Chapter 19: Do You Tell Them the Truth? (1 of 2)

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If not for the 70% off price of the total amount of our bill, I might borrow money from Diso but even so my 36,000 Korean won that I earned for 12 workdays was almost spend for only a day. They paid me even if I took an emergency leave to Suncheon before so I still have 5,000 won left as my cash on hand. “So, you went to Suncheon earlier to remove the mark on Pluto’s neck?” Diso uttered as he stopped the car in front of my apartment. “Huh? Uh, yes.” I’m still doing the math in my head after I spend all my money today. “But Halmeoni told him that the easiest way to remove it is by mark of love since it’s a mark of hate. She also said that I can do it since Pluto’s mark is visible to me but that thing is, I don’t know what mark of love means also how should I do it?” “Hmm … what does your Mom do if you’re hurt when you were young?” “She’s scolding me for being careless, sometimes s***k me specially when I get my clothes dirty.” I answered without hesitation. “Hahaha. I guess we were raised differently. Let me change the question, what do you do to people that you love?” he asked again. “I show them that I care and do anything to protect them from any harm. I stay by their side when they need me.” I responded. “How about gestures? What do you do when you see your parents after a long time that you haven’t seen them?” asked continuously. “Well, earlier I hug them since I miss them so much.” I replied. “Aside from hug, how do you show someone that you love them?” “A kiss??” I suddenly realized what Pluto couldn’t say earlier. “Oh my gosh! Do I have to kiss Pluto’s neck to remove that mark from him?! But I don’t even love him, in fact, what I feel for him is nearer to hate than love.” “Does your Halmeoni told you that you should have feelings when you do it with Pluto?” he’s giving me a serious look. “No, I only need to mark him.” shaking my head. “Still I don’t think I can do it. I never kiss someone before aside from my family and girlfriends which are all in the cheeks by the way, before you think of anything else.” making myself clear. “Well, a mark of hate isn’t something serious after all if that person who got that mark won’t encounter any entity that could give the same mark, because if it happens it could be fatal.” he explained. “But considering the nature of SOS activities, such encounter is inevitable, right?” asking him anxiously. “Mmm. As a man I don’t want you to do it but as his best friend I’m asking you to help him get rid of that mark.” staring at me. “I … I’ll think about it. That mark won’t get worse, anyway, right?” The next morning, Pluto show up in my classroom with a breakfast meal box like the usual morning he visits my class. But what’s different about him that I can’t ignore is his neck, it gotten worse than yesterday. “Morning baby, I can’t turn my head to side because of stiff neck.” “Hey, you know that’s not a typical stiff neck, right?” talking to him softly. “Why don’t you let Halmeoni get rid of that? She said it’ll only take one or two days. You should go to her and file a sick leave.” “I can’t file for any kind of leave anymore. It’s already finals, but I’ll go to her this Friday after my class.” he replied. “Right finals. You should’ve taken a rest instead at the main campus. Why do you have to go here? We already talked about it, right?” “That’s why I’m here. I told you, I’m going to fix the issue.” He walked towards the front and gets everyone attention. “Listen up, everyone!” he shouted as he leans on the professor’s table. “Desa Ha is my woman, so if you mess with her. I’ll take that as you’re challenging me. Whoever have the guts to threaten her again to break up with me, that person should come to me directly … because I’m the only one who must break up with her first.” “I don’t know if you’re helping me or declaring a war against me.” I mumbled. “You’re such an a**hole for declaring that you should be the one dumping me.” gritting my teeth. Since that day that he made another ridiculous announcement to the public, I don’t receive any threats from his fan girls. Some are treating me nicely even just for a show, some giving me a murderous look when I meet their eyes, and some completely ignore me since they have nothing to do with me anyway. I just wish that everyone ignores me than giving me attention. Wednesday morning, Pluto came again and this time it’s not just stiff neck but he looks like he’s out of breath when he come to me. “Did you run to get here?” I asked anxiously. “Am I look that excited to you?” he sneers at me. “I don’t know if I can make it until Friday. Can’t you do this favor for me?” “W-What do you want me to do?!” I stuttered when he holds my hand. “I-I’m not doing it.” shaking my head. “So, you already know the answer.” smiling faintly. “Come with me.” he took me by the hand to stand up. “Unless you want to do it here.” “Are you crazy?!” I’m trying to release my hand from his grip but I can sense his desperation with his touch. “I don’t mind if you want public display of affection.” he’s making a scene that gets everyone attention. “Fine, I’m coming with you!” letting him drag me out from the classroom. “If only I don’t need you, I won’t do it too.” “Where are you taking me??” hesitating to go with him inside the men’s room. “Hey! Why there?!!” “Because it usually empty.” he barged in while dragging me to the cubicle at the corner. “Hey! What if someone gets in here?!” I shouted at him softly. “Do it quick if you don’t want to get caught.” he uttered with annoyance. “Are you going to stand there and just stare at me?!” “Can I just strangle you instead?!” holding back my anger at him. “Hey! Do you really want to get caught?! How long do you want us to stay here?!” he looks impatient to get things done and over with. “Fine.” I come at him and give him a quick kiss on the neck. “Did it work?” he came out immediately from the cubicle and look at himself through the mirror. “What the … it’s still here?! Do it properly, will you?!” he yelled at me. “Hey! Do you think it’s easy for me to kiss your neck?!!” I yelled back. “That quick kiss won’t do, you have to mark me, understand?!” he locks us up in the cubicle again. “Do it again.” “I-I don’t know how to do it.” averting my gaze. “I never kiss a man before, much more mark him with my lips.” “Urgh! Fine! I’ll show you!” he come at me until I can feel his breath at my neck. “This is how you do it.” He holds the other side of my neck as he kisses my neck like he’s sucking my blood out of it. I’m completely frozen and I think my heart stop beating because of his lips on my neck. “Got it?!” he pulled away from me and stares like he did nothing. “Hey, Desa, pull yourself, together will you?!” snapping his fingers. “H-Huh??” I can still feel his kiss lingering on me. “A-Ah right.” “Now, do the same to me.” he pinned me at the corner to adjust our heights since he’s 5’10” and I’m 5’3”. “How long are you going to …” I grabbed his neck immediately and landed my lips on his neck as I do the exact thing, he did to me. After I marked him, I rushed out from the cubicle and throw up in the sink, a black liquid came out from my mouth like a squid’s ink. I washed my mouth with the water before I look our reflection on the mirror to confirm if we succeeded or not. “Are you alright?” he’s looking at me worriedly. “I’m fine. It’s done.” I turn to him to look at his neck properly. “T-That kiss mark will it be visible to everyone?” “Maybe, but it won’t stay there for long. So, don’t worry about yours.” he smirks at me. “M-Mine??!” I look at the mirror again and see the kiss mark he made on me. “Oh crap.” “Uhh, I don’t mean to interrupt but I really need to use …” a male student come running to the cubicle while holding his butt. “Sorry!” “Haist!” I grabbed Pluto’s hand as we walk out from the men’s room. “Do you want to continue where we left off?” he uttered. “W-What??!” I looked back at him. “Will you take this matter seriously?! That student saw us. What if he tells everyone that we’re doing inappropriate inside the men’s room?!” “Inappropriate??” scratching his eyebrow. “He only saw us standing by the sink. No one knows what we did inside the cubicle unless you’re kiss and tell.” “Why the hell would I tell to anyone such indecent activity with you?!” I sneer at him. “Don’t you dare use it against me.” “Then you better hide yours well if you want to keep it a secret.” he covered his mark with his hand and bit his lower lip. “You!” I covered mine with my hand as I walk away from him. I came back inside the classroom just in time Professor Lee comes in, so I rushed to my seat before he checks the attendance. I don’t know how kiss mark would last but it’s too uncomfortable that I keep on holding at my neck just to hide his imprint on me. “Ms. Ha, will you draw the illustration on the board?” Prof. Lee called. “Huh? Yes, Professor.” I stand up immediately to go in front with my book on my left hand. “I’m done for.” I mumbled as I took the chalk from Prof. Lee’s hand to draw on the board. “I thought your neck is hurting.” Prof. Lee laughed at me silently. I can hear people chattering behind me when I exposed my neck but Prof. Lee have them under control. Nevertheless, it took only few hours to spread the news about me and what happened earlier with Pluto. That’s why Alessia and Troye interrogated me as soon as I got dismissed from my last class. “It’s nothing. He only showed me how to do it and helped him get rid of the imprint on his neck.” I explained. “So, you kissed Pluto on the neck too?!” Alessia exclaimed. “Oh my gosh! You’re the blessed among women! You’re the winner girl!” Troye raising my hand like a champion. “Stop it! It’s not funny, Troye.” getting annoyed. “The day before yesterday, Pluto just warned everyone not to offend you and now he marked you as his woman.” Alessia uttered. “Urgh! How many times do I have to explain myself to both of you?!” “Why do you have to deny it? The proof is clearly visible on your neck.” Troye continue to tease me. “What do you feel when he kissed you? Does your heart flutters when his lips touched your neck?” “Well, it’s more like my heart stop beating and I’m completely frozen. I never thought that my first kiss won’t be on my lips but my neck.” telling them exactly my sentiments. “So, you want to be kiss on the lips too?!” Alessia smiling teasingly. “What part of my statement did you get such ridiculous conclusion Alessia?!” frowning at her. “I totally get it. First kiss should be on the lips and not other part of the body.” Troye added. “Then you should ask him to kiss you.” “Huh??! I’m done with this conversation. Just hand me over the concealer to hide this mark on my neck. I can’t go there outside greeting customers with this thing visible.” asking them for the make-up to cover up. “Hahaha. I’ll do it, sweetheart.” Troye touching my neck. “I’m expert at this. I’m doing this almost every day.” “I definitely agree, Troye is the best in concealment.” Alessia smiles. “Am I the only one who’s hiding my true self here?” Troye talked back at her. “What’s the real status between you and Luke?” “I’m out of here.” Alessia turned her back against us and walks off from the locker room. “She and Luke??” I asked Troye curiously. “Just like you and Pluto, those two are hiding their feelings to each other.” applying the concealer on my neck. “The only thing is that you two are going out in public but those two are doing it privately.” “I told you, Pluto and I are just friends like me and Diso-sunbae, only that I like Diso-sunbae more than that ill-tempered godlike being.” “Hmm …. Godlike huh? Well, that’s the right word to describe his ethereal existence. He’s handsome and hot like a sun.” Troye said. “I almost forgot that you adore his physique too just like any other ladies out there who worship him.” I uttered. “We just know how to appreciate beauty in this world.” Troye said. Friday morning, Pluto came to annoy me before class like he typically does when he calls me baby in public. “College of Nursing Student Desa Ha.” a voice of a girl broadcasting my name. “Please go to the Dean’s office immediately.” “Did you do something wrong?” Pluto asked me curiously. “No.” shaking my head as I think deeply. “Hey, do you think it has something to do with what happened last Wednesday?” I whispered at him. “We got caught in the men’s room and I shouldn’t be in there.” “If that’s the case, the guidance councilor must handle that kind of matter not your college dean.” he answered. “You got a point.” I anxiously stand up and walk off from the classroom towards the Dean’s office. “Why are you coming with me?” “I’m curious to know the issue.” he’s walking along with me. When we reached the Dean’s office, he also accompanies me inside and the Dean stand up to greet him like a VIP. “What is this all about Dean Kim Tae Hee?” Pluto asked our Dean like a boss and not a student. “Who are these cops?” “Ah, they’re from Hyehwa Police Station.” Dean Kim answered. “What are you doing here, Mr. Nevaeh?” “I’m here for my girlfriend.” he replied without hesitation. “And what does the police want from Desa Ha?” “Is he your lawyer, Ms. Ha?” one of the officers asked me. “No, he’s an engineering student.” I replied calmly. “I remember you officer you’re the husband of that pregnant woman I met last week.” “I’m detective Kim Sung Jae and this is my partner Song Sion.” he showed me his badge and ID along with his partner. “Ah, is this about the incident last week detective?” I figured their purpose of meeting me. “Have you caught the truck driver who committed hit-and-run?” “Thanks to you we had a strong lead to the case and yes we already captured him.” Detective Kim said. “Before we closed the case, I want to know how certain were you when everything happened so fast that even your bus driver didn’t know the plate number of that truck but he confirmed the color.” “Ms. Ha according to everyone in the bus, you warned the victim first before it all happened. And based from your distance, it’s impossible for you to see the plate number of that truck.” Detective Song added. “We investigated the whole scenario and even his wife testified that you seemed to know what’s going to happen.” “Do you hear yourself detective Song?” Pluto responded. “Are you saying that Desa predicted the incident?” “If the truck driver didn’t admit that he was dozing off, I would assume that Ms. Ha got something to do with the case.” he replied. “Detective Song, are you saying that my student here orchestrated a murder when it’s clearly an accident?!” Dean Kim defended me. “Ah, I’m sorry about my partner.” Detective Kim reprimanded his buddy. “He always thinks that there’s a twist in every case.” ... To be Continued ...
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