fine with me as long as I sleep peacefully.” she starts unpacking her luggage. “Then would you like that bed near the balcony?” pointing at the bed near her. “I’ll have this bed near the door.” “Sure, no problem.” she nodded. “Look at our bath tub it looks like a tub during the ancient times here.” “You mean a wooden tub?” I look at the bathroom immediately. “Wow! You’re right, but we’re not going to get water from a well, right?” checking the faucets. “Definitely not.” “If that’s the case then let the boys do the hard work, I don’t even want to lift a finger.” Alessia smiles at me. After we put our clothes to the closet and took a shower then change to our pajamas, Troye came for story time along with Pluto. “Well let me go first, Tae Go and I broke up because I wanted him to have a family. With me it’s impossible so I had to set him free.” Troye keep his story short but precise. “So, what’s yours Alessia?” “Wait that’s it? You don’t even want to talk about your further?” “What else to talk about?” Troye replied to Alessia. “I love him so I let him go, every time we see a happy family around us, I can see it in his eyes how badly he wanted to have children. I’m a queer not a woman I can’t be pregnant and give him a child.” “You’re making it sound so easy but I know you’re in pain. You’ve been loving him for a long time and you gave him up because you wanted him to be happy. You’re so brave Troye.” giving Troye a warm hug. “Gosh, Desa, why are you making me cry?” Troye laughed as his tears fall from his eyes. “Saying goodbye to the person you love the most is never easy but I had to do it, I have to give way for his happiness.” “But what about your happiness?” Alessia asked sternly. “Don’t you ever think of your own happiness?” “Alessia love isn’t selfish, you put the person you love before you. That’s what love is. If you think of yourself first then you better off loving yourself.” Troye wiping his tears. “That’s what I’ve learned from loving someone secretly.” “It’s not that I’m thinking about myself but he leaded me on. I thought him and I are possible, we kissed and it meant nothing for him, that I’m just a sister to him?!” Alessia started her story naturally. “What kind of bullsh*t is that?! He completely changed when he got back to Italy. He drew a line between us just like that.” “Let me guess, he kissed you when he was drunk?” Troye asked. “Yes, but he still kissed me.” Alessia reasoned out. “Some men tend to lose control when they’re drunk.” Pluto responded. “They’re under the influence of alcohol and it so happened that you’re with him that time, correct me if I’m wrong but were you trying to seduce him?” “Damn it! How can you be so accurate?! Are you a detective?” Alessia scratching the back of her head. “I’m a man so I know. You two might end up in bed if he has feelings for you too but I doubt you two go further after that kiss.” Pluto continues with his deductive reasoning. “He … he passed out after. I shouldn’t have let him drink more if I know that he got low tolerance of alcohol.” Alessia stated. “Ah, so you made the innocent man drunk to take advantage of him, is that right, Alessia?” Troye crossing his arms as he asked. “W-Well they said that drunk people don’t tell lies so whatever he says or do to me that’s the truth.” Alessia reasoned out. “Geez. You were thinking of having s*x with him that night?!” Troye exclaimed. “You were ready to give up your virginity to Vincenzo?!” “Why not? I like him, I want to marry him and be the mother of his children. The first time I saw him I knew he was the one for me.” “Yeah right, and apparently you aren’t the only one thinking about that towards him. Alessia that man is a girl magnet, good thing he is indeed a nice guy who never take advantage of his looks and treat everyone with utmost respect.” Troye scolding Alessia. “I’m your best friend so I’ll be honest with you, he didn’t lead you on, it’s you who assumed things because of your own doing.” “Exactly my sentiments as a man. If we love someone, we show it with our actions and say it with words. Did he say that he like you?” Pluto hitting Alessia with the facts about men. “No. Actually that’s the problem to men, they show how caring they are to women but when we fall in love, you’ll just leave us hanging.” “Am I being targeted now because I’m the only man in this room??” “It’s not that I’m siding with men but sometimes it just us women who are vulnerable to kindness of men. That we read it different because we assume things without confirmation.” I stated. “As Pluto said, men say it with words if they love someone to make things clear between the parties. Just like how Luke professed to you.” “Speaking of Luke, you left for Italy a day after you two made your relationship witnessed by hundreds in the mini concert, does he know that you were attempting a honeymoon trip with Vincenzo?” Troye intriguingly asked. “No. Why would I tell him about that?! Also, I returned the necklace to him remember? What we did on stage was just for a show. I told him that I only said yes because I don’t want to embarrass him in front of many people.” Alessia replied. “If I were you, I’ll forget about Vincenzo and give Luke a chance.” “Coming from you Desa who doesn’t have time for love.” Troye said. “Well I’m just saying my opinion, can’t I say anything now because I chose to be single and not available for love?!” I responded. “Troye just let Desa speak, maybe she’ll apply the same method to me too, giving me a chance.” Pluto smirks at me. -End of Chapter 28-
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