Chapter 18: Do You Tell Them White Lies? (2 of 2)

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“No, let’s keep this façade until I graduated. Because everyone knows that we’re together, I get lesser phone calls from strangers and love confessions. Being with you is actually beneficial to me.” “But you’re causing me inconvenience. Do you know that I’m receiving threats from your girls every day because they want me to break up with you? Others are telling me to treat you better or they make my life miserable like a living hell.” telling him my side of the story. “You should’ve told me about that before.” he replied. “Well, I tried to talk to you too many times before but you keep on avoiding the topic. Now you know, will you do me the favor?” “I’ll fix it, for now, have fun with Diso.” he stopped the car in front of Caracciolo. “I haven’t seen that car for a long time.” looking at the car across the street. “Which car??” I look at the same direction. “That slick yellow car. It’s Ace-hyung’s car, Diso rarely used it because he doesn’t like driving but now, he used it.” he said. “Ah. Thank you for dropping me here. Bye.” getting off from his car. I walked straight inside the restaurant and greeted Edna before I go to the 2nd floor. When I come in at the manager’s office to get my pay, Diso is also there having a tea with Alessia’s mother. He’s wearing formal black long sleeves with his hair combed slightly up which completely reveals his forehead. He’s good-looking with his hair down that almost cover his eyes but he looks better with this kind of hairstyle. “Diso-sunbae. We’re supposed to meet at 3pm, right?” surprised to see him with a different look. “It’s only 2:48.” “Uh-huh. I just came here 5 minutes ago.” he replied. “I saw Pluto dropped you off.” “Ah, we went to Suncheon, he got a matter to deal with Halmeoni.” “Alessia sleepover at your place last night, right?” Manager asked. “Yes, manager. I left her and Troye before sunrise to accompany Pluto to Suncheon.” I replied. “I see. Here’s your salary for the half-month. Keep up the good work Desa.” Manager handed me the money envelope. “Also, your pay slip.” “Thank you, manager. I got a money to treat Diso-sunbae now.” “She’s treating you for a meal, Diso?” Manager turn to Diso. “She insisted.” Diso replied. “We’re going now Auntie, thanks for letting me stay here in your office for a while.” “Nah, don’t mention it. I actually like seeing a handsome man in my office, I wished you came here earlier and Desa came later.” “Hahaha. Auntie, if Uncle heard you, he might think of me as your other man.” Diso replied jokingly. “He’s too busy golfing with his friends that he doesn’t have time for me or Alessia anymore. As if he’s making golf as his profession.” “Golf is better than playing to the casino, Auntie.” Diso opens the door for me. “Let’s go.” “I’ll see you tomorrow, manager.” I slightly bowed my head. “Enjoy your date.” manager winks at me. I’m about to make myself clear but Diso gave me a slight push to keep me moving as he closed the door behind us. “We’re having burger and fries for afternoon snack, right?” he uttered as we walk towards the stairs. “Mmm.” climbing down the stairs. “You bought that meal nearby the campus, right? Let’s go there.” “Sure. I brought my brother’s car with me, so we don’t have to walk, he also told me that it’s going to rain so instead of a walk he suggested to give you a drive. He’s a good weather forecaster.” “Well, looking at the dark clouds above it’s very likely that it’ll rain soon.” I noticed all the eyes on us as we walk along towards the door. They might think that I’m out on a date that even Edna is teasing me when we passed by the reception area. When we reached his car, he opened the door for me like a gentleman, he even put his hand on top to assist my head while getting in before he closed the door gently. “Buckle up. I don’t usually drive so you should think of your safety.” “Haha.” I pulled the seatbelt from the side but it seems to be stuck so I pulled it again and again. “Let me do it.” he pulled the seatbelt easily and put it on me. “Sorry, I’m not used riding luxurious car.” laughing awkwardly. “Volkswagen is luxurious too.” he’s referring to Pluto’s car. “Huh?” I don’t know how to reply with him. “I’m messing with you. I think that seatbelt got a problem, Ace doesn’t want to fix it because it’s his way to get closer to a lady when he put her seatbelt on.” he uttered as he starts the engine. “I see.” I didn’t notice it when he did it for me because it looks natural and not taking advantage of the situation. We arrived at the burger shop after 15 minutes’ drive from Caracciolo, although he looks like he should be dining at high class restaurant, he doesn’t mind eating with me in a simple shop. “This is the hamburger and French fries you bought for me yesterday, right?” placing our orders at the table since I told him to reserve our seats. “Uh-huh. Thank you for the treat.” he started unwrapping the burger first. “It’s raining.” I regret the idea of sitting beside the glass wall. “Why? What’s wrong??” he noticed that I can’t look outside. “There’s a spirit outside sticking out her long tongue on the glass.” “Let’s move the corner table instead.” he put our meals back to the tray before he stands up. “Sorry, I should’ve considered your case.” “You don’t have to apologize, it’s me who should be sorry, that I’m causing you such inconvenience.” following him to the corner. “It’s fine with me.” he gestured to sit on the booth facing the concrete wall instead. “Is this table alright with you?” “Mmm. Thanks, Diso-sunbae.” I nodded at him. “Let’s eat.” placing my meal in front of me. “I know you’re famished.” “So, you heard my stomach growling earlier?” I laughed a bit. “I only had breakfast this morning at 9am. Pluto and I left Suncheon at 10:30, we both skipped lunch.” “He must be in a bad mood right now. He doesn’t like being disturbed in his sleep that’s the first, secondly, he’s angry when he’s hungry.” “What’s new to that? He’s ill-tempered so being in a bad mood is only normal for him.” eating the fries first. Once we’re done with our afternoon snack since it’s still raining outside and we can’t stay longer inside to give way for other customers who needs a table, he borrowed an umbrella from one of the employees to buy an umbrella at the mart nearby. “You’re lucky to have a caring boyfriend like that, ma’am.” one of the staff told me. “He’s also tall and handsome.” “We’re just friends.” I replied to her immediately. “A guy friend won’t do such thing because it’s a hassle for them, you could’ve soak in the rain with him to get to the car but he’s making effort for you not to get wet.” she responded. “Ah, that’s because he’s a med student, it’s only natural for him to care for the health of others. He’s like this to his best friend too who’s a guy.” I gave her a reply that she can’t opposed. “Oh.” she left me alone and continue doing her job. When Diso came back, he returned the umbrella to the staff immediately before we headed outside. “This is the last umbrella they had, luckily I bought it before the others came for it.” he opened the umbrella as we step outside, I keep a distance from him as we walk towards his car but he pulled me closer when he noticed I’m getting wet. “You’re getting wet.” he holds my shoulders until we reached his car. I know that he’s just taking care of me as his hoobae and I can’t put any meaning with his simple gestures but my heart keeps on beating fast because of him. “Here, I also bought a towel. I don’t want you to catch a cold.” he’s also wiping himself dry with a towel. “Thanks.” I took the towel from him to wipe myself. “It’s raining so hard; I don’t think we can go for a drive too because of the slippery road. What are we going to do now?” “Hmm … how about watch a movie? Maybe after 2 or 3 hours it’ll stop raining and we can go for dinner next.” he said. “I would love to watch movie too but I’m no good in dark and closed space like a movie theater.” I rejected him right away. “Ah right. Do you want to go to HQ then? We could do some reading while waiting for sunset, also it’s warded so no spirits can disturb you. What do you think?” he asked me anxiously. “Sure. I also want to read some books in the HQ.” I nodded at him. “Great, let’s go to HQ then. Can you put the seatbelt now?” telling me to buckle up before he starts the engine. “You pulled it like this, right?” pulling the seatbelt successfully. “You’re a quick learner.” he smiles at me. When we arrived at the HQ, I originally wanted to read books with him but I fell asleep on the couch instead. I woke up lying down properly in the sofa and tucked in a blanket. Diso is sitting on the couch nearby with his feet on the table while reading a book. “Diso-sunbae.” sitting up. “What time is it?” “6:42.” he looked at the clock on the wall as he closed the book. “Sorry.” stretching my arms upward as I yawn. “I slept past 1am and Pluto woke me up by 4am, although I slept by 4 hours while we’re in transit to Suncheon, I still feel sleepy.” explaining myself. “It’s fine. I actually like watching you sleep, you’re pretty.” he said. “Tch. Am I snoring or doing weird stuffs while sleeping?” I asked. “No, you’re like sleeping beauty. I mean it, really.” smiling at me. “Haha. I think we should grab dinner now, you’re just hungry.” getting up from the sofa. “I’ll just go to the bathroom first.” “Sure. I’ll wait for you.” he nodded at me. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair. “Am I really pretty?” Diso isn’t the type to flatter someone but maybe it’s because of the make-up on my face that’s why he said that I’m pretty. We left the HQ right away and went to our next destination for dinner but he brought me to a high-end restaurant. I told him to choose the place but I didn’t know that he’s inconsiderate towards my financial status. He even asked to dine in a VIP room and ordered a lot of expensive dishes in the menu. “Do you want anything else Desa?” he turned to me after he made his order to the waitress. “H-Huh? No, I think that would be enough for us.” smiling awkwardly. “That would be all, thank you.” he gives the menu list to the waitress. “Uhm … I’ll go to the ladies’ room first.” excusing myself while I make the calculations in my head. The prices of the meals he ordered and the charged to VIP room, I don’t have enough money with me to pay for everything. (Diso’s Point of View) I brought Desa to the Japanese restaurant where I usually eat and the owner is one of Ace’s woman. When Desa stepped out from the VIP room, Hitori, the restaurant owner came in to greet me. “Diso, is she the one?” Hitori asked me directly. “Maybe. Maybe not. Ah, Hitori-san, will you tell her that she only needs to pay 30% of our bill later? Put the 70% on my tab.” “Can you tell me the reason?” she’s looking at me curiously. “She’s treating me for dinner but I don’t want her to be so thrifty.” “Ah, that’s why you brought her here. Alright, leave that matter to me, but you have to introduce me to her first.” she nodded. “Definitely. Because you’re helping me, I’ll tell you about Ace-hyung.” “He’s home??!” she guessed it right away. “Can I go to your unit tonight? I want to see him again.” “Sure, just don’t forget our deal.” I reminded her again. “Of course, leave it to me.” she replied. (Desa’s Point of View) When I came back to the VIP room, there’s a woman wearing a kimono, talking with Diso. “Desa, this is Hitori-san, the owner of this restaurant.” Diso said. “Hitori-san.” I slightly bowed my head to her before I go back to my seat. “This restaurant looks amazing.” “Thank you, Desa-san.” Hitori smiles at me elegantly. “I came here to tell Diso-san that he won our promo for today. Since it’s the 30th day of May, he only needs to pay 30% of the total amount in his bill.” “Really?!! That means I only need to pay 30%!” I exclaimed excitedly. “You look happier than before, Desa.” Diso teases me. “That’s because I never been this lucky before! This is a high-end restaurant and I only need to pay 30%!” clapping silently. “Congratulations again to both of you for winning our promo.” Hitori said. “If not for your red and white checkered dress Desa-san, you might not win our special offer.” “So, I’m wearing a lucky dress.” smiling at her. “Thank you, Hitori-san. You made my evening.” “You’re welcome. I’ll leave you two alone now.” Hitori-san walking backwards as she left the VIP room. “That’s a good relieved.” sighing. “Do they have this kind of promo every 30th of the month?” “I guess so, I rarely win a promo so I’m not sure.” Diso replied. “I see. Is this the complementary tea they offer here?” pouring the tea on our cups. “It smells nice, what flavor is this?” “Sakura or cherry blossom tea.” he answered. “Thanks.” I take a sip from my cup. “Mmm. It tastes great too.” “To be honest, it’s my first time in a Japanese restaurant.” “Then your first time should be this great. This is the best Japanese restaurant here in Seoul.” he uttered. “No doubt about that. The ambiance here feels like I’m in Japan although I never been there yet.” laughing at my silliness. “It’s beautiful in Japan. You want to go there this summer?” “I wish going out of the country is that easy. I would go, but Japan vacation is beyond my means. Maybe someday, when I’m earning a lot of money, I don’t know when it will happen or if it’s possible.” “You’re right, a nurse salary isn’t that much. The nurses in the hospital always complain about their pay, they said that it doesn’t match with their work.” he responded. “Yeah, I already figured that thing when I took nursing. But I’ll go to Japan someday for vacation, maybe 10 years from now.” “Hahaha. There are some promos in airlines depending on the date of your flight. I sometimes travel using those promos.” he said. “Really?! I didn’t know about that.” thinking. “Although I could save money from the flight, I’m not sure about the accommodation, also a vacation to another country is quite expensive.” calculating. -End of Chapter 18-
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